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2018 年 12 月 05 日 来源:朗播网

摘要:大部分考生在备考雅思时都会选择使用剑桥雅思系列资料,而剑桥雅思12是非常重要也是比较新的题源,受到了同学们的极大关注。本文就为大家带来剑桥雅思真题12Test5阅读P2部分答案+解析,一起来看看阅读考些什么。 ## 剑桥雅思真题12Test5阅读P2-COLLECTING AS A HOBBY答案+解析 **Reading Passage 2, Questions 14-21** 14.The writer mentions collecting ______ as an example of collecting in order to make money. 答案:antiques 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第二段前两句:“There are the people who collect because they want to make money… They’ll look for, say, antiques that...”原文中提到有些人收集是为了赚钱,并且后面举了古董的例子,通过低买高卖古董赢取利润。 15.Collectors may get a feeling of ______ from buying and selling items. 答案:triumph 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第二段第三句:“But there may well be a psychological element, too — buying cheap and selling dear can give the collector a sense of triumph.”题目中的buying and selling items对应文中的buying cheap and selling dear,a feeling of对应a sense of。文中提到收藏家的心理,即低买高卖让收藏家有一种成就感。 16.Collectors’ clubs provide opportunities to share ______. 答案:information 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第三段第一句:“Many collectors collect to develop their social life, attending meetings of a group of collectors and exchanging information on items.”文中提到很多收藏家也通过收藏来发展他们的社交生活,参加收藏家们的聚会,交换信息。 17.Collectors’ clubs offer ______ with people who have similar interests. 答案:contact/meetings 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第三段“Many collectors collect to develop their social life… similarly brings them into contact with like-minded people.”题目中的people who have similar interests对应原文中的like-minded people,文中提到很多人通过收藏来发展社交生活,后面还提到这类似于加入桥牌社或者健身房,能让志同道合的人们互相接触。 18.Collecting sometimes involves a life-long ______ for a special item. 答案:hunt/desire 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第四段前两句:“Another motive for collecting is the desire to find something special… Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt for this.”题目中的life-long对应原文中的spend their whole lives,文中提到人们收藏的另一个动机是为了找到特别的收藏品,有些人甚至会花费一生的时间去寻找。 19.Searching for something particular may prevent people from feeling their life is completely ______. 答案:aimless/empty 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第四段第三句:“Psychologically, this can give a purpose to a life that otherwise feels aimless.”前面提到有一些人可能会花一生的时间去搜寻一些特别的收藏品,后面提到从心理角度说,这种行为能让这些人感觉生活有奔头,不会感觉没有目标。 20.Stamp collecting may be ______ because it provides facts about different countries. 答案:educational 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第五段前两句:“If you think about collecting postage stamps, another potential reason for it — or, perhaps, a result of collecting — is its educational value. Stamp collecting opens a window to other countries, and to the plants, animals, or famous people shown on their stamps.”原文提到收集邮票的一个潜在原因是它的教育价值,收集邮票能让人们了解邮票上的其他国家、植物、动物或名人。 21.______ tends to be mostly a male hobby. 答案:Trainspotting 题目解析:本题对应的文章内容在第六段第一句:“In the past — and nowadays, too, though to a lesser extent — a popular form of collecting, particularly among boys and men, was trainspotting.”题目中的male对应原文中的boys and men,文中提到过去男孩及男人中比较流行的一种收集形式就是猜火车,现在也很流行,只是程度不如以前。 以上就是关于剑桥雅思12Test5阅读P2的部分答案+解析的内容。各位考生要好好利用剑桥真题,平时备考过程中勤加练习,遇到问题多分析多总结。





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