IntelliJ idea

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IntelliJ idea

2023-08-30 01:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

推荐链接:     总结——》【Java】     总结——》【Mysql】     总结——》【Redis】     总结——》【Kafka】     总结——》【Spring】     总结——》【SpringBoot】     总结——》【MyBatis、MyBatis-Plus】

IntelliJ idea——》创建tag、删除tag 1、找到git命令选项2、填写tag3、提交tag4、删除tag1)输入git2)查看git上所有tag3)删除git上指定tag单个删除批量删除 4)push到服务器


右击项目——》Git——》Repository——》Tag MyBatis使用xml配置执行sql语句:插入数据和更新数据


commit :如果不填写默认是最新的head代码,也可以填写一个version的校验码 在这里插入图片描述


右击项目——》Git——》Repository——》Push——》打勾Push Tags:All——》Push




在工具栏找到Terminal——》输入git ,确保支持git命令 右击项目——》Git——》Repository——》Push——》打勾Push Tags:All——》Push

1)输入git E:\eju_IdeaProjects\house-platform>git usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C ] [-c name=value] [--exec-path[=]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path] [-p | --paginate | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare] [--git-dir=] [--work-tree=] [--namespace=] [] These are common Git commands used in various situations: start a working area (see also: git help tutorial) clone Clone a repository into a new directory init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one work on the current change (see also: git help everyday) add Add file contents to the index mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions) bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug grep Print lines matching a pattern log Show commit logs show Show various types of objects status Show the working tree status grow, mark and tweak your common history branch List, create, or delete branches checkout Switch branches or restore working tree files commit Record changes to the repository diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc merge Join two or more development histories together rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG collaborate (see also: git help workflows) fetch Download objects and refs from another repository pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch push Update remote refs along with associated objects 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help ' or 'git help ' to read about a specific subcommand or concept. 2)查看git上所有tag E:\eju_IdeaProjects\house-platform>git tag 2018-10-11v1.0 20181107周三上线 20181120周二上线 v1.0.0 v1.1.2 v1.2 3)删除git上指定tag

单个删除: git tag -d 批量删除: git tag -d

单个删除 E:\eju_IdeaProjects\house-platform>git tag -d v1.2 Deleted tag 'v1.2' (was 0033040) 批量删除 E:\eju_IdeaProjects\house-platform>git tag -d v1.0.0 v1.1.2 Deleted tag 'v1.0.0' (was 4808350) Deleted tag ‘v1.1.2' (was 4b4d725) 4)push到服务器

右击项目——》Git——》Repository——》Push——》打勾Push Tags:All——》Push




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