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2023-04-07 20:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Unit 7 Part One 信用卡(Credit Cards)

I、Useful Words and Phrases 常用词汇与短语

credit limit 信用额度

floor limit 最低授权额

billing date 出单日

cardholder agreement 持卡人协议

card issuer 发卡机构

card reissuer 信用卡更换

cash advance 预支现金

credit balance 信用余额

behavioral score 行为评级

credit scoring 信用评分

credit loss 信用损失

chargeback 退单

float 免息期

grace period 免息还款期

late charge 逾期罚息

loss reserve 坏账准备金

payment due date 付款到期日

overdue repayment逾期还款

installment repayment 分期还款

minimum repayment 最低还款

payment voucher付款凭单

PIN number 个人身份识别密码

negative file 不良客户档案

positive file 正常客户档案


Debit card 借记卡 Credit card 信用卡

Animal card 生肖卡 Business card 商务卡

Cash card 现金卡 Check card 支票卡

Platinum card 白金卡 Gold card 金卡

Silver card 银卡 Supplementary card 附属卡

Value card 储值卡 VIP card 贵宾卡

Chip card 芯片卡 corporate card 公司卡


Great Wall Credit Card 长城卡(中国银行)

Peony Credit Card 牡丹卡(中国工行)

Dragon Credit Card 龙卡(中国建行)

Pacific Credit Card 太平洋卡(交通银行)

Golden Spike Credit Card 金穗信用卡(中国农行)


American Express Card 美国运通卡

Master Card 万事达卡

Visa Card 维萨卡

Diners Card 大来卡

JCB Card 吉士美卡

目前国际上有六大信用卡组织,分别是维萨国际组织(VISA International)及万事达卡国际组织(MasterCard International)两大组织及美国运通国际股份有限公司(America Express)、中国银联股份有限公司(China UnionPay Co. Ltd.)、大来信用卡有限公司(Diners Club)、JCB日本国际信用卡公司(JCB)四家专业信用卡公司。


1、Bankcard 银行卡,包含VISA和MasterCard。

2、Credit card 信用卡。一般可以用来overdraw透支消费。

3、Credit Limit信用额度,适用于Bankcard, 每个帐户可以消费的信用额度,可以被调整。

4、Available Credit 可用信用额度:指可用于购物消费、现金垫款(Cash Advance)和余额转结(Balance Transfer)的信用额度。

5、Behavior Scoring行为评分法,按持卡人过去消费和付款行为形态,以统计的方法预测其逾期还款或产生呆帐的风险概率,以此作为催收、授权、调整额度或续卡的考量因素之一。

6、Billing Cycle 帐单周期,帐款到期日。一般账单周期为40-50天。一般信用卡都有Grace Period 免息期,即从消费日到缴款日期间免付利息的时间,称为免息期。

7、Consumer Credit Product Program 授信准则,信用卡申请及审核规范,及持卡人使用信用卡时的相关风险管理。

8、Credit Limit信用额度,适用于Bankcard, 每个帐户可以消费的信用额度,可以被调整。

9、Credit Scoring 信用评分法,依据申请人的个人资料和信用记录,以统计的方法量化其信用风险等级,并将评分结果作为发卡与否的考虑因素之一。

10、Credit Cycle 征信循环,计划、制订CCPP、征信、授信、客户申请、维护、催收、坏帐处理及统计分析,为风险管理的全过程。

11、Delinquency (M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6)逾期,持卡人在缴款期限内未付信用卡款项时,视为逾期。M1为逾期30天,M2为逾期60天……以此类推。

12、Negative File 不良记录档, 包含逾期未缴款的客户。

13、NMC(No More Credit-block account activity)信用冻结,即不可再使用卡片。

14、Balance Transfer余额转结:该业务能让您以较低的成本从一张信用卡提取结余,用以清偿另外一张信用卡的欠费。

15、Cash Advance现金垫款/预支现金:指可以用信用卡在自动取款机上支取现金

II、Practical Sentence Patterns 实用句型

1. I'd like to apply for a credit card. Can you help me with my application?


The applicaton for a credit card is very easy. You just have to complete truthfully the application form and submit it with a copy of your ID card or passport.


2. May I know more about credit card? 我可以多了解一下信用卡吗?

No problem. It's very convenient to use credit card. With cards, you can not only make a purchase or consumption at numerous stores, hotels, restaurants, etc., but directly make a payment for your monthly phone bill, gas bill, etc.


3. How soon/when will I receive my credit card? 我什么时候能收到信用卡?

We will inform you of approval status within two week's time. If there is no problem, we will send you the credit card by registerd mail. 我们会在两周内通知您审批情况。如果没有问题,我们将用挂号邮寄您的信用卡。

4. What is the annual fee on my card? 我的卡年费是多少?

The annual charge is USD 100. 年费是100美元。

5. How does the bank bill its customers for credit card charges?


You will receive a monthly statement with each expenditure itemized.


6. Does the card provide any other benefits?


You can also get a cash advance up to 1,000 dollars on this card.


7. If you must take credit card debt, please ensure that you pay it in full within the stipulated time to avoid debt accumulation and other penalties such as late payment. 如果您必须承担信用卡债务,请确保您在规定的时间内足额支付,以避免债务积累和逾期付款等罚款

You have to pay credit bill before the 15th of every month. If you don't pay it soon, the credit card company will charge you interest. The daily interest is 0.5 %.你必须在每个月15号之前付清信用卡账单。如果你不尽快还款,信用卡公司就会收你利息。日利率为0.5%。

8. I want to upgrade my credit limit, what kinds of documents do I need to submit for approval?


Sir/Madam, you have to bring along with you your ID card or passprot and salary statement. 先生/女士,请携带您的身份证或护照和工资清单。

9. If I have lost my credit card, what should I do ? 如果我的信用卡遗失了,我该怎么办?

You should report the loss to our card center immediately so that you will not be liable. We will then isuue a replacement card to you on the next working day. 您应立即到我们的信用卡中心挂失,这样您就不承担任何责任了。我们将于下一个工作天补发一张信用卡给您。

10. Mr Chen, would you like to have a platinum card so that you can enjoy a larger credit limit and a lot of benefits? 陈先生,您愿意办一张白金卡吗?这样您就可以享受更高的信用额度和更多的优惠。

If you deposit RMB 500,00 yuan in our bank, we will not charge the annual fee. You only need to submit the application form with a copy of you identity card. 如果您在我行存人民币50000元,我们不收取年费。你只需要提交申请表和你的身份证副本。

III、Dialogues 对话 T=Teller 柜员 C=Customer 顾客

Dialogue One

T: Good morning, Mr Smith. Can I help you?

C: Yes, I'd like to apply for a credit card. Can you help me with my application?

T: I'd be glad to.

C: I'm afraid that I don't have a credit history(信用记录). I just came to this country.

T: Do you have an account with this bank?

C: I'm afraid not.

T: In that case, I highly recommend you apply for a savings and checking account. That would help with your credit card application.

C: What is the annual fee on your card?

T:The annual charge is RMB 100 Yuan.

C:How does the bank bill its customers for credit card charges?

T:You will receive a monthly statement with each expenditure itemized.

C:Does the card provide any other benefits?

T:You can also get a cash advance up to 1,000 dollars on this card.

Dialogue Two

C: I want to apply for supplementary card for my daughter. Can you tell me the basic requirement?

T: What kind of credit card do you hold?

C: I only have an ordinary Dragon Card.

T: Yes, madam. May I ask how old your daughter is?

C: Thirteen.

T: That's good. Is it your first card offered to your family members?

C: Yes, it is.

T: Madam, please fill in this form and show me your ID card and your Dragon Card.

C: Certainly.

T: Wait a minute. Here you are.

C: Thank you very much.












顾客: 银行如何向客户收取信用卡费用?



















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