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2023-06-13 14:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


已有 2760 次阅读 2021-2-9 16:44 |系统分类:博客资讯

杨浩淼,男,电子科技大学副教授,加拿大滑铁卢大学、韩国庆一大学访问学者,中国电子科技集团第三十研究所博士后。中国计算机学会、美国计算机学会以及IEEE会员,中国密码学会高级会员。研究方向为网络安全和密码学,对物联网安全、人工智能安全、云安全、智能电网安全以及公钥密码学等作了大量研究工作。在IEEE Transactions TII、TPDS、TSC、IEEE IoT Journal、IEEE Network Magazine、IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、Journal of Network and Computer Applications、Information Sciences、Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications等期刊和IEEE GLOBECOM、ICC等会议发表论文70余篇,其中近30篇被SCI检索、1篇入选ESI高被引论文(前1%),单篇论文最高被SCI他引161次,Google学术最高单篇引用302次;出版了专著1部;申请了国家发明专利近20项,已授权了6项;登记了软件著作权3项。主持了国家自然科学基金、四川省科技厅重点研发项目、四川省科技厅国际合作计划项目、华为技术有限公司创新项目、保密通信国防科技重点实验室项目、空间微波技术国防科技重点实验室项目等10余项课题;参与国家科技部重点研发计划等科研项目。担任包括GLOBECOM、ICC在内的10余个国际会议的TPC成员。获得了2011年科技部“中韩青年科学家交流计划项目”的支持(全国仅10人)。部分项目成果已应用于具有百万量级客户量的成都市农商银行的业务系统,涉及在四川、山东等7个省份设立的39家中小村镇银行,为农商银行业务网络的数据可靠采集、用户行为智能学习和分析提供了技术支撑,该成果的应用成功获得了2018年中国银行业信息科技风险管理课题第三类成果奖。



中韩青年科学家交流项目(Korea-China Young Scientist Exchange Program),科技部,2012/07-2013/07(每年全国仅10个名额) 


杨浩淼(7/10), 中小银行SOA架构下交易双活及国产数据库集成运用理论与实践, 中国银行保险监督管理委员会, 省部级三等奖, 2018. (黄庄庄, 李洪伟, 李黎明, 司徒浩, 叶明, 武畅, 杨浩淼, 于洋, 朱文虎, 曹晋辉)

Haomiao Yang (4/5), Reliable and Privacy-Preserving Selective Data Aggregation for Fog-Based IoT, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China 2020 最佳论文奖, IEEE Communication Society, 2020. (Miao He, Jianbing Ni, Dongxiao Liu, Haomiao Yang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen)

主持及参与课题情况 【主持的科研项目】



四川省科技厅, 重点研发项目, 2018GZ0202, 基于向量同态加密的大规模加密图像的特征提取及其应用, 2018-01至2019-1、已结题, 主持。

















杨浩淼,邱乐德,基于身份的公钥密码体制的研究,电子科技大学出版社, 四川省2012年度第一批重点图书出版项目(21万字),2012.4, ISBN: 978-7-5647-1118-4

杨浩淼, 李洪伟,冉鹏,网络安全协议综合实验教程,清华大学出版社,高等院校信息安全专业系列教材(19.2万字),2016.6,ISBN: 978-7-302-42496-3



[1] 杨浩淼, 姚铭轩, 何伟超, 黄云帆, 冉鹏, 金保隆, 汪小芬, 一种针对ADS-B协议保密性及完整性的解决方法, 2017-03-23, ZL201710179121.0. (授权专利)

[2] 杨浩淼, 黄云帆, 何伟超, 冉鹏, 姚铭轩, 金保隆, 汪小芬, 一种基于向量同态加密的HOG 图像特征提取算法, 2017-03-14, ZL201710151231.6. (授权专利)

[3] 杨浩淼, 汤殿华, 加密和相似性度量的方法、终端及服务器, 2014-07-18, ZL 201410428736.9. (授权专利)

[4] 杨浩淼, 何伟超, 黄云帆, 冉鹏, 姚铭轩, 金保隆, 隐私保护下的向量相似性判断方法, 2016-11-23, ZL201611145362.5. (授权专利)

[5] 李洪伟, 谈辰, 刘森, 成艺, 龚丽, 杨浩淼, 任彦之, 一种针对以太坊智能合约的静态代码审计系统及方法, 2018-01-21, ZL201811404851.7. (授权专利)

[6] 杨浩淼,何伟超,黄云帆, 基于向量同态加密的隐私保护KNN分类方法, 2016-12-30, ZL 201611190593.8. (授权专利)

[7] 杨浩淼, 周启贤, 一种新的隐私保护下非交互式的K近邻分类方法, 2018-10-15, CN201811200446.3.

[8] 杨浩淼, 何伟超, 黄云帆, 梁绍鹏, 一种隐私保护下的广义线性回归方法, 2017-09-20, CN201710850810.X. 

[9] 杨浩淼, 綦伟良, 何伟超, 一种基于向量同态加密的隐私保护层次聚类方法, 2017-06-29, 201710513628.5.

[10] 杨浩淼, 从鑫, 张可, 一种基于向量同态加密的隐私保护的线性SVM模型训练算法, 2018-04-10, CN201810317657.9.

[11] 杨浩淼, 张有, 何伟超, 一种基于VHE的隐私保护神经网络的训练及预测方法, 2018-06-08, CN201810592585.9.



2011SR029656,基于身份加密(IBE)的手机短信加密软件V1.0, 2011

2011SR029657,基于身份密码软件 V1.0, 2011

2011SR029658,ECC安全椭圆曲线快速产生软件V1.0, 2011


Haomiao Yang, Qixian Zhou, Jianbing Ni*, Hongwei Li, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen., "Accurate Image-Based Pedestrian Detection With Privacy Preservation," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 14494-14509, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.3043203.

Haomiao Yang, Shaopeng Liang, Jianbing Ni, Hongwei Li*, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen. "Secure and Efficient k NN Classification for Industrial Internet of Things," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 10945-10954, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2992349.(JCR-1区)

Haomiao Yang*, Shaopeng Liang, Qixian Zhou, Hongwei Li. Privacy-preserving HE-based clustering for load profiling over encrypted smart meter data. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020). IEEE, 2020: 1-6.

Miao He, Jianbing Ni*, Dongxiao Liu, Haomiao Yang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Reliable and Privacy-Preserving Selective Data Aggregation for Fog-Based IoT, International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2020). IEEE/CIC,2020 (最佳论文奖) 

Guowen Xu, Hongwei Li, Hao Ren, Jianfei Sun, Shengmin Xu, Jianting Ning, Haomiao Yang and Kan Yang. Secure and Verifiable Inference in Deep Neural Networks, The 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), ACM, 2020

Shaopeng Liang, Haomiao Yang*,Qixian Zhou,and Minglu Zhang. Privacy-Preserving and Outsourced Density Peaks Clustering Algorithm. In International Conference on Frontiers in Cyber Security (FCS 2020), Springer, 2020

Minglu Zhang, Qixian Zhou, Shaopeng Liang and Haomiao Yang*. Improving Communication Efficiency for Encrypted Distributed Training. In International Conference on Security and Privacy in Digital Economy (SPDE 2020), Springer, 2020.


Haomiao Yang; Qixian Zhou; Mingxuan Yao; Rongxing Lu; Hongwei Li*; Xiaosong Zhang; A Practical and Compatible Cryptographic Solution to ADS-B Security, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019 , 6(2):3322-3334. (JCR-1区)

Haomiao Yang; Xiaofen Wang*; Chun Yang; Xin Cong; You Zhang; Securing content-centric networks with content-based encryption, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2019 , 128: 21-32. (JCR-2区)

Yong Yu; Huilin Li; Ruonan Chen; Yanqi Zhao; Haomiao Yang; Xiaojiang Du; Enabling secure intelligent network with cloud-assisted privacy-preserving machine learning, IEEE Network, 2019 , 33(3): 82-89. (JCR-1区) 

Meng Hao; Hongwei Li; Xizhao Luo; Guowen Xu; Haomiao Yang; Sen Liu; Efficient and privacy-enhanced federated learning for industrial artificial intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019. (JCR-1区)

Xue Yang; Rongxing Lu; Jun Shao; Xiaohu Tang; Haomiao Yang; An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Disease Risk Prediction Scheme for E-Healthcare, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019 , 6(2):3284-3297. (JCR-1区)

Yuan Zhang; Chunxiang Xu; Nan Cheng; Hongwei Li; Haomiao Yang; Xuemin (Sherman) Shen; Chronos : An Accurate Blockchain-based Time-stamping Scheme for Cloud Storage, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2019. (JCR-2区) 

Yandong Zheng; Rongxing Lu; Beibei Li; Jun Shao; Haomiao Yang; Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo: Efficient privacy-preserving data merging and skyline computation over multi-source encrypted data. Information Sciences. 2019, 498: 91-105. (JCR-2区)

Meng Hao, Hongwei Li, Xizhao Luo, Guowen Xu, Haomiao Yang and Sen Liu, Efficient and Privacy-enhanced Federated Learning for Industrial Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2019.2945367. (JCR-1区)

Meng Hao, Hongwei Li, Guowen Xu, Sen Liu and Haomiao Yang, Towards Efficient and Privacy-preserving Federated Deep Learning, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications. (IEEE通信旗舰会议)


Haomiao Yang*; Weichao He; Jie Li; Hongwei Li; Efficient and Secure kNN Classification over Encrypted Data Using Vector Homomorphic Encryption, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications. (IEEE通信领域旗舰会议, CCF-C)

Haomiao Yang*; Weichao He; Qixian Zhou; Hongwei Li; Efficient and secure outsourced linear regression, 2018 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. (CCF-C) 



Haomiao Yang*; Yunfan Huang; Yong Yu; Mingxuan Yao; Xiaosong Zhang; Privacy-Preserving Extraction of HOG Features Based on Integer Vector Homomorphic Encryption, 2017 International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience.

Haomiao Yang*; Mingxuan Yao; Zili Xu; Baoshu Liu; LHCSAS: A Lightweight and Highly-Compatible Solution for ADS-B Security, 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference. (IEEE通信领域旗舰会议, CCF-C)

杨浩淼*; 金保隆; 陈诚; 吴新沿; 一种高效的同态加密方案及其应用, 密码学报, 2017 , 4(6): 611-619. (密码学会会刊)

Huang Yunfan, Yang Haomiao*, Nie Mengxi, et. al, ImageFeature Extraction with Homomorphic Encryption on Integer Vector, 2017 International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, 2017.01.13-15.



Yong Yu, Jianbing Ni, Qi Xia, Xiaofen Wang, Haomiao Yang, Xiaosong Zhang.SVIDIP2: shared data integrity verification with identity privacy preserving in mobile clouds. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28(10),2016,2877-2888

Hongwei Li, Kun Jia, Haomiao Yang, Dongxiao Liu, Liang Zhou.Practical blacklist-based anonymous  authentication scheme for mobile crowd sensing. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 9(4),2016,762-773

Jianbing Ni, Kuan Zhang, Xiaodong Lin, Haomiao Yang, Xuemin Sherman Shen:AMA: Anonymous mutual authentication with traceability in carpooling systems. ICC 2016: 1-6

Mengxi Nie, Peng Ran, Haomiao Yang, Efficient Multi-keyword Ranked Serach over Outsourced Cloud Data based on Homomorphic Encryption,2016 8th International Conference on Computerand Automation Engineering (ICCAE),3-4 March 2016, Melbourne, Australia,DOI:10.1051/matecconf/20165601002

Xiaofen Wang, Haomiao Yang, Xiaosong Zhang, Anonymous Authentication Protocol with Batch Verification forE-Health System,  International Journalof Computer Systems Science and Engineering , accepted,September 20, 2016.



Hongwei Li, Yi Yang, Haomiao Yang, Mi Wen,Achieving efficient and privacy-preserving multi-feature search for mobile sensing,Computer Communications 65,2015,35-42

Haomiao Yang, Hyunsung Kim, Kambombo Mtonga,An effcient privacy-preserving anthentication scheme with  adaptive key evolution in remote health monitoring system,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 8(6),2015,1059-1069

Daojing He, Sammy Chan, Mohsen Guizani, Haomiao Yang, Boyang Zhou,Secure and Distributed Data Discovery and Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 26(4),2015,1129-1139

Honggu Lin,Haomiao Yang,Jing Zeng,Location Privacy of ADS-B for General Aviation, International Conference on Logistics Engineering, Managementand Computer Science (LEMCS 2015),2015/7/29-2015/7/31,Shenyang, 2015/6/2.

张小松, 杨浩淼, 汪小芬, 面向大数据安全的密码技术研究,信息安全研究03期, 2015/12/5.238-244

邱丽娜, 杨浩淼, 冉鹏, 基于HELib的加密医疗数据的机器学习算法的设计与实现, 第十三届保密通信与信息安全技术学术年会, 成都,2015/8/21-2015/8/22, 193-196

杨翰典, 杨浩淼, 冉鹏, 基于HELib的加密数据的统计分析算法的设计与实现, 第十三届保密通信与信息安全技术学术年会, 成都,2015/8/21-2015/8/22,197-200



Haomiao Yang, Xiaofen Wang, Jiang Deng,Jing Zeng, and Xiaosong Zhang,EA-MTSP: Efficient Authentication for MultipleThird Party Service Providers in Smart Grids. IETE Technical Review.2014,31(2):143 - 152, DOI:10.1080/02564602.2014.892750.(SCI,IF:0.705)

Haomiao Yang, Rongshun Huang, Xiaofen Wang, Jiang Deng, and Ruidong Chen,EBAA: Efficient Broadcast Authentication Scheme for ADS-B Communication based on IBS-MR,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2014, 27(3):688-696, DOI: 10.1016/j.cja.2014.04.028.(SCI,IF:0.301)

Daojing He, Sammy Chan, Yan Zhang, and Haomiao Yang, Lightweight and Confidential Data Discovery and Dissemination for Wireless Body Area Networks,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2014,18(2): 440-448, DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2013.2293620(SCI,IF:1.676,SCI IDS Number: AD1IK)

Yong Yu,Jianbing Ni, Haomiao Yang, Yi Mu, and Willy Susilo,Efficient public keyencryption with revocable keyword search,Security and Communication Networks,2014,7:466–472. DOI: 10.1002/sec.790.(SCI,IF:0.311,SCI IDS Number: 297OK)

Daojing He, Sammy Chan, Haomiao Yang, Improving the Security of an Efficient Handover Authentication  Scheme, The 6th FTRA International Conferenceon, 2014/12/17-2014/12/19

李洪伟, 刘文超, 杨浩淼, 任务型教学法在非全日制专业学位研究生教学中的应用, 中国校外教育27期, 2014/9/30,73-74

Hongwei Li,Xiaodong Lin, Haomiao Yang, Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu,Xuemin Shen, EPPDR: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Demand Response Scheme with Adaptive Key Evolution in SmartGrid,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems25(8),2014/8,2053-2064 (ESI高被引论文)

汤殿华, 祝世雄, 王林, 杨浩淼, 范佳, 基于RLWE的全同态加密方案, 通信学报, 01期, pp173- 182, 2014

Dongxiao Liu, Hongwei Li, Yi Yang, Haomiao Yang,Achieving multi-authority access control with efficient attribute revocation in smart grid, attribute revocation in smart grid, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, Sydney,2014, 634-639

Huang Rongshun,Yang Haomiao,Wu Honggang, Enabling confidentiality for ADS-B broadcast messages based on format-preserving encryption, InternationalConference on Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology,VMEIT 2014,Beijing, 2032-2035



Haomiao Yang, Hyunsung Kim, DianhuaTang, Hongwei Li,An Efficient Somewhat HE scheme over Integers and ItsVariation,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems7(10), 2013, 2497 – 2513 (SCI,IF:0.56, SCI IDS Number: 251IE)

Haomiao Yang, Hyunsung Kim, Hongwei Li, Xiaofen Wang, and Xuefeng Ding,An EfficientBroadcast Authentication Scheme with Batch Verification for ADS-B Messages,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information  Systems7(10), 2013, 2544 – 2560(SCI,IF:0.56,SCI IDS Number: 251IE)

Ruidong Chen,Chengxiang Si,Haomiao Yang,Xiaosong Zhang,ADS- B Data Authentication Based on AH Protocol,2013 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC),21-4, 2013,DOI:10.1109/DASC.2013.32

Kambombo Mtonga, Haomiao Yang, Eunjun Yoon, Hyunsung Kim,Identity-Based Privacy Preservation Framework over u-Healthcare System.(MUE 2013),203-210

Haomiao Yang, Hyunsung Kim, Dianhua Tang,Attack on Recent Homomorphic Encryption Scheme over Integers.The 7th FTRA International Conference onMultimedia and  Ubiquitous Engineering(MUE 2013),2013/5/9-2013/5/11,269-275

汤殿华,曹云飞,杨浩淼, 紧致优化DGHV全同态加密方案, 通信技术12期, 2013/12/10.53-57



Yang Haomiao,Xia Qi, Wang Xiaofen,Tang Dianhua, A new somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme over integers, 2012 International Conferenceon Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring(CDCIEM 2012), 2012/3/5-2012/3/6, 61-64

Yang Haomiao,Wang Dayong, A fast interprediction algorithm for spatial SVC,Journal of Optoelectronics-Laser23(4), 2012,775-781

杨浩淼,汪大勇, 适宜于空间可伸缩帧间编码的快速算法, 光电子-激光04期, 2012,775-781

杨浩淼,程红蓉,张文科, 基于虚拟机的VPN综合实验设计, 信息安全与通信保密06期,2012,56-58

杨浩淼,张文科,蒋磊, 基于VMWare的IPSec综合实验设计, 通信技术06期,2012, 5-7

Yuanyuan Huang, Haomiao Yang, Ping Huang,Action Recognition Using HOG Feature in Different Resolution Video Sequences,Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring (CDCIEM 2012), 2012



Yang Haomiao,Jin Erwen,Liu Changzhong,Wu Honggang, ASCF-PEKS scheme without random oracle under simple assumption, 2011 First InternationalConference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control(IMCCC 2011), 2011/10/21-2011/10/23, 905-908

Yang Haomiao, Xu Chunxiang,Zhao Hongtian, An efficient public keyencryption with keyword search scheme not using pairing, 2011 FirstInternational Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and  Control (IMCCC 2011), 2011/10/21-2011/10/23, pp 900-904

白忠建,杨浩淼,张文科, 素数域上椭圆曲线快速实现技术研究,通信技术12期, 2011,87-89+92



Wang DaYong,Sun ShiXin,Yang HaoMiao, A fast encoding algorithm based on residual coefficients,Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology32(11),2010,2541-2546.

Wang DaYong,Sun ShiXin,Yang HaoMiao,Li Jie, A fast inter predictionalgorithm applied in temporal scalability, Journal of Optoelectronics - Laser21(9), 2010,1374-1377.

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼,李杰,舒剑, 适合于空间可伸缩编码的帧内快速算法, 2010/11/15.

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼, 一种基于残差系数的快速编码算法, 电子与信息学报11期,2010/11/15.

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼,李杰, 适用于时间可伸缩的帧间快速编码算法, 光电子-激光 09期, 2010/9/15.

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼,李杰,舒剑, 适合于空间可伸缩编码的帧内快速算法, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报11期,2010,1959-1965



Yang HaoMiao,Sun ShiXin,Xu JiYou, Efficient verifiably encrypted signature scheme without random oracles,Journal of Software20(4),2009,1069-1076

Yang HaoMiao,Huang YuanYuan,Li Jie, Early detection of all-zero coefficients in H.264 based on DCT coefficients distribution, 2009,333-336

Li HongWei, Sun ShiXin,Yang HaoMiao, Identity-based authentication protocol for grid, Journal of Systems  Engineering and Electronics19(4),2008/8/19,860-866

Li Hongwei,Dai, Yuanshun,Tian, Ling,Yang, Haomiao, Identity-Based Authentication for Cloud Computing, 1stInternational Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudCom 2009), PEOPLES R CHINA, Beijing, 2009,157-166

Wang DaYong, Sun ShiXin,Yang HaoMiao, A suitablescalable video coding for traffic surveillance, Journal of Optoelectronics -Laser20(9), 2009,1214-1217+1227

Wang DaYong,Sun Shi-Xin,Yang HaoMiao, Li Jie, Fast intra predictionalgorithm applied in base layer, Journal of Optoelectronics - Laser20(11), 2009,1523-1527

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼,李杰, 适用于基本层的帧内快速编码算法, 光电子-激光11期, 2009/11/15.

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼, 适用于实时交通监控的时空可伸缩视频编码方法, 光电子-激光,09期, 2009/9/15.

杨浩淼,孙世新,徐继友, 一种无随机预言机的高效可验证加密签名方案(英文), 软件学报,04期, 2009/4/15,95-100

杨浩淼,孙世新,徐继友, 一种无随机预言机的高效可验证加密签名方案, 软件学报20(04), 2009,1069-1076

汪大勇,孙世新,杨浩淼, 适用于实时交通监控的时空可伸缩视频编码方法, 光电子-激光09期,  2009,1214-1217+1227

Li, Hongwei,Yang, Haomiao,Li, Fan,Identity-Based Encryption with Forward Security,International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings ,PEOPLES R CHINA ,JUL 23-25,2009,287-290



Li HongWei,Sun ShiXin,Yang HaoMiao, Identity-basedauthentication protocol for grid-based manufacturing,  Computer IntegratedManufacturing Systems14(1), 2008,177-182

Li HongWei,Sun ShiXin,Yang HaoMiao, Intrusion-resilientsignature scheme based on complete binary tree,Journal of SichuanUniversity(Engineering Science Edition)40(4), 2008,159-165

李洪伟,孙世新,杨浩淼, 基于完全二叉树的入侵弹性签名方案, 四川大学学报(工程科学版)04期, 2008/7/20

杨浩淼,孙世新,徐继友, 基于ARM处理器的手机短消息加密系统, 电子测量与仪器学报02期,2008/4/15

杨浩淼, 基于身份密码学关键技术的研究及应用, 计算机应用, 博士, 电子科技大学,2008/3/17

王磊,孙世新,李杰,杨浩淼, 适于大规模数据集的块增量学习算法,, 计算机应用研究01期,2008/1/15

李洪伟,孙世新,杨浩淼, 网格化制造模式中基于身份的认证协议研究, 计算机集成制造系统01期,2008/1/15.

王磊,孙世新,杨浩淼, 二维bagging集成支持向量机进行网络故障诊断, 电子测量与仪器学报01期,2008, 10-14

杨浩淼,孙世新,徐继友, 基于ARM处理器的手机短消息加密系统, 电子测量与仪器学报02期, 2008, 95-100

杨浩淼,孙世新, 密钥泄漏建模和密钥寿命估计,中国通信学会第五届学术年会论文集,2008,332-338



Yang HaoMiao,Sun ShiXin,Li HongWei, Forward-secureidentity-based encryption scheme, Journal of the University of ElectronicScience and Technology of China36(3),2007,534-537

Yang HaoMiao,Sun ShiXin,Xu JiYou, Signature scheme foruser proxy in manufacturing grid, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems13(11), 2007,2276-2283

杨浩淼,孙世新,李洪伟, 前向安全的基于身份加密方案,电子科技大学学报03期, 2007, p534-537

李杰,朱维乐,王磊,杨浩淼, 基于Wold模型和支持向量机的纹理识别, 计算机研究与发展03期,  2007,460-466

李洪伟,孙世新,杨浩淼, 基于身份的无线局域网认证协议设计与实现, 计算机应用研究12期, 2007,183-185

杨浩淼,孙世新,徐继友, 一种制造网格环境下的用户代理的签名方案, 计算机集成制造系统11期, 2007,2276-2283



Yang HaoMiao, Sun ShiXin,Li HongWei, Research on bilinearDiffie-Hellman problem, Journal of Sichuan University(Engineering ScienceEdition)38(2),2006, 137-140

Yang HaoMiaom, Gu XiaoFeng,Li JianPing,Sun ShiXin, Modeling leakage process of keyinformation,International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and InformationProcessing, PEOPLESR CHINA, Chongqing,2006,979-984

杨浩淼,孙世新,李洪伟, 基于身份加密的非交互式密钥吊销, 计算机应用02期,2006, 332-334

杨浩淼,孙世新,李洪伟, 双线性Diffie-Hellman问题研究, 四川大学学报(工程科学版) 02期,2006,137-140

杨浩淼,孙世新,李洪伟, 加窗的基于身份的吊销方案,计算机应用研究05期,2006,110-112

李洪伟,孙世新,杨浩淼, 网格中基于身份的加密系统研究,计算机应用研究09期, 2006, 124-126

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