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南京市2021年中考英语注意事项:1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用05毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。选择题(共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. We are going to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China ________ July 1st, 2021.A. in B. on C. at D. of2. —Millie, ________ are you reading —Camel Xiangzi, by the famous Chinese writer, Lao She.A. who B. how C. where D. what3. Amy hid under ________ desk in a hurry when the earthquake happened.A. she B. her C. hers D. herself4. I would be interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people ________ closer to them.A. get B. to get C. getting D. got5. Jogging is ________ than many sports—to start, just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running shoes.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest6. I saw Julia in April and I ________ her since then.A. don’t see B. didn’t see C. won’t see D. haven’t seen7. You need to practise speaking every day ________ you hope to improve your spoken English.A. if B. although C. unless D. until8. Which of the following apps will you choose if you want to be a volunteer A. B. C. D.9. Our school library ________ with plants, lovely desks and chairs, so I feel relaxed while studying or reading there.A. decorates B. decorated C. is decorated D. was decorating10. Many of the older buildings in our city now look beautiful because workers have ________ made them look as good as new.A. carelessly B. hardly C. nervously D. carefully11. The drama “Yuhuayao” ________ citizens in Nanjing with a chance to learn and listen to the Party’s history.A. provided B. guarded C. compared D. protected12. Yuan Longping was a world-famous scientist. Because of his achievements, rice ________ has been increased greatly.A. population B. contribution C. production D. introduction13. ―Do you know ________, Alfred —At 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.A. when the end-of-term concert began B. when did the end-of-term concert beginC. when the end-of-term concert will begin D. when will the end-of-term concert begin14. —I think art should be about creating beautiful objects—________. That’s a very old-fashioned way of looking at art.A. My pleasure B. It doesn’t matter C. Take it easy D. I don’t agree15. —I feel really bad about all the mess.—________. I can always clear it up later.A. Don’t worry B. That sounds great C. Thanks a lot D. That would be nice二、完形填空(共10小题;毎小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。What does the word ecology mean It was _____16_____ by Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist. He joined two Greek words: oikos, meaning “house”, and logie, meaning “the study of”. Together they mean “the study of the house”. The “house” Haeckel had in mind is our _____17_____, Earth. Earth is home for all living things—humans, animals, plants, and even tiny microbes.To study a house is to learn how its residents(居民)use it. An ecologist is a scientist who studies the _____18_____ between organisms (生物)and their environment. The environment is an organism’s surroundings. It may _____19_____ water, gases, rocks, and temperature.Ecologists also study the balance of using the environment while protecting it.An ecologist once asked a boy _____20_____ he thought it meant to protect the environment.The boy said, “You go into the forest and look for somebody who wants to cut down a tree. You take away his axe. You tell him about how _____21_____ trees are. You say they are good for natural beauty, saving soil, and giving shelter to birds and other animals. ”“ Good answer,” said the ecologist, “_____22_____ it may not be easy to find a woodcutter to talk to. Also, remember that sometimes it’s _____23_____ to cut down a tree. If we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear. If we don’t cut down any trees, we won’t get any resources from the forest. We have to find the right _____24_____. ”“I get it,” the boy said. “We need the forest’s ______25______ for wood and paper or we might not have desks or notebooks for school.”“Exactly—and school is a good place to learn about ecology,” added the ecologist. “Then you will know how to protect the natural environment.”16. A. proved B. invented C. marked D. accepted17. A. planet B. building C. project D. surface18. A. feeling B. relationships C. distance D. competitions19. A. pollute B. control C. include D. reduce20. A. who B. whose C. why D. what21. A. wild B. common C. wealthy D. important22. A. but B. and C. so D. or23. A. comfortable B. tiring C. impossible D. necessary24. A. mystery B. temperature C. balance D. symbol25. A. soil B. resources C. landscape D. wildlife三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。You learn all kinds of things from books. Books open up a whole new world to you. They can make you smile and comfort you when you are sad.AYou must have many hobbies, reading, painting and so on. One day, you happen to see a poster, “World Book Day.” Interested, you stop and read the poster.Hello and welcome to World Book DayWorld Book Day is here to change lives through a love of books and shared reading, and bring books to the children who need them most. World Book Day is an excellent chance for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading. Share A Story Live-our exciting digital events programme beaming authors(作家)straight into your school. Raising money, raising readers-our fundraising ideas to help us change lives through reading. World Book Day Book Club-a new online reading community. Share A Story Corner-stories to encourage families to read together. Happy World Book Day!For up-to-date information, visit our website worldbookday. com!26. World Book Day is a special day for people to ________.A. celebrate the joy of reading B. change lives by raising moneyC. meet famous authors at home D. enjoy writing in local communities27. According to the poster, if you want to read stories with your parents, you can join ________.A. Share A Story Live B. Share A Story CornerC. World Book Day Book Club D. Raising money, raising readers28. The designer uses words and pictures in the poster to ________.A. catch readers’ attention B. encourage families to write booksC. help readers form reading habits D. recommend different types of booksBImagine you choose to join WorldBook Day Book Club. Now you are reading a book on art for children.About artArt is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures. This book introduces 32 works by some of the world’s most famous artists. This is only a small selection, but it reveals(揭示)huge differences in what artists do.Why make art Artists make art for many reasons. Sometimes, they just want to create something beautiful. But hundreds of years ago-when many people couldn’t read-paintings were often designed to illustrate stories.Very grand paintings were usually made to order for wealthy clients who wanted to impress people. More recently, artists have begun to paint to express their own feelings or explore ideas.About this bookThe pictures reproduced in this book were painted over the last 500 years. They are arranged(排列)in order of date, so you can see how ideas about art have changed over time. If you would like to see more art, there is lots on the Internet-just follow the links recommended throughout the book. If you can, visit an art gallery too, so you can experience seeing the “real thing” .29. Why are the works introduced in the book A. To tell readers huge differences in what artists do.B. To offer readers all kinds of pictures and sculptures.C. To share every famous artist’s life story with readers.D. To introduce a number of works from an artist to readers.30. The works in the book are arranged in order of ________A. size B. space C. time D. importance31. The passage above mainly _________.A. gives an introduction to the book B. shows the size of each part in the bookC. shows the number of the artists in the book D. gives the reasons to order paintings in the bookCTo improve your reading, you can try the form of readers’ theatre, a formatted script for readers to read aloud. It’s so interesting!Cast of Characters: Narrator, Kayla, Ms. Lee, ZackNarrator: On a sunny day in southern Texas Ms. Lee’s students gathered in the school playground.Ms. Lee: Tomorrow is the day of the sidewalk(人行道)chalk-art festival. The principal has allowed us to practise our wet-chalk drawing on the playground sidewalk, which will be our studio. Remember, whenever you want to draw on a sidewalk, always ask an adult in charge for permission before you draw. Now let’s review the steps of wet-chalk drawing. What do we do first Narrator: As the students told her the steps in order, Ms. Lee wrote them on a large pad of paper. When she finished writing, she pulled the paper off the pad and displayed the directions so everyone could read them. Then the students chose and soaked (浸湿)their pieces of chalk. Meanwhile, Kayla and Zack planned their drawing.Kayla: Let’s draw a jungle feast. Parrots can be eating all kinds of fruit.Zack: I’ll draw a model train carrying food to the birds.Narrator: The students removed their pieces of chalk from the water and drew. As Zack drew a sweeping curve of train track, his hand knocked over the jar of water. He and Kayla watched water streak across their drawing.Zack: Our drawing is ruined(毁坏)!Kayla: Don’t be so worried! Quick, mix the water and the chalk together! Now let’s use more chalk and smear(涂抹)it around.Narrator: Kayla and Zack worked quickly. The smeared colours looked glorious, like rich, thick frosting on a cake.Ms. Lee: That looks great! That’s a special method you’re using, kids. Are you two interested in taking part in the chalk-art festival tomorrow The timetable for the festival says that drawing starts at 9:00 a.m.Kayla and Zack: Sure!Kayla: Tomorrow we’ll pour water over our drawing on purpose.Zack: Then we’ll know just what to do!32. What do we know about readers’ theatre A. A place for readers to enjoy plays.B. A reading material for people to read aloud.C. A series of steps for children to draw on the sidewalk.D. A number of people gathering together to play games.33. What does the underlined word “ streak” in the passage mean A. Rise rapidly. B. Move quickly. C. Disappear suddenly. D. Swim slowly.34. The narrator in the readers’ theatre ________.A. tells the whole story in a silent way B. gives instructions to the charactersC. helps the characters understand the story D. describes settings and events35. What does the underlined sentence “Tomorrow we’ll pour water over our drawing on purpose.” at the end of the passage mean A. Kayla and Zack will ruin their drawing with water for fun.B. Kayla and Zack will find the steps by accident by themselves.C. Kayla and Zack will draw as well as their teacher by pouring water.D. Kayla and Zack will draw pictures using the method they discovered today.DAfter reading so much, you may wonder how to make a book. It’s time for you to have a try!Have you ever wondered how a book is made It takes a lot of people to make a book. It can take months, or even years, for a book to go from an idea to a finished product.A book begins when an author comes up with an idea for a book. Authors get ideas in different ways. They may get ideas from their own lives, from watching the world around them, or from reading.Next, an author may plan the book by making an outline (提纲). Sometimes authors do research to gather information. They may read books or articles. They may interview people or visit places.Then, the author begins to write. Authors may write for months or years to finish a manuscript. A manuscript is the text an author produces for publication.Finally, the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher. If the publisher decides to publish the book, the author works with an editor. An editor reads the manuscript. Then he or she recommends changes to improve the book. A copy editor reads the manuscript to correct any grammatical mistake.After an author makes the suggested changes, a designer may decide how the book will look. The designer may choose the size, shape, and type styles for the book. Some picture book authors create their own illustrations(插图). If not, an illustrator is chosen to create pictures for the book.The illustrator makes sketches of pictures that will go on each page. The sketches are sent to the publishing company. The editor makes sure the pictures clearly tell the story. The designer checks how the words and pictures will fit together on the pages.After the design changes are made, the illustrator begins creating the final pictures. He or she may change the colours, the perspective, or the composition of pictures. It may take months to create all the pictures.The finished art is then sent to the publisher. The designer adjusts(调整)how the pictures and words fit together on the pages. The completed pages are sent to the printer. Many books are still made into books with paper pages.The printer uses huge printing presses to make the pages. The pages are fixed together. The book cover is added. The finished books are then sent to the publisher’s warehouse. They are stored there until they are bought by libraries and bookstores.E-readers have changed how some books are made. Some authors do not use a publisher at all. Instead of sending a manuscript to a publisher, some authors turn their manuscripts into eBooks themselves. Finally, an author’s eBook is uploaded(上传)to virtual bookstores on the Internet. Customers can buy and download eBooks from these websites.36. According to the passage, the designer’s job is to ________.A. create pictures for the book B. make an outline of the bookC. decide how the book will look D. correct grammatical mistakes in the book37. Your first book will be published soon. What will first happen to it after the illustrator has created the final pictures A. B.C. D.38. The writer uses the LAST paragraph to ________.A. introduce the history of eBooks B. describe the disadvantages of eBooksC. show the development of making a book D. ask customers to support authors in making a book39. The writer explains how to make a book by ________.A. giving causes B. showing steps C. providing examples D. expressing opinions40. What is the best title for the passage A. From Idea to Book B. Different Kinds of BooksC. Workers in the Publishing House D. Between Publishers and Customers非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A)请根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。41. I’ve ________(已经) seen that film, so I’d rather see another one.42. If you would like to ________ (讨论) the matter further, please call me.43. Lulu’s best friend never gives up her ________(梦想) of being a teacher.44. It is not ________ (礼貌的) to make too much noise while eating or drinking.45. David feels very proud to be a member of the school volleyball ________(队).B)请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。46. My mom gave me this computer as my ________(sixteen) birthday present.47. Tony’s sister enjoys ________(listen) to music and she often goes to concerts.48. You must ________ (go) to the doctor because your temperature is higher than usual.49. The weather report says it will be ________ (rain) for two more days, and then the sun will come out on Tuesday.50. Over the years, Gong Bao Chicken has become one of the most popular ________(dish) in Chinese restaurants throughout the world.C)请根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,并将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。paper cutting managed like on the wall excitingYesterday, I went to Chaotian Palace Plaza. There were different stands where artists could demonstrate their skills and teach the visitors! It was an _____51_____ experience for me.What caught my attention first was _____52_____, that is, making images out of paper. It was difficult, but a lot of fun! With help from the artist, I _____53_____ to make one in the shape of a fish. Then I went into a section decorated _____54_____ a traditional Chinese study, with two beautiful Chinese paintings of a pine tree and some bamboo hung _____55_____. There was also an old man writing Chinese calligraphy: his writing was so free and elegant!五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)A)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案填写在答题卡相应横线上。Exams are a fact of school life for most people. Almost everyone worries about them and feels stressed, although they have prepared well.A little stress caused by the exams is useful as it can sharpen your mind and motivate(激发)you to do well. But too much stress can stop you working to the best of your abilities, so it’s important not to let it get out of control. Here are some ideas to help you.The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress are knowing what you need to know, planning and preparing for your revision(复习), and giving yourself enough time to do it.If you can, find a copy of the syllabus for each subject. This tells you what you need to know and gives you the topics for revision.Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your work space. Include the topics you need to cover for each subject.About 12 weeks before your first exam, record the dates and times for each of your exams in your planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.During your exam period, you want your brain to work at its very best, so build in relaxation time before bed, avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep. If panic(惊慌)starts to creep in, try to replace your negative thoughts with more positive(积极的)ones, such as ‘It’s going to be OK If you have difficulty answering a question, leave it and move on to the next one—don’t spend time tying yourself in mental(思想上的)knots over each question.You are not alone while dealing with the stress. Call psychological(心理的)hotline to share your worries and get help from others going through the same experience. Remember that there is life after exams. Things may feel stressful right now, but it won’t last forever. And then the rest of your life will still be there.The Exam StressSituation _____56_____ about exams is a real fact for almost everyone at schoolProblem Though a little exam stress does good to you, too much may make you _____57_____ to work as well as you can.How to control exam stress Careful preparation is necessary to stop you from worries.Find a copy of the syllabus for each subject to get necessary _____58_____.Make a revision timetable chart for every _____59_____ to display in your work space, including necessary topics.Prepare for your exams _____60_____ and remind yourself of the dates and times for each exam.Make yourself _____61_____ before bedtime and get enough sleep.Try to _____62_____ yourself to stay positive.If you meet difficult questions, just move on, instead of _____63_____ how to answer them too long.Turn to psychological hotline and those in the same boat for _____64_____. Remember stress will disappear but your _____65_____ will go on.B)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡相应位置上。The problem some people have with homework is not that they find it too hard, or that it takes too long, but that they f_____66_____ what they have to do and for when. This may be because they don’t write down exactly what n_____67_____ to be done, or don’t make a note of when it has to be handed in.If you have a planner for school, make good u_____68_____ of it to record what you need to do. If not, use a diary or notebook to make notes of what has to be handed in and w_____69_____.You could set up an “ in-tray” system, so you can see what is w_____70_____ to be done. This is a tray or shallow box where you put your homework each night until you are r_____71_____ to do it.Although no one exactly looks forward to doing homework, you will get it done more efficiently(高效地)if you are well o_____72_____ and have time and space to concentrate(专注)on it.For example, if your homework involves(需要)going online and you don’t have your o_____73_____computer, make sure you ‘book’ some time on the family computer, or can use one in your school library.If you have space, set up a homework ‘office’ a_____74_____ at home with a table or desk and a comfortable chair. It should have good light, a place for your books, and your homework ‘tool kit’.It helps to get into a habit of doing homework early in the evening, and not l______75______ it until the last minute at weekends. After you’ve done it, reward yourself with some fun, ‘down-time’ activities, such as some television or social networking time.六、书面表达(满分15分)76. 某英文网站正在举办征文活动,请根据网站征文要求,用英语写一篇短文投稿。This new global site is a place for students to share their ideas. We are looking for your beautiful school day to inspire(鼓舞)our readers. Did you help anyone at school Did you enjoy a beautiful song in your art lesson Did you have an amazing experience in the school lab Your school life is full of beauty. Choose a beautiful school day. Write a passage to tell us what you did that day and why you think it was beautiful. Send your writing to us right now!注意:1. 内容涵盖要点, 全文连贯通顺。2. 词数80左右(已给出的文章开头, 不计入总词数)。3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息, 如校名、人名等。My Beautiful School DayMy school life is full of beauty. ____________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案和详解1.【答案详解】B 考查介词辨析。句意:我们将在2021年7月1日庆祝中国共产党成立100周年。A. in后加早中晚、季节、月份、年份等;B.on后加星期、日期;C. at后加时刻;D.of……的。根据“July 1st, 2021”可知,此处指具体的某一天,应用on。所以选B。2.【答案详解】D 考查特殊疑问句。句意:——Millie,你正在读什么?——《骆驼祥子》,中国著名作家老舍的作品。A. who谁;B.how怎样;C. where哪里;D.what什么。根据答语“Camel Xiangzi”可知,是询问读的什么,所以选D。3.【答案详解】B 考查代词辨析。句意:地震发生时,艾米匆忙地躲在她的桌子下面。A. she她,主格;B.her她,宾格/她的,形容词性物主代词;C. hers她的,名词性物主代词;D.herself反身代词。根据“Amy hid under…desk in a hurry”可知,空格后面有名词,需要用形容词性物主代词。所以选B。4.【答案详解】B 考查非谓语。句意:我很想去卧龙大熊猫保护区看看大熊猫,因为它能让人们更接近它们。此处是结构allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,空格处用不定式作宾补,所以选B。5.【答案详解】B 考查形容词比较级。句意:慢跑比许多运动都便宜——刚开始的时候,只需要一些舒适的运动服和好的跑鞋。A. cheap形容词原级;B.cheaper形容词比较级形式;C. cheapest形容词最高级形式;D.the cheapest形容词最高级。根据空后than的提示可知,空处应用比较级形式。所以选B。6.【答案详解】D 考查动词时态。句意:我四月份见过朱莉娅,从那以后就再没见过她。根据“since then”可知,时态为现在完成时,结构为have/has done,主语为I,助动词用have,此处表示否定用haven’t。所以选D。7.【答案详解】A 考查连词辨析。句意:如果你想提高你的英语口语,你需要每天练习口语。A. if如果;B.although尽管;C. unless除非;D.until直到。根据“You need to practise speaking every day”以及“you hope to improve your spoken English”可知,如果想提高英语口语,就需要每天练习口语,此处为if引导的条件状语从句。所以选A。8.【答案详解】C 考查英文常识图标。句意:如果你想成为志愿者,你会选择以下哪个应用程序?根据英文,A. 是食谱图标;根据英文,B.是旅游图标;根据英文,C. 是志愿者图标;根据英文,D.是智能家居图标。如果你想成为志愿者,你会选择C应用程序。所以选C。9.【答案详解】C 考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:我们学校的图书馆装饰着植物,可爱的书桌和椅子,所以我在那里学习或阅读时感到很放松。根据句意可知,主语和动词之间是动宾关系,所以应用被动语态;结合语境,应用一般现在时的被动语态,构成形式为:be done;主语“Our school library”是第三人称单数形式,所以be用is;decorate的过去分词是decorated。所以选C。10.【答案详解】D 考查副词辨析。句意:我们城市的许多老建筑现在看起来很漂亮,因为工人们小心翼翼地使它们看起来像新的一样。A. carelessly粗心地;B.hardly几乎不;C. nervously紧张地;D.carefully仔细地、小心翼翼地。根据前句“Many of the older buildings in our city now look beautiful”可推知,应是工人们小心翼翼地使它们看起来像新的一样。所以选D。11.【答案详解】A 考查动词辨析。句意:《雨花谣》为南京市民提供了学习和聆听党史的机会。A. provided提供;B.guarded保卫;C. compared比较;protected保护。根据“The drama ‘Yuhuayao’…citizens in Nanjing with a chance to learn and listen to the Party’s history.”可知,此处是provide sb with sth短语,意为“提供某人某物”,所以选A。12.【答案详解】C 考查名词辨析。句意:袁隆平是世界著名的科学家,由于他的成就,水稻产量大大增加。A. population 人口;B.contribution贡献;C. production产量;D.introduction介绍。根据常识可知,由于袁隆平的成就,水稻产量大大增加。所以选C。13.【答案详解】C 考查宾语从句。句意:——Alfred,你知道期末音乐会什么时候开始吗?——在明天下午2点钟。此句是宾语从句,从句用陈述语序,排除B和D选项。根据答语“At 2:00 tomorrow afternoon”可知,从句应用一般将来时will do的结构,所以选C。14. 【答案详解】D 考查情景交际。句意:——我认为艺术应该是创造美丽的事物。——我不同意。这是看待艺术的一种非常传统的方式。A. My pleasure我的荣幸;B.It doesn’t matter没关系;C. Take it easy别紧张;D.I don’t agree我不同意。根据空后“That’s a very old-fashioned way of looking at art.”可知,空处应是不同意以上观点。所以选D。15.【答案详解】A 考查情景交际。句意:——我对这些乱七八糟的感到很抱歉。——别担心。我以后会收拾干净的。A. Don’t worry别担心;B.That sounds great听起来不错;C. Thanks a lot多谢;D.That would be nice那就太好了。根据空后“I can always clear it up later.”的情景可知,空处应是说别担心。所以选A。16.【答案详解】B 句意:它是由德国生物学家恩斯特·海克尔发明的。A. proved证明;B. invented发明;C. marked标记;D. accepted接受。根据“He joined two Greek words...”可知,“ecology”是由德国生物学家恩斯特·海克尔发明的。所以选B。17.【答案详解】A 句意:海克尔心目中的“房子”是我们的行星,地球。A. planet行星;B. building房子;C. project项目;D. surface表面。根据空后的“Earth”可知,地球是行星。所以选A。18.【答案详解】B 句意:生态学家是研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学家。A. feeling感觉;B. relationships关系;C. distance距离;D. competitions比赛。根据“between organisms and their environment.”以及常识可知,生态学家是研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学家。所以选B。19.【答案详解】C 句意:它可能包括水、气体、岩石和温度。A. pollute污染;B. control控制;C. include包括;D. reduce减少。根据“The environment is an organism’s surroundings.”可知,环境有机体的环境,可能包括水、气体、岩石和温度。所以选C。20.【答案详解】D 句意:一位生态学家曾经问一个男孩,他认为这对保护环境意味着什么。A. who谁;B. whose谁的;C. why为什么;D. what什么。此处为生态学家问男孩认为是什么,应用what。所以选D。21.【答案详解】D 句意:你告诉他树有多重要。A. wild野外的;B. common普遍的;C. wealthy富有的;important重要的。根据“You say they are good for natural beauty, saving soil, and giving shelter to birds and other animals.”可知,此处是指告诉他树木的重要性。所以选D。22.【答案详解】A 句意:但要找一个樵夫谈话可能并不容易。A. but但是;B. and并且;C. so所以;D. or或者。根据“Good answer”以及“it may not be easy to find a woodcutter to talk to”可知,此处表示转折关系,应用连词but。所以选A。23.【答案详解】D 句意:另外,请记住,有时有必要砍倒一棵树。A. comfortable舒服的;B. tiring累的;C. impossible不可能的;D. necessary必要的。根据“If we don’t cut down any trees, we won’t get any resources from the forest.”可知,有时候砍树也是必要的。所以选D。24.【答案详解】C 句意:我们必须找到正确的平衡。A. mystery秘密;B. temperature温度;C. balance平衡;D. symbol标志。根据“If we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear. If we don’t cut down any trees, we won’t get any resources from the forest.”可知,我们必须在不能砍太多树和不砍树之间找到平衡。所以选C。25.【答案详解】B 句意:我们需要森林的木材和纸张资源,否则我们可能没有课桌或笔记本供学校使用。A. soil土壤;B. resources资源;C. landscape风景;D. wildlife野生动物。根据“If we don’t cut down any trees, we won’t get any resources from the forest.”以及“We need the forest’s...for wood and paper or we might not have desks or notebooks for school.”可知,我们需要森林的资源。所以选B。26.【答案详解】A 细节理解题。根据“World Book Day is an excellent chance for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading.”可知,世界读书日是每个人庆祝阅读乐趣的绝佳机会。所以选A。27.【答案详解】B 细节理解题。根据“Share A Story Corner-stories to encourage families to read together.”可知,分享故事角——鼓励家庭一起阅读的故事。所以选B。28.【答案详解】A 推理判断题。本文是世界读书日的海报,作者使用文字和图片是为了吸引读者的注意力。所以选A。29.【答案详解】A 细节理解题。根据“This is only a small selection, but it reveals(揭示)huge differences in what artists do.”可知,这只是一小部分,但它揭示了艺术家们所做的巨大差异。所以选A。30.【答案详解】C 细节理解题。根据“They are arranged(排列)in order of date”可知,它们是按日期顺序排列的,所以选C。31.【答案详解】A 主旨大意题。本文向我们介绍一本关于艺术的书,选项A“为这本书作了介绍”符合主题,所以选A。32.【答案详解】B 细节理解题。根据“you can try the form of readers’ theatre, a formatted script for readers to read aloud”可知,你可以尝试读者剧院的形式,一种格式化的脚本,让读者大声朗读,所以读者剧院是一种供人们大声朗读的阅读材料。所以选B。33.【答案详解】B 词句猜测题。分析“As Zack drew a sweeping curve of train track, his hand knocked over the jar of water. He and Kayla watched water streak across their drawing.”可知,当扎克画了一个火车轨道的曲线时,他的手打翻了水罐,他和凯拉看着水在他们的画上迅速流过。此处streak的意思是“快速移动”,所以选B。34.【答案详解】D 推理判断题。根据文章中内容可知,读者剧场中的解说员描述场景和事件。所以选D。35.【答案详解】D 词句猜测题。根据前文内容可知,扎克意外将水罐打翻却得到了更好的结果,所以“Tomorrow we’ll pour water over our drawing on purpose.”的意思是凯拉和扎克会用他们今天发现的方法画画。所以选D。36.【答案详解】C 细节理解题。根据“After an author makes the suggested changes, a designer may decide how the book will look.”可知,作者做出建议的修改后,设计师可能会决定书的外观。所以选C。37.【答案详解】C 推理判断题。根据“The finished art is then sent to the publisher. The designer adjusts(调整)how the pictures and words fit together on the pages.”可知,完成后的艺术作品会被送到出版商那里,设计师调整图片和文字在页面上的组合方式。所以选C。38.【答案详解】C 推理判断题。分析最后一段内容可知,本段介绍制作一本书的发展,所以选C。39.【答案详解】B 细节理解题。根据“Next…Then…Finally”可知,作者通过展示步骤介绍如何制作一本书。所以选B。40.【答案详解】A 最佳标题题。分析全文内容可知,本文向我们展示了制做一本书的过程,并提到最近比较流行的电子阅读器。选项A“从想法到书”符合语境,所以选A。41.【答案详解】already 句意:我已经看过那部电影了,所以还是看部别的吧。本句是肯定句,用于现在完成时结构中,“已经”可用already表示,所以填already。42.【答案详解】discuss 句意:如果你想进一步讨论这件事,请打电话给我。discuss讨论,用于would like to do sth短语中,使用动词不定式作宾语,所以填discuss。43.【答案详解】dream 句意:露露最好的朋友从来没有放弃当老师的梦想。根据中文提示,dream表示“梦想”,此处特指当老师的这个梦想,用单数名词即可,所以填dream。44.【答案详解】polite 句意:吃东西或喝水时发出太多的噪音是不礼貌的。polite礼貌的,在句中作表语,所以填polite。45.【答案详解】team 句意:大卫作为学校排球队的一员感到很自豪。team队,此处特指“学校排球队”,用名词单数即可,所以填team。46.【答案详解】sixteenth 句意:我妈妈送给我这台电脑作为我十六岁的生日礼物。根据“my… birthday present”可知,是作为第十六岁生日的礼物,用序数词表顺序,sixteen是基数词,序数词是sixteenth,所以填sixteenth。47.【答案详解】listening 句意:托尼的妹妹喜欢听音乐,她经常去听音乐会。固定搭配:enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,动名词作宾语,所以填listening。48.【答案详解】go 句意:你必须去看医生,因为你的体温比平时高。情态动词must后用动词原形,所以填go。49.【答案详解】rainy 句意:天气预报说还会下雨两天,然后星期二太阳就会出来。空格处所在句子为系表结构,be动词后应跟形容词,rain“下雨”的形容词为rainy“下雨的”,所以填rainy。50.【答案详解】dishes 句意:多年来,宫保鸡丁已成为世界各地中餐馆最受欢迎的菜肴之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……的……之一”,此处应填dish的复数形式dishes。所以填dishes。51.【答案详解】exciting 句意:这对我来说是一次激动人心的经历。此处作定语修饰experience,备选词exciting“激动人心的”符合语境,所以填exciting。52.【答案详解】paper cutting 句意:首先引起我注意的是剪纸,也就是用纸来制作图像。根据“that is, making images out of paper.”并结合备选词可知,paper cutting“剪纸”符合语境,所以填paper cutting。53.【答案详解】managed 句意:在艺术家的帮助下,我设法做了一个鱼的形状的。根据“I…to make one in the shape of a fish.”和备选词可知,managed“设法”符合语境,manage to do sth“设法成功做某事”,所以填managed。54.【答案详解】like 句意:然后我进入了一个装饰得像中国传统书房的区域,里面挂着两幅美丽的中国画,画的是一棵松树和一些竹子。分析“Then I went into a section decorated…a traditional Chinese study”并结合备选词可知,like“像”符合语境,所以填like。55.【答案详解】on the wall 句意:然后我进入了一个装饰得像中国传统书房的区域,墙上挂着两幅美丽的中国画,画的是一棵松树和一些竹子。根据“with two beautiful Chinese paintings of a pine tree and some bamboo hung”可知,画是挂在墙上,on the wall“在墙上”符合语境,所以填on the wall。56.【答案详解】Worrying 根据“Almost everyone worries about them and feels stressed”可知,几乎每个人都担心考试,感到压力,worry about为……感到担心,在句中作主语,用动名词形式,句首需大写首字母。所以填Worrying。57.【答案详解】fail/unable 根据“But too much stress can stop you working to the best of your abilities”可知,太多的压力会阻碍你发挥出最好的能力,fail to do sth未能做某事,be unable to do sth不能做某事,make sb do sth让某人做某事,所以填fail/unable。58.【答案详解】information 根据“If you can, find a copy of the syllabus for each subject. This tells you what you need to know and gives you the topics for revision.”可知,如果可以的话,找一份每门课的教学大纲,这会告诉你你需要知道什么,并给你复习的主题。也就是通过每个主题的教学大纲来获取信息,所以填information。59. 【答案详解】week 根据“Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your work space.”可知,在你的工作空间里做一个每周复习时间表。所以填week。60.【答案详解】early/ahead 根据“About 12 weeks before your first exam, record the dates and times for each of your exams in your planner”可知,在你第一次考试前12周,把每一次考试的日期和时间记录在你的计划或日记本上,也就是要提前准备,所以填early/ahead。61.【答案详解】relaxed 根据“so build in relaxation time before bed, avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep”可知,在睡觉前安排放松时间,避免深夜复习,尽量早点上床,这样你就能得到足够的睡眠,此处表示“放松”,用于make sb+adj结构中,所以填relaxed。62.【答案详解】encourage 根据“If panic(惊慌)starts to creep in, try to replace your negative thoughts with more positive(积极的)ones”可知,如果恐慌开始蔓延,试着用积极的想法取代你的消极想法,也就是鼓励自己保持积极,用于try to do sth短语中,所以填encourage。63.【答案详解】considering 根据“If you have difficulty answering a question, leave it and move on to the next one”可知,如果你回答一个问题有困难,那就别管它,继续下一个,也就是不要考虑它太久,用于instead of doing sth结构中,所以填considering。64.【答案详解】help 根据“Call psychological(心理的)hotline to share your worries and get help from others going through the same experience.”可知,拨打心理热线,分享你的烦恼,向有同样经历的人寻求帮助。所以填help。65.【答案详解】life 根据“Things may feel stressful right now, but it won’t last forever. And then the rest of your life will still be there.”可知,现在的事情可能会让你感到压力,但压力不会永远持续下去,生活依然继续。所以填life。66.【答案详解】(f)orget 句意:有些人在做作业时遇到的问题不是他们觉得太难,或者作业时间太长,而是他们忘记了必须做什么以及什么时候做。根据转折连词but及“what they have to do and for when”及首字母提示可知,这里指忘记做什么,“忘记”为forget,是动词;该句是一般现在时,主语为第三人称复数,谓语动词用原形,所以填(f)orget。67.【答案详解】 (n)eeds 句意:这可能是因为他们没有写下具体需要做的事情,或者没有记下何时必须交。结合句意及首字母提示可知,这里指写下需要做的事情,sth. need to be done意为“某事需要被做”,该句是一般现在时,主语为疑问词what,谓语动词用单三形式needs,所以填(n)eeds。68.【答案详解】(u)se 句意:如果你有一个学校记事簿,要充分利用它来记录你需要做什么。根据“ to record what you need to do”可知,要充分利用记事簿记录你要做的事情,make good use of意为“充分利用”,结合句意,所以填(u)se。69.【答案详解】 (w)hen 句意:如果没有,用日记或笔记本记下必须交什么和什么时候交。根据上文“what they have to do and for when”以及首字母提示可知,这里指什么时候,when意为“何时”,所以填(w)hen。70.【答案详解】(w)aiting 句意:你可以设置一个“收件箱”系统,这样你就可以看到什么是等待做的。wait to do意为“等待做某事”,空格前面有系动词is,用现在进行时,所以填(w)aiting。71.【答案详解】 (r)eady 句意:每晚你把家庭作业放进这个托盘或浅盒,准备好要做作业的时候再拿出来。结合句意和首字母提示可知,这里指准备好要做作业,be ready to do sth.意为“准备做某事”,所以填(r)eady。72.【答案详解】(o)rganized 句意:虽然没有人真正期待做作业,但如果你组织得好,有时间和空间集中精力做作业,你会做得更有效率。根据“have time and space to concentrate on it”及首字母提示可知,这里指你组织得好,are是be动词,此处使用形容词organized,意为“有组织的,条理的”。所以填(o)rganized。73.【答案详解】(o)wn 句意:例如,如果你的家庭作业涉及到上网,而你没有自己的电脑,那么一定要在家庭电脑上“预定”一些时间,或者可以在学校图书馆使用一台。根据“ make sure you ‘book’ some time on the family computer, or can use one in your school library”及首字母提示可知,这里指自己的电脑,own意为“自己的”,所以填(o)wn。74.【答案详解】(a)nywhere 句意:如果你有空间,就在家里任何地方设立一个家庭作业办公室,里面有桌子或书桌,还有一把舒适的椅子。根据“If you have space”及首字母提示可知,这里指可以在任何地方设立一个办公室,anywhere意为“任何地方”,是副词,在句中修饰动词,所以填(a)nywhere。75.【答案详解】(l)eave 句意:这有助于养成晚上早点做作业的习惯,而不是留到周末的最后一分钟才做。根据“until the last minute at weekends”及首字母提示可知,这里指留到周末的最后一分钟,leave意为“留下”,又因为空前有not,所以用动词原形,所以填(l)eave。76.【答案详解】My Beautiful School DayMy school life is full of beauty. I will never forget the day which makes me feel meaningful.My best friend Lucy and I always ride bikes together after school. One day, I waited a long time but didn’t see her. Then I searched for her in the corner of our school. She was crying at that time. She told me that she was nervous because she would have an English test. I decided to help her with English. That evening, I helped her review the key points and notes. Two days later, she told me that she passed it. I felt that helping others who are in need was very meaningful.






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