剑桥雅思17Test2Passage2阅读答案解析 A second attempt at domesticating the tomato 第二次驯化番茄

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剑桥雅思17Test2Passage2阅读答案解析 A second attempt at domesticating the tomato 第二次驯化番茄

#剑桥雅思17Test2Passage2阅读答案解析 A second attempt at domesticating the tomato 第二次驯化番茄| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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剑桥雅思17Test2Passage2阅读答案解析 A second attempt at domesticating the tomato 第二次驯化番茄



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剑桥雅思17Test2Passage2阅读原文翻译 A second attempt at domesticating the tomato 第二次驯化番茄

剑桥雅思17 Test2 Passage2阅读答案解析



对应原文:C部分第4段:In this way they managed to create a strain resistant to a common disease called bacterial spot race, which can devastate yields.



对应原文:B部分第2段:But every time a single plant with a mutation is taken from a larger population for breeding, much genetic diversity is lost. And sometimes the desirable mutations come with less desirable traits.

答案解析:B部分第2段指出,每次将突变的植株从更大的群体中取出来用于繁殖的时候,都会丧失许多基因多样性。有时候,令人心仪的突变反而带有更少的优良特性。即培育特定品种所产生的问题。原文中a single plant对应a certain type,less desirable traits对应problems,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:E部分第2段:The three teams already have their eye on other plants that could be ‘catapulted into the mainstream’, including foxtail, oat-grass and cowpea.

答案解析:E部分第2段提到,三个团队已经将注意力放在其他一些可能一跃成为主流的植物上。原文中could be表明这些植物目前还没有得到驯化,而foxtail, oat-grass and cowpea则对应题干中的a number of examples,mainstram对应food sources,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:A部分第1段:It took at least 3,000 years for humans to learn how to domesticate the wild tomato and cultivate it for food. Now two separate teams in Brazil and China have done it all over again in less than three years.



对应原文:C部分第3段:‘They are quite tasty,’ says Kudla. ‘A little bit strong. And very aromatic.’

答案解析:这道题比较简单,也很容易定位。C部分直接引用Kudla的话来表明新培育的番茄的优点。其中kudla对应题干中的personal reaction,tasty, strong, aromatic对应flavor,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:E部分第2段:By choosing wild plants that are drought or heat tolerant, says Gao, we could create crops that will thrive even as the planet warms.

答案解析:高说道:“通过选择耐旱或者耐热的野生植物,我们能够培育出在全球变暖情况下仍然茁壮生长的农作物”。其中dourght or heat tolerant对应certain plants,thrive对应adapt to,planet warms对应future environment challenges,由此确定B为正确答案。


对应原文:E部分第1段:Jonathan Jones of the Sainsbury Lab in the UK. This article is from laokaoya website. But it will be hard for new foods to grow so popular with farmers and consumers that they become new staple crops, he thinks.

答案解析:Jonathan Jones认为,新型食物要想受到农民和消费者的欢迎,并成为新的主要作物十分困难。其中new foods对应eating unusual plants,hard对应not,popular和staple则对应a large scale,由此确定D为正确答案。


对应原文:E部分第3段:But Kudla didn’t want to reveal which species were in his team’s sights

答案解析:E部分第3段开头提到,Kudla不想透露其团队目前所研究的物种。即不想公布其研究方向。其中sights对应future direction,reveal对应made public,didn’t want对应not advisable,由此确定A为正确答案。


对应原文:D部分第2段:‘There’s potential for this to be a commercial crop,’ says Van Eck. But she adds that taking the work further would be expensive

答案解析:D部分第2段中,Van Eck提到,这种植物有成为商业作物的潜力,但进一步推进研究则耗费巨大。即驯化这种野生植物受到费用的限制。其中expensive对应costs,由此确定C为正确答案。


对应原文:A部分第4段:Jorg Kudla … ‘There are 50,000 edible plants in the world, but 90 percent of our energy comes from just 15 crops.’

答案解析:Jorg Kudla提到,目前世界上有50000种可供食用的植物,但我们能量的90%都来自于其中15种而已。即我们只利用了很少一部分的植物。由此确定A为正确答案。


对应原文:B部分第2段:For instance, the tomato strains grown for supermarkets have lost much of their flavour.



对应原文:C部分第1段:For instance, they tripled the size of fruit by editing a gene called FRUIT WEIGHT

答案解析:从题干可以看出,题目讲的是目前基因工程所取得的成果,因此将目光放在C部分。再根据three times和triple的对应即可锁定答案为size。


对应原文:C部分第4段:They also created another strain that is more salt tolerant – and has higher levels of vitamin C.

答案解析:根据Vitamin C定位到C部分第4段的这一句。空前词not badly affected by对应tolerant,由此确定salt为正确答案。

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