
您所在的位置:网站首页 刘宇晴英文名 他是《三体》的另一位英译者,刘宇昆曾在译后记中感谢他


2023-11-15 12:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265










一位名为D. Hodgson的读者8月23日也在亚马逊上写道:

The story feels familiar though as renegade scientists, quantum physics, military concerns and heroines figure prominently and there's even a hint of aliens (Trisolarans?) watching us from afar. 这个故事有我们熟悉因素:变节的科学家、量子物理学、军事因素和突出的女主。甚至还有来至外星人“窥视”的可能。(会是三体星人么?)




《球状闪电》的英文版责编是Tor / Forge Books 的科幻名编Lindsey Hall,她说:

It's a great read for fans of The Three Body Problem as well as those who haven't yet read the trilogy. Liu Cixin has been an absolute pleasure to work with. It's an honor to be his US editor.


We're very open to working with more Chinese science fiction authors, and the success of The Three Body Problem has helped make that possible. For example, we're launching Chen Qiufan's Waste Tide in English in April 2019.



On his fourteenth birthday, right before his eyes, Chen's parents are incinerated by a blast of ball lightning. Striving to make sense of this bizarre tragedy, he dedicates his life to a single goal: to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic natural phenomenon. 在14岁生日上,小陈目睹双亲被球状闪电化为灰烬的场景。之后他暗下决心,将要一辈子研究解密这个神秘的自然现象。 incinerate vt. 焚化;烧成灰 His pursuit of ball lightning will take him far from home, across mountain peaks chasing storms and deep into highly classified subterranean laboratories as he slowly unveils a new frontier in particle physics. 为了这个目标,他远离家乡,在山巅之间追逐风暴,埋头在高度机密的地下实验室。渐渐地,他开启了粒子物理学新的前沿。

Chen's obsession gives purpose to his lonely life, but it can't insulate him from the real world's interest in his discoveries. 对科学的迷恋给他孤独的生活中带来了生存的目的。但他却不能摆脱现实世界对他实验的兴趣。 He will be pitted against scientists, soldiers and governments with motives of their own: a physicist who has no place for moral judgment in his pursuit of knowledge; a beautiful army major obsessed with new ways to wage war; a desperate nation facing certain military defeat. 他将遭遇各怀目的的科学家、军人和政府。他也将遇到一个为了追求知识失去道德判断的物理学家,一个对发动战争的新方式无比痴迷的美貌军官,还有面临军事战败的绝望之国。




离去的人们其实以他的形态(量子态quantum state)在我们身边存在,但一旦被观看到,他就坍塌(collapse)消失不见了。他可以整理房间,可以带来飘着清香的玫瑰,但你一旦发现,就看不到他,也看不到那玫瑰。

就好比小说里有一场球状闪电的武器实验,没有任何一位已知的观察者,包括摄像头、卫星等,物体还是消失了。那就是说,应该有地球之外的其他观看者(omnipresent observer)咯。想想看!


Outside, lightning flashed dramatically.


This time, it came in through the wall, emerging like a spirit from an oil painting of a revelry of the Greek gods. It was about the size of a basketball and shone with a hazy red glow. It drifted gracefully over our heads, leaving behind a tail that gave off a dark red light. Its flight path was erratic, and its tail described a confusingly complicated figure above us. As it floated, it whistled a deep tone pierced with a sharp high whine, calling to mind a spirit blowing a flute in some ancient wasteland.


Mom grabbed hold of Dad in fear with both hands, an action I have looked back on in anguish my entire life, because if she had not done that, I might now have at least one relative left alive.


The thing continued to drift like it was looking for something that it finally found. It hung about half a meter over my father's head, and its whistle turned deeper and intermittent, like bitter laughter.


I could see inside the thing, into a translucent red blaze that seemed infinitely deep, a bottomless haze from which a cluster of blue stars streamed out like a star field as viewed by a spirit passing through space faster than the speed of light.


Later, I learned that the internal power density was as much as 20,000 to 30,000 joules per cubic centimeter, compared to just 2,000 joules per cubic centimeter for TNT. And while its internal temperature might exceed 10,000 degrees, its surface was cool.


My father lifted his hand, more to protect his head than to try to touch the thing. Fully extended, his arm seemed to exert an attractive force that pulled the thing toward it like a leaf's stomata absorbs a drop of dew.


With a blinding flash and a deafening boom, the world around me exploded.


What I saw after the flash blindness lifted from my eyes would stay with me for the rest of my life. It was like someone had switched to grayscale mode in a photo editor: instantaneously, the bodies of my mom and dad had turned black and white. Or rather, gray and white, because the black was the result of shadows cast by lamplight playing off creases and folds. The color of marble. Dad's hand was still raised, and Mom still clutched at his other arm with both hands. On the faces of these two statues, there still seemed to be life in the two pairs of petrified eyes.


A strange odor was in the air, which I later learned was the smell of ozone.


"Dad!" I shouted. No answer.


"Mom!" I shouted again. No answer.


Approaching the two statues was the most frightening moment in my life. In the past, my terrors had mostly been in dreams, and I was able to avoid a mental breakdown in the world of my nightmares because my subconscious was still awake, shouting to my consciousness from a remote corner, "This is a dream." Now, it took that voice shouting to me with all its might to keep me moving in their direction. I reached out a trembling hand to touch my father's body, and the instant I made contact with the gray and white surface of his shoulder, it felt like I was passing through an extremely thin and extremely brittle shell. I heard a soft cracking sound, like the crackling of a glass when you pour boiling water into it in the winter. The two statues collapsed right before my eyes in a miniature avalanche.


Two piles of white ash settled on the carpet, and that was all there was.



《球状闪电》小说开头写的相当漂亮,也正是这个开头,让来自美国的周华(Joel Martinsen)着迷不已。


It is my honor to be able to translate Liu Cixin’s Ball Lightning into English. The novel, my favorite by China’s most popular science fiction writer, is one that I’ve been wanting to translate since I first read it many years ago. I’m excited about tackling the challenges posed by the book’s inventive physics, and doing justice to its fast-paced story of the pursuit of a scientific obsession, says Joel Martinsen. 我一直就想翻译这一部《球状闪电》,这是我的夙愿。我为此感到很荣幸。我也很兴奋能尝试来翻译书中的具有创意的物理学,并且能尽量把这本关于一个科学执念的快节奏的书的魅力带给英语的读者。

正是因为有刘宇昆(Ken Liu)和周华这样的译者,《三体》才能走那么远。



周华在高中时就对中文有所涉猎,大学学的是数学,从美国马里兰大学(The University of Maryland)毕业后来华,先在吉林待了3年,苦练中文。又到北京进入北师大学习。后在一个媒体咨询公司工作过。现在,只专心做翻译。




周华 Alice Xin Liu摄



很靠谱,Joel Martinsen中文十分好,普通话说的比我标准,且工作认真,十分敬业,《黑暗森林》英文版的修改多达一千多处。此人唯一的缺点是:请他吃饭只去素菜馆。












我们现在这个时代至少在中国,正处于一个快速的现代化进程之中,我们的生活的最大的特点就是充满着变化,充满着未来感。未来感很重要,因为在我们30年前、40年前,我们的未来感并不是太强,因为那个时候生活的变化没有现在这么大。所以未来感它本身就是科幻小说成长的一个肥沃的土壤,这是一方面。 但是另一方面这个局势对科幻小说来说也是不乐观的,既然我们已经生活在科幻小说里了,还看什么科幻小说。在美国的三四十年代到六十年代,科幻小说的繁荣是和当时科学的神奇感是分不开的。但是现在科学技术已经渗透到了我们生活的方方面面,科学神奇感的消失,对科幻小说的打击是致命的,注意我这两个字:致命。





Five Years Later


Luo Ji and his family could see the gravitational-wave antenna in the distance, but it was still another half-hour drive away. Only when they arrived did they get a real sense of its enormous size. The antenna, a horizontal cylinder a kilometer and a half long and fifty meters in diameter, was entirely suspended about two meters off the ground. Its surface was mirror-smooth, half of its reflecting the sky and half the northern China plain. It reminded people of a few things: the giant pendulums of the Three Body world, thesophons’ lower-dimensional unfoldings, and the droplet. The mirrored object reflected a Trisolaran concept that humanity was still trying to figure out. In the words of a well-known Trisolaran saying, “Hiding the self through a faithful mapping of the universe is the only path into eternity.”



Luo Ji raised his left hand, revealing an object on his wrist the size of a watch. “This is a vital signs monitor linked through a transmitter to a cradle system. You remember Wallfacer Rey Diaz from two centuries ago, so you certainly know about cradle systems. The signal sent from this monitor travels the links of the cradle systems to the Snow Project’s 3,614 bombs deployed in solar orbit.


The signal is sent once every second to maintain the bombs in a non-triggered state. If I die, the system’s maintenance signal will vanish and all of the bombs will detonate, turning the oil film surrounding the bombs into 3,614 interstellar dust clouds ringing the sun. From a distance, the sun’s visible light and other high-frequency bands will appear to flicker through the dust cloud coverage.


做为一个科幻迷出身的科幻作家,我写科幻小说的目的不是用它来隐喻和批判现实,我感觉科幻小说的最大魅力,就是创造出众多的现实之外的想象世界。 As a science fiction writer who began as a fan, I do not use my fiction as a disguised way to criticize the reality of the present. I feel that the greatest appeal of science fiction is the creation of numerous imaginary worlds outside of reality.







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