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2024-02-05 21:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mooring orders系缆令0Be ready for mooring.  准备带缆。Pay (send) out the head line (rope).  送出首缆。6 K& a" R; Q$ t( W1 n! S. m; i2 H9 z$ Z& a: Q8 f& g4 |Pay out the after spring.  送出尾倒缆。0 a* q$ B$ C* O. N; `1 p- z# m3 `2 j7 l6 s+ O' g2 UHeave in.  绞进!Heave in the head line (line).  绞进首缆。Heave away.  绞!Tighten the slacked stern line!  拉紧已松弛的尾缆!Hold on.  拉住!- \( U4 Y! V; L: ?6 B( RCheck the fore spring.  慢放(控制)前倒缆!& }" r7 o1 H8 ]1 U$ R! A0 ]  p1 F+ y( nSlack away.  松出!Slack (run out )the stern line.  松出尾缆!* {$ L4 _! s: x( K  ~All fast.  全挽牢!Heave away forward.  首缆开绞!9 H" D/ A" d; F8 W, THold on aft.  尾缆拉住!; G+ a, l; n+ ^. BMake fast stern line.  尾缆挽牢!Shift 2 metres ahead. 向前移2米!: |5 c% {$ a# C3 j. cjust in position.  正好到位,靠上位!1 A2 M  ~6 |0 T

Unmooring order解缆令Be ready for unmooring.  准备解缆!, c9 A/ c  M8 Y5 m9 I1 d1 Ilet go stern line.  解尾缆。Single up.  各留一根!单绑!. S) e9 a/ ~# J6 ?- p1 zSingle up forward (aft).  船头(尾)留一根!Haul in the stern line.  拉进尾缆!6 I: d) P1 C6 ~; C3 O# X5 aSlack away the head line.  松出首缆!( [* h6 y# u7 A+ ]Slack (loose) the spring.  松倒缆!6 `: I! F" i0 ACast off (let go ) the breast line.  解横缆!) b3 U* L8 s% H8 aWind up the spring.  卷起倒缆!Easy.  慢一点!3 y# ]3 |8 K1 f. g9 QDon’t break it.  不要拉断!- f/ H! `2 K1 O7 UIs it clear astern?   船尾清爽吗?4 o5 v5 O: h$ U7 c3 g/ O# a& a( N( \2 X- S, XClear astern (aft).  船尾清爽。& Y% y9 J, S+ W, iNot clear.  不清爽。Pass the head line round the bollard and make fast.  首缆上桩挽牢。$ X- p' o5 e6 G/ i' d* vLet go everything.  解掉所有缆绳。* Z; a/ [. n  g9 p5 C! V/ b: b1 v" H& L. @+ q+ m+ a; rCheck the head line.  慢放首缆。Secure (make sure) the tugs for and aft.  前后拖轮挽牢。Let go the tug line (rope). 解拖缆。Get fenders ready.  准备靠垫。8 I$ W. x* J- g5 S( X: a* O# \/ a; qHeave away easy.  慢慢绞。! D7 {" F1 l; m8 pStop heaving.  停绞!




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