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主页>雅思>雅思资料>正文 剑桥雅思16Test3Task2写作范文及解析

2021/10/8 17:27:28来源:新航道作者:新航道


新航道雅思/托福/TOEFL Junior/.免费代报名


摘要:很多雅思考生一直想要剑桥雅思16写作资料,但是却总是找不到,现在烤鸭们不用担心了,上海新航道雅思 小编为大家马上带来关于剑桥雅思16Test3Task2写作范文及解析供大家参考。

  很多雅思考生一直想要剑桥雅思16写作资料,但是却总是找不到,现在烤鸭们不用担心了,上海新航道雅思 小编为大家马上带来关于剑桥雅思16Test3Task2写作范文及解析供大家参考。


  Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems.Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.

  Do you agree or disagree?


  The statement suggests that the prices of sugary food and drinks should be raised to discourage people from consuming them due to the issues that they can cause to people's health. The following essay will explain why I think this would be an excellent idea.

  Firstly,it is now fairly well known that an excess of sugar can cause health problems from diabetes to obesity and can lead to other issues from these conditions.If people can consume less sugar,it will necessarily help them to live healthier, happier and potentially longer lives. On an individual basis,I would suggest that this would mean that people would be happier, as they would spend less time with a doctor or in hospital and more time with their families and other loved ones.

  Secondly, expanding the view firom a personal one to a societal one,a healthier population can be more effective. There wouldn't be as many people "calling in sick'or being absent for health reasons, and employees, because they are generally healthier and happier, would work longer and more efficiently. This wouldn't necessarily just mean longer hours, but more years. People could retire in their 70s rather than in their 60s if they feel healthier and have the desire. The knock-on effect from this would be a stable and growing economy which would benefit everybody.

  In conclusion, as described above, I firmly believe that increasing the price of sugar could, over time, have an enormous impact not only on an individual but also on an entire country and, in my opinion, can only be a positive change. (267 words)


  所给观点是考虑到含糖食物及饮料这类产品会带来健康问题,它们的价格应该上调, 以此来降低人们的消费(欲望)。本文将说明为什么涨价是一个很好的办法。

  首先,众所周知,过量的糖分会带来健康问题,如糖尿病和肥胖,这些疾病还能导致其他一些问题。如果人们能够少摄入一些糖分,这必定会帮助人们活得更健康、更幸福, 还有可能更长寿。就个人而言,我认为这会让人们更幸福,因为他们会更少去看医生或者去医院,有更多时间与家人或所爱的人在一起。


  总之,综上所述,我坚定地认为提高糖价从长期来看有巨大的影响,不仅对个人而言, 对整个国家也是如此。在我看来,这种变化肯定会是积极的


  Sugar occurs naturally in all foods with carbohydrates, such as fruits, grains, and dairy. Consuming whole foods with natural sugar is all right. However, health problems such as obesity diabetes, and heart disease occur when people consume excessive added sugar - that is, sugar that many manufacturers add to food and drink products to improve flavour or lengthen shelf life. A range of approaches is available for addressing these serious consequences, including the controversial policy of making sugary products more expensive to dissuade people from consuming too much sugar.

  Opponents argue that consuming such products is an issue of personal freedom that is not supposed to be restricted by a governmental policy. Besides, few health problems will occur if they are consumed in moderation, making it unnecessary to raise prices of sweetened food and drinks. Also, imposing a tax on sugary products makes them less affordable. When it comes to the demographics, because of the regressive nature of a tax on food and drink products, such taxes will probably have an adverse impact on lower-income families disproportionately.

  However, given the serious personal and economic consequences and its potential efficacy versus that of other approaches, making consumers pay more could be a viable strategy; The effect of overconsumption of sugary products is disconcerting. The USA, probably one of the countries with the largest number of sugary product consumers, aptly illustrates this. Over one-third of US adults are categorized as obese, a condition closely related to a higher risk of preventable chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Furthermore, the medical costs of obesity per year are prohibitively high. Of many approaches to addressing too much consumption of sugary products, making the products more expensive may be one of the most effective. Proponents argue for the measure by referring to the potential to use such tax revenues to balance obesity-related costs. More importantly, the measure has the potential to change consumers' behaviour in response to price rises. There is evidence that even slight price differences can be effective in nudging consumers away from sugary products. However, there is little evidence that other approaches such as inform consumers of added sugar on product labels and restaurant menus and restricting their access to them are effective in inducing consumers to opt for healthier food and drink products.

  Given that charging people more fbr consuming sugary products has more advantages than disadvantages, the strategy is worth a try. As long as the taxes are acceptable, the strategy may prove to be a viable one. (417 words)

  糖以碳水化合物的形式天然存在于各类食品中,如水果、谷物和奶制品 摄入含自然糖的天然食品是可以的。然而,如果人们摄入过多的添加糖(即许多生产商为增加食品的口感或延长保质期而添加的糖,就会导致肥胖、糖尿病、心脏病这类健康问题。有许多方 法可以解决这类严重的问题,如广受争议的给糖类产品涨价以劝导人们不去摄入过多的糖。


  然而,考虑到严重的个人和经济后果,以及与其他政策相比而言的潜在效率,让消费 者多花钱可能是个可行的举措。过度消费糖类产品的后果令人担忧。美国或许是最大的糖类产品消费国之r,其情况很能说明问题。在美国,超过三分之一的成人被归入肥胖人群,这一隐患与更高风险的可预防性慢性痰病密切相关,如糖尿病和心脏病。并且,每年治疗 肥胖而耗费的医疗费用惊人。解决过多摄入糖类产品的方法有很多,而给这类产品胀价或 许是最有效的方法之一。支持这一举措的人提出或许可以利用对高糖食品征收的税收来承担一些治疗肥胖而产生的费用。更重要的是,这一举措可能会使消费者因为价格上涨而改变行为。有证据表明,即使是小幅的价格变化也可能会有效地促使消费者远离糖类产品。

  然而,却极少有证据能表明其他方法也能有效劝导消费者去选择更健康的食品或饮料,如 在产品标签上及餐馆的菜单上告知消费者添加的糖类,以及限制他们购买这类产品。

  考虑到上调糖类产品价格会带来更多的好处,这一策略值得一试。只要税收在可接受 的范围内,这一策略就可能被证实是有效的

  小编为大家带来关于《剑桥雅思 16真题写作》供大家阅读参考,新航道雅思资料频道将第一时间为考生发布最全、最新、最专业的雅思资讯及雅思考试资料及机经.






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