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2024-07-11 09:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”鼓浪屿美食用“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Gomet food in Gulanu。以下是关于鼓浪屿美食用四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gomet food in Gulanu

① The faiand of Gulanu in the world is an island separated fm the ban area of Xiamen. It is like a water garden. The trees cover almost all the cars and buses on the island.

Bicycles are not allowed to dve. Everyone should walk. This makes the place very quiet so that you can hear music played by violin or piano.

This is the famous hometown of music. Yananan is the highest place on the island, so it becomes the symbol of Gulanu standing on the top of the sun ck. On the hozon, you can see the whole scenery of Xiamen and other all islands.

The sky and the sea meet on the hozon. It is said that people can clearly see Jinmen island thugh binoculars. When the sun is bght, the sea is ugh and many people are swimming.

At the foot of yananan, the scenery of shuzhanuan is pictesque. Fo bdges css the water, like a white . What a betiful scenery.

Gulanu is a faiand in the world.


① ②③④⑤世界鼓浪屿仙境鼓浪屿是一个与厦门市区相隔岛屿,像一个水上花园,树荫几乎覆盖了整个岛上汽车、公共汽车,自行车是不允许开车,每个人都应该步行。这使得这个地方非常安静,以便可以听到小提琴或钢琴演奏音乐。这里是著名音乐之乡。



(the faiand of Gulanu in the world) ‰ Gulanu is an island separated fm Xiamen ban area. It is like a garden on the water, with trees coveng the whole island. Cars, buses, bicycles are not allowed to dve there.

Everyone should walk. This makes this place very quiet, so that you can hear violin or piano music here. Here is the famous "hometown of music"; the "sun ck" is the highest place on the island, so it becomes the symbol of Gulanu standing on the top of sun ck.

On the hozon, people can see the scenery of Xiamen and other all islands, and the sky and sea meet on the hozon, It is said that people can see Kinmen Island clearly thugh binoculars. When the sun is bght, the sea is ugh and many people are swimming. The tree palm garden under the sun ck is pictesque.

Fo quarters of the bdge acss the water, like a white . What a betiful scenery, Gulanu, a faiand in the world.





My last vacation was a year ago when I went to Gulanu, Xiamen, which is a betiful island. There are many kinds of houses on Gulanu Island. There are many kinds of cafes and teahouses in sanfengzhang's teahouse.

I will nr forget my time in gulangdao piano house. There are many pianos in Gulang Island om. Please remember.



标签: 新学期 




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