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2024-07-17 08:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Phrasal Verbs with Look带有look的短语

1. Look after照顾

To take care of someone or something照顾某事

I need to find someone who can look after my dogs this weekend while I’m on holiday.我需要找个人在这个周末我度假的时候照顾我的狗。

2. Look ahead向前看

To think about and plan the future思考和规划未来

Let’s look ahead to next month’s projected sales figures.让我们展望下个月的预计销售数字。

3. Look around/round环顾四周

Visit a place and see what is there去一个地方看看有什么

Do you want to have a look around/round town this afternoon?今天下午你想去城里看看吗?

4. Look at看看

To consider or examine something, usually before making a decision考虑或检查某物,通常在作出决定之前

We will have to look at all the proposals before coming to any decision.在作出任何决定之前,我们将不得不考虑所有的建议。

To read something quickly快速阅读

Can you have a look at the notes I gave you last week?你能看看我上周给你的笔记吗?

To confront or face something面对某事

He is looking at a large fine if he doesn’t comply with the court order.如果他不遵守法庭的命令,他将被处以巨额罚款。

5. Look back回首

To think about something in the past想过去的事

When I look back on my childhood, I realise how lucky I was to not have any responsibilities.当我回顾我的童年,我意识到我是多么幸运,没有任何责任。

6. Look down on看不起

To consider someone inferior; to believe that you are better than someone else认为某人不如你;相信你比别人强

I hate the way that our boss looks down on us; she treats us as if we are less important than her.我讨厌老板看不起我们的样子;她把我们当作不如她重要。

7. Look for寻找

Try to find or search for someone or something试图找到或搜索某人或某事

Can you help me look for my keys? I seem to have mislaid them.你能帮我找钥匙吗?我好像把它们放错地方了。

8. Look forward to期待

To be excited about something that will happen in the future对将来发生的事情感到兴奋

I am really looking forward to Christmas this year, as my family are coming to visit.我真的很期待今年的圣诞节,因为我的家人要来拜访我。

9. Look in on拜访

To visit someone for a short time短期拜访某人

Look in on your grandmother on your way home to make sure she has everything she needs.在回家的路上看看你的祖母,确保她有她所需要的一切。

10. Look into仔细调查

To investigate or find out more about something调查或发现更多关于某事的事情

I don’t have that information to hand but I will look into it and get back to you.我没有这个信息,但我会查一下再给你。

11. Look on

To watch an event or an activity without taking part in it or getting involved观看一个事件或活动,但是不参加

I looked on as my friends danced around the room.我看着朋友们在房间里跳舞。

12. Look out当心

Warning someone to be careful or to be vigilant警告某人小心或警惕

Look out! There is broken glass on the floor!留神!地板上有碎玻璃!

13. Look out for something or someone留心某人或某物

Be vigilant; try to notice something or keep an eye out for something or someone in particular保持警惕;注意某事或特别注意某事或某人

Look out for hummingbirds in the garden, they are often seen here.注意花园里的蜂鸟,他们经常在这里看到。

14. Look out for someone照看

Take care of someone, protect them and make sure they are alright照顾某人,确保他们安全

I have always looked out for my little sister.我一直在照顾我的妹妹。

15. Look over仔细检查

Check or revise something, usually quickly检查或修改某物,通常很快

Can you look over my thesis and tell me what you think I need to improve?你能看一下我的论文并告诉我你认为我需要改进的地方吗?

17. Look to依赖

To rely on someone or something for help or advice依靠某人或某物寻求帮助或建议

We have always looked to our mother for guidance.我们总是向母亲寻求指导。

18. Look through仔细浏览

Examine or read something, usually briefly检查或阅读某事,通常是简短的

Can you have a look through this report before I hand it to the boss please?在我把这份报告交给老板之前,你能看一下吗?

19. To be looking up有好转

Getting better or improving变得越来越好或者有所改进

Our financial situation finally seems to be looking up.我们的财务状况似乎终于好转了。

20. Look something up寻找信息

To search for information寻找信息

We can look up the restaurant’s address on the internet.我们可以在网上查餐厅的地址。

21. Look someone up看望某人

Go to visit someone; find an old friend去拜访某人,一个老朋友。

Look me up if you are ever in Ireland!如果你在爱尔兰,就来找我!

22. Look up to someone尊敬某人

To admire or respect someone钦佩或尊敬某人

I have always looked up to my father.我一直很尊敬我的父亲。

23. Look upon/on someone or something看待

To consider or regard someone or something in a particular way以特定的方式考虑或看待某人或某事

I have always looked upon/on my mother as a friend.我一直把我母亲看作朋友。

24. Look away移开

To turn your eyes away from someone or something that gives a bad feeling such as fear, shame, pain, disgust or embarrassment把你的眼睛从给人一种不好的感觉的人或事物上移开,如恐惧、羞耻、痛苦、厌恶或困窘

I looked away as the doctor peeled the bandage off my arm.医生把绷带从我胳膊上剥下来时,我把头移开。

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