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2023-05-05 06:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Prof Maskin


















那么,如果你想让你的国家变得具有创新性,你应该进行什么样的投资来促进这种创新呢? 我认为,教育是最重要的投资。也就是说,创新投资,在于学校与大学里。

为什么要投资教育? 因为,如果你要在科学、技术或工业领域进行创新,你必须处于这些领域的前沿,了解这些领域中已经积累的知识与智慧。而有学习到了领域中的知识,你才能知道如何站在领域前沿——这也正是教育的作用。教育为潜在的创新者提供了领域中具有创新可能性的知识,并将潜在的创新者带到已知的前沿。这样,那些潜在创新者才能超越现有的知识、发现新事物、实现创新。










我想要举一个我自己的例子。一开始,我学习了很多年的数学,并想要在数学学科中有所作为。然而在偶然的情况下,我遇见了一位非常有启发性的经济学导师,也就是我后来的博士导师:肯尼斯·阿罗 (1972年诺贝尔经济学奖得主) 。他讨论的问题非常吸引我,那些想法让我对尚未得到解答的问题充满了好奇。而也正是他,引导了我向经济学的方向发展。所以,我最终走上了经济学研究的道路,或多或少也恰是因为遇到了一位能给我带来启发的老师。



English Version

Hello everyone. I'm Maskin, professor of economics and mathematics at Harvard University and 2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics. And I would like to offer my congratulations to all the students and to all the schools whose hard work led to their being recognized on the international school rankings that have just recently been announced. Many congratulations on that.

And I'd like to spend a few minutes today explaining why all that hard work that your students and your schools have put in is so important.


Innovation Leads To Growth

And Prosperity

The first thing I want to say is that the main source of economic growth and prosperity is innovation. And we know this from many economic studies going back to the groundbreaking work of Nobel Laureate Robert Solo in the 1950s. That is, societies that invest in innovation grow and prosper, and their people prosper. And societies that don't make this investment in innovation, do not grow and their people suffer as results.

For over a century, the United States, my country was the fastest growing economy in the world, and it became the richest country in the world because of innovation and because of the investment that the U.S. made in innovation. Now, in the last part of the 20th century, going into the 21st century, China took over as the fastest growing major economy and it now the second biggest economy in the world. And how did this happen? Well again, it was because of innovation. Because the Chinese society recognized how importance, cultivating and investing in innovation is. And innovation leads to growth and prosperity.


Education Is The Most

Important Investment

So if you want your country to be innovative, what sort of investment should you be making to promote this innovation? I would argue that the most important investment you can make is in education. That is, in schools and universities.

Why is this? If you're going to make an innovation in science, or in technology or in industry, you have to be at the cutting edge of those fields. You have to be at the frontier. And how can you know what the accumulated wisdom is in those fields? What is already known in those fields? Unless you learn that. And that's the function of schools and universities. They give potential innovators the knowledge about the fields where innovation is possible to take those innovators to the frontier of what is already now, so that those potential innovators can move beyond existing knowledge and discover new things.


Innovative Thinking Is

Curiosity Driven Thinking

But perhaps even more important than knowledge, teaching students how to think is a way that encourages innovation. What sort of thinking is that? It's thinking that is always looking for answers to hard and interesting questions. Thinking that doesn't necessarily except the old way of doing things and challenges the old ways to see whether some sort of improvement can be made.

And above all, innovative thinking is curiosity driven thinking. You are most likely to come up with an innovative idea, something that someone hasn't already thought of if you were led to that idea by your own curiosity. It's not always easy to tell in advance what ideas are going to lead to the most important innovations. But whatever those ideas are, it's likely that they were thought of in the first place because the person who discovered them was driven to find answers to difficult questions because that person was curious.

I like to give the example of Einstein and the theory of relativity. Einstein, in the early 20th century, didn't accept the answers that centuries of physics was giving us about the way that light behaves and the way that gravity behaves. And after thinking about these deep problems concerning lights and gravity for a number of years, he came up with a theory of relativity, which was an astounding and innovative achievement within science. He was not led to it because he thought it would change the business world. He was not led to it because he thought it would make him rich. He was led to it because he was curious, and he wanted to find out the answers to these important questions.

But it turned out that his discovery, the theory of relativity, is key to some of our most important modern technology. You all know about Global Positioning Systems, systems which allow you to navigate, almost any place on Earth. And often, they are critical to taking you or directing you toward the destination that you're seeking. While Global Positioning Systems would not have been possible without the theory of relativity. You need to make corrections to global coordinates using the theory of relativity in order for those coordinates to be sufficiently accurate. But there was no way that anyone could foresee, when the theory of relativity was discovered, how important it would be.

What was important was that Einstein had the education and the freedom of thought to come up with the theory of relativity. And that is why schools are so important, because they impart knowledge, and they also induce students to think creatively and innovative way about the problems that interest students.


A Good Teacher Matters,

Steps Forward

I'll just give one personal example. I started out thinking that I wanted to have a career in mathematics and I studied math for years. But almost by accident, I came across a very inspiring economics teacher who later became my PhD adviser, Kenneth Arrow, who moved me toward the direction of economics. Why did I go in that direction? Because I found the ideas that Arrow was discussing to be captivating. And those ideas led me to be curious about ideas that hadn't already been answered. And so, I ended up going into, economics, more or less, through the accidents of meeting an inspiring teacher.

I imagine many of you students have inspiring teachers too, and their role is critically important. And ultimately, they may be inspiring you, the innovators of the future, to contribute your ideas to the next generation, steps forward.

So let me congratulate the students, the schools once again on your accomplishment so far. Let me also encourage you to keep up the good work.

Thank you.















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