为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

您所在的位置:网站首页 分布式数据分发服务 为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

2024-07-01 06:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS? ——DDS:物联网的最佳选择之一


Performance、Scalability、Robustness、Reliability、and QoS for Industrial IoT & Cosumer IoT 【工业级物联网和消费级物联网的性能、可扩展性、健壮性、可靠性和服务质量】

The OMG DDS standard is optimized for high performance, highly-scalable Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and large-scale Consumer IoT application environments which require real-time data communication exchange. It is already well-proven in mission-critical systems in industries ranging from smart transportation to healthcare to smart energy.

OMG DDS标准针对需要实时数据通信的高性能、高可扩展的工业级物联网和大规模消费级物联网应用环境进行了优化。 DDS已在智能交通、医疗保健、智能能源等行业的关键任务系统中得到了充分证验证。

Industry standards built on top of DDS【建立在DDS之上的行业标准】

DDS is the foundation of other industry standards including OpenFMB, Adaptive AUTOSAR, MD PnP, GVA, NGVA, and ROS2.

DDS是其他行业标准的基础,包括OpenFMB,自适应AUTOSAR,MD PnP,GVA,NGVA和ROS2。

Is DDS Right for you?【DDS适合您吗?】

Based on the use of DDS in thousands of applications, we can predict the need for DDS in new projects. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, DDS is likely the best connectivity framework technology for your project.

基于在数千个应用程序中使用DDS,我们可以预测新项目中对DDS的需求。 如果您对以下任何一个问题回答是肯定的,则DDS可能是适合您项目的最佳连接框架技术之一。

Do you have latency, network bandwidth/throughput, or scaling issues because you measure latency in ms or less, or you have more than 10 different applications, or you have more than a thousand data items to share? 您是否存在通信延迟、网络带宽/吞吐量或扩展问题,比如您需要以毫秒为单位或更短的时间来衡量延迟,比如有超过10个不同的应用程序,或者比如需要要共享超过一千种数据项? If your system goes offline for 5 minutes (or even 5 ms), is it a serious problem? Or, do you struggle to configure, startup, or failover to backup servers? 如果系统离线5分钟(甚至5毫秒)是否将导致严重的问题? 您在配置、启动或故障转移到备份服务器方面是否面临困难? Are you building a system that will take more than a year to write, last more than three years, and is expected go through multiple versions or integrate with legacy applications? 您是否正在构建一个系统,该系统将花费一年多的时间编写,持续三年以上,并且有望通过多个版本或与旧版应用程序集成?

These questions help identify your critical performance, reliability, and integration needs. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you should evaluate DDS as a solution, since it offers many additional benefits.





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