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2021/1/15 11:18:17来源:新航道作者:新航道


新航道雅思/托福/TOEFL Junior/.免费代报名


摘要:剑桥雅思系列资料一直是考生备考雅思考试的必备资料之一,现在剑桥雅思15系列资料也已经出来了。今天上海新航道雅思培训学校 给大家带来了剑桥雅思15听力Test4Part3答案及解析,希望对各位备考雅思的考生们提供帮助,取得理想的成绩.

  剑桥雅思系列资料一直是考生备考雅思考试的必备资料之一,现在剑桥雅思15系列资料也已经出来了。今天上海新航道雅思培训学校 给大家带来了剑桥雅思15听力Test4Part3答案及解析,希望对各位备考雅思的考生们提供帮助,取得理想的成绩.



  人物关系:学生 Annie 和学生 Jack



考点词 insulate v.使隔热 melt v.融化 倾倒 dump v.扔掉; household appliance 家用电器 keen adj.有兴趣的 do sb.a favour 帮某人忙 owe v.欠(情) solit...into...把。。。分成。。 场景词 refrigeration n.制冷 icehouse n.冰库 shady adj.阴凉的 straw n.稻草 sawdust n.锯末 pit n.深坑 domestic adj.家用的 component n.部件 on average 平均 refrigerate v.冷藏 chemical n.化学物质 produce n.农产品 separate adj.单独的;不同的 competitor n. 竞争者;对手


  Question 21 答案 B


  题目解析:本题需要注意题干中的限定词为Annie和discover,考查的是Annie从阅读资料中新发现的内容,而并非本就知道的内容。定位词icehouses原词重现后,首先听到选项C的相关信息:“..so I knew theywere often built in a shady areaor underground,dose to lakes that might freeze in the winter”其中I knew 与题干要求的discover不符,故C不对;接着听到由转折信号词But 引导的答案句:“But I didn't realise that insulating the blocks with straw or sawdust meant they didn't melt for months."其中I didn't realise对应题干中的限定词discover,insulating the blocks with straw or sawdust 对应选项 B中的 how,didn't melt for months 对应was kept frozen,故B正确;选项A在录音中未提及,因此答案为B。

  Question 22 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为refrigeration in ancient Rome;限定词为 Annie。

  题目解析:在听到定位词refrigeration in ancient Rome的相关信息“The ancient Romans had refrigeration,too.”后,要注意听Annie说的话。首先听到选项B中的原词snow:"...snow was imported from the mountains - even though they were at quite a distance.”其中 at quite a distance 与选项B中的from nearby矛盾,故B不对;接着听到选项A的相关信息:“Both the ice and the snow were then sold."其中were then sold 对应选项A中的 became a commercial business,故A正确;选项C在录音中未提及,因此答案为A。

  Question 23 答案 B

  听前预测:定位词为modern refrigerators;限定词为both Annie and Jcak

  题目解析:本题需要注意题干中的限定词为both Annie and Jack,考查的是两名学生都担扰的问题。定位词 modem refigerators的同义替换词 moderm domestic fridges出现后,首先听到选项A的相关信息:“Several different technologies are used,but they were too complex...”但Jack只是说自己不理解这些复杂的技术,并未对此感到担忧,故A不对;接着听到Annie对旧冰箱中释放出的有害气体的担忧以及选项B的相关信息:“...but of course some people just dump old fridges in the countryside."其中 dump old fridges in the countryside 对应选项B中的some are disposed of irresponsibly,Jack 对此也表示了担忧:"It's hard to see how they can be stopped unfortunately.”故B正确;之后听到选项C中的原词break down:“... especially because fridges hardly ever break down."其中 hardly ever 意为“几乎从来不”,与选项C中的quickly相矛盾,故C不对,因此答案为B。

  Question 24 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为 domestic fridges;限定词为Jack and Annie。

  题目解析:紧接着上一题的信息,Jack提到domestic fridges的使用年限,并用So引导出答案句:“...if you divide the cost by the number of years you can use a fridge, they're not expensive, compared with some household appliances.”其中 household appliances 虽为选项C中domestic appliances的同义替换,但录音中比较的是价格,并非用处,故此处信息对应的是选项A,且Annie也通过True表示了认可,故A正确;选项B中的variations 虽然在后面有所涉及:“...manufacturers encourage people to spend more by making them different colours and designs."但这些variations是否有用,录音中并未明确表示,因此答案为A。

  Question 25 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为 the goods that are refrigerated。

  题目解析:该部分的解题关键在于区分说话者的身份(女生即为Annie,男生即为Jack)、揣摩说话者的态度(是否愿意)。首先听到含有定位词信息的句子:“...and the range of goods that are refrigerated nowadays?”之后根据Annie 所说的“I could do that.”可知答案为A,通过之后Jack回答的“No,that's fine by me.”可进一步确认答案。

  Question 26 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为 the effects on health。

  题目解析:首先听到含有定位词信息的句子:“What about theeffects of refrigeration on people's health?”接着在听到Jack的提问“Do you fancy dealing with that?”时应集中注意力听后面的回答,Annie和Jack 先后通过 not terribly keen 和 Nor me 表示不太愿意做这方面的研究,但之后Annie 又说:“I'll do you a favour.”因此可确定答案为A。

  Question 27 答案 B

  听前预测:定位词为 the impact on food producers。

  题目解析:定位词中的impact被替换为了effects,不难听出,在听到Annie的提问“Something for you,maybe?”时可判断答案信息即将出现,根据Jack的回答“don't mind.”可知答案为B。

  Question 28 答案 B

  听前预测:定位词为the impact on cities.

  题目解析:定位词 the impact on cities 在录音中被替换为 how refrigeration has helped whole cities,在听到"I could give you the title,if you want to do this section.”时应集中注意力听后面的回答,Annie 通过Not particularly 表示不是很想做这方面的研究,根据之后Jack所说的“OK,leave it to me,then.”可知答案为B。

  Question 29 答案 A

  听前预测:定位词为 refrigerated transport。

  题目解析:首先听到含有定位词信息的句子:“Then there's transport, and the difference that refrigerated trucks have made.”答案信息随即出现:“I wouldn't mind having a go at that.”据此可确定答案为A。

  Question 30 答案 C

  听前预测: 定位词为 domestic fridges。

  题目解析:定位词domestic fridges 原词重现后,可锁定答案句:“What about splitting it into two? You could...and I'll..."由此可知 domestic fridges 的相关研究被分为了两部分,且两人各自承担一部分,这一建议也获得了Jack的认可:“OK,that'd suit me.”因此答案为C。

  以上就是剑15雅思听力的答案及解析,更多剑桥雅思资料,请点击:雅思资料频道 .想要电子版本,请扫描二维码,暗号:“优化+剑桥雅思15全解”




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