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2024-07-15 11:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


李骏,我国当代油画的代表人物之一,1931年生于山东青岛。1953年毕业于北京师范大学绘画系,1956年公派留学前苏联进入列宾美术学院学习。1962年以优异的成绩完成油画专业研究生学习,回国后与北京艺术学院教授色彩课;1963年调入中央美术学院油画系任教。 中央美院博士生导师、教授、油画系党组书记。中国美术家协会会员、圣彼得堡列宾美术学院名誉教授。曾主持过中央美院第一届起多届油画进修班的教学工作,其艺术实践和主张,在80年代中期以来影响了我国一大批油画家向古典主义吸收营养的热潮。 李骏是我国当代最具影响力的艺术家、理论家和教育家。他将俄罗斯古典油画精髓与中国民族艺术传统相融合,将俄罗斯艺术在中国的发展做出了杰出的贡献。李骏在苏联时期临摹诸多古典名画归国后捐献与国家,开启了中国油画的新纪元,其肖像作品影响了自80年代中期以来影响了我国一大批油画家。 从1956年起,李骏的油画作品不断参加苏联及全国美术展览,1963年《刘胡兰及七烈士就义》等多幅历史画被中国革命历史博物馆收藏。作为中央美术学院油画系教授,以自己丰富的经验培养了许多人才,同时以大量肖像作品产生了广泛的社会影响,被评论家称为当代中国油画的代表画家。80年代早期,他曾应邀在西班牙、俄罗斯等国家艺术学院讲学,并在欧洲各艺术博物馆访问、研究。在80年代以后的作品中,他将中国传统的美学观念与俄罗斯古典油画技巧结合起来,形成了鲜明的个人风格,多幅作品被中国美术馆收藏,出版了多种个人画集。他的《齐白石与卫天霖》、《女人体》、《俄罗斯农民》、《俄罗斯妇女》、《理查德教授》、《女青年》等肖像作品及风景作品《白桦林系列》成为中国当代油画的代表得到了广泛传播。同时李骏的国画书法得诸多大师指点也是造诣深厚。 李骏之所以深受人们的爱戴和敬重,不仅是因为他的名气,他的成就,更在于他“学为人师,行为世范”的品格,在于他“丹心终不移,理想高于天”的信念,在于他勤奋、创作、奉献、求索的奋斗精神。是的,李骏将自己的灵魂和精力融进笔端,实现了通过油画创作装点祖国河山、表现人文精神的目的。李骏老师不仅是位优秀的艺术家,他还是非常关心下代的伯乐。李骏先生在美院期间培养了大批美术人才,他对一些他接触的绘画功底深厚的学生,积极推荐中国美协、中央美院、中国美术馆等单位举办的一些展览,并不厌其烦地为学生出版作品作序等。李骏与夫人刘波经常称呼为“自家弟子孙子辈的学生”的青年画家李凯谈到老师就会说“李老师就像是我的爷爷一样,他对我生活的关心呵护,对我的学习的教导更是终生受益,刘老师就如同奶奶一样无微不至的关怀着我,对于这一切我永生不忘。”李骏先生退休后,被一些大学和艺术学院聘为高级顾问,定期为学生讲课,并切很少收取费用。他说:“学子们能学到真正的东西也就是我最大的心愿!”,同时他经常带领与李骏先生近距离地接触,使我感受良多。他不仅是一位成功的油画家,是一位受人尊敬的良师益友,更是当代留学人员学习、景仰的楷模。全国政协副主席、全国总工会主席王兆国说:李骏先生是位卓有成就的艺术家,他老当益壮,相信他会给国家和人民留下许多宝贵的东西

Introduction to the artist

Li Jun, one of delegate characters of our country contemporary canvas, was born at Shandong Qingdao 1931. Was graduated from Beijing Normal University to draw 1953 is, the Russia before public 1956 school studies abroad enters the academy of fine arts that list guest to learn.  With outstanding achievement graduate student of major of the canvas that finish learned 1962, after going back to the motherland, as artistic as Beijing institute teachs colour course; Transferred into department of canvas of central academy of fine arts teachs 1963. Adviser of doctoral student of central beautiful courtyard, professor, canvas fastens secretary of leading Party group. Reputation of academy of fine arts teachs guest of row of Chinese artist academician, Sanket. Ever had managed the teaching job that central beautiful courtyard has class of many canvas attend in a advanced studies the first times, its art is carried out and advocate, in 80 time large quantities of one canvas of our country were affected since metaphase to the upsurge that absorbs nutrition classically.  Li Jun is the artist that our country has force most now, egghead and educationist. He Russia classic canvas marrow and tradition of Chinese folk art are shirt-sleeve, crackajack contribution made Russia art in Chinese development. Li Jun in Russia period copy a lot of and classic name draws the alms after homecoming and country, open of Chinese canvas epochal, work affected its effigies to affect large quantities of one canvas of our country since 80 time metaphase.  Since 1956, canvas work of Li Jun enters Russia and countrywide art exhibition ceaselessly, 1963 " Liu Hulan and 7 martyr die a martyr " wait for many histories picture to be collected by museum of Chinese revolution history. Regarding central academy of fine arts as canvas is a professor, with oneself rich experience developed a lot of person with abilities, produced extensive social effect with many effigies work at the same time, by the delegate painter that essayist calls contemporary China canvas. 80 time are inchoate, he ever waited for national art institute to discourse on an academic subject in Spain, Russia on invitation, be in Europe each artistic museum visit, research. In 80 time in the following work, classic canvas skill combines his aesthetic idea Chinese tradition and Russia rise, formed bright individual color, many work is collected by Chinese art gallery, published a variety of individuals to draw volume. His " Qi Baishi and Wei Tianlin " , " female human body " , " Russia farmer " , " Russia woman " , " Richard is taught " , " girl " wait for effigies. At the same time calligraphy of traditional Chinese painting gets a lot of Great Master to give directions also is attainment deep.  Li Jun is mixed by the love and esteem of people respect, it is the fame because of him not only, his achievement, more depend on him " learn humanness division, behavior world model " character and morals, depend on him " a loyal heart does not move eventually, day of ideal prep above " belief, depend on him assiduous, creation, consecratory, searching struggling spirit. Yes, li Jun enters his soul and energy be in harmony an end, came true to create the deck motherland land, end that behaves humanitarian spirit through canvas. Mr. Li Jun is an outstanding artist not only, he or special care issue acting Bai Le. Mr Li Jun developed large quantities of art person with abilities during beautiful courtyard, his deep to a few painterly strength that he contacts student, recommend Chinese beauty actively assist, a few exhibitions that the unit such as art gallery of central beautiful courtyard, China holds, not its are be disgusted with irritatedly preface of student publication writing. Li Jun and madam Liu wave often appellation is " oneself child The student of grandchildren generation " young painter Li Kai speaks of a teacher can saying " the grandfather that Mr. Li resembles is me is same, the care that he lives to me is caressed, of the study to me teaching is lifetime more be benefited, mr. Liu as the grandma the consideration of same in every possible way is worn me, to all these my eternal life does not forget. " after Mr Li Jun is emeritus, be hired to be senior adviser by a few universities and artistic institute, it is student lecture regularly, cut cost of very few collection. He says: "Students can acquire right thing namely my greatest cherished desire! " , at the same time he often is guided with close quarters of Mr Li Jun the ground is contacted, make I experience fine much. He is a successful oily painter not only, it is the good teacher and helpful friend of a respect getting a person, it is to study abroad now more the model of staff study, respect and admire. Country of million of king of chairman of federation of trade unions of vice-chairman of countrywide the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, whole nation says: Mr Li Jun is an eminent artist, his old but vigorous, believe he meets country and people leave a lot of precious things




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