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主页>雅思>雅思资料>正文 雅思剑11听力|test2Section4答案解析

2017/4/24 10:45:23来源:新航道作者:新航道


新航道雅思/托福/TOEFL Junior/免费代报名




  Section 4

  Question 31



  The second thing the architect needs to think about is the context of the building, this includes its physical location, obviously, but it also includes the social meaning of the building, how it relates to the people it's built for

  解题思路:题干词function 与 physical原文重现,易定位,随后出现答案social。

  Question 32



  Let's look at the new Taylor Concert Hall in relation to these ideas. The location chosen was a site in a run-down district that has been ignored in previous redevelopment plans. It was occupied by a factory that had been empty for some years.

  解题思路:disused与原文 run-down同义替换,意指 “废弃老旧区域”,空处填写名词factory。

  Question 33



  The whole area was some distance from the high rise office blocks of the central business district and shopping centre, but it was only one kilometre from the ring road. The site itself was bordered to the north by a canal.

  解题思路:beside 与原文by 都可以表示“与……挨着”的意思。

  Question 34



  So how was this reflected in the design of the building? Well, Harrison decided to create pedestrian access to the building and to make use of the presence of water on the site. As people approach the entrance, they therefore have to cross over a bridge.

  解题思路:approached by bridge 与 cross over a bridge 是同义表达。

  Question 35



  He wanted to give people a feeling of suspense as they see the building first from a distance, and then close-up, and the initial impression he wanted to create from the shape of the building as a whole was that of a box.

  解题思路:shape这个词原文重现,这个答案box 没有什么难度。

  Question 36



  And this flat wall also has another purpose. At night time, projectors are switched on and it functions as a huge screen, onto which images are projected.

  解题思路:act 与 large在原文中分别同义替换function 和 huge,答案screen随之出现。

  Question 37



  The auditorium itself seats 1500 people. The floor's supported by ten massive pads. These are constructed from rubber.

  解题思路:pads原文重现,可以帮助定位。Made of 与constructed from 是同义替换。

  Question 38



  The walls are made of several layers of honey-colored wood, all sourced from local beech trees. In order to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium and to amplify the sound, they are not straight, they are curved.


  Question 39



  In order to achieve this, there are nine movable panels in the ceiling above the orchestra which are all individually motorized, and the walls also have curtains which can be opened or closed to change the acoustics.

  解题思路:ceiling panels 原文重现,容易定位原文,adjustment,调节,是open和close的同义替换表达,空处填写名词。

  Question 40



  However, the evaluation of some critics has been less enthusiastic. In spite of Harrison's efforts to use local materials, they criticize the style of the design as being international rather than local

  解题思路:critics定位原文,空处需要填写形容词或者名词修饰style,原文中the design as being international 就是答案出现的地方。









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