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2024-07-05 08:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”信用卡好处与坏处“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The advantages and disadvantages of credit card。以下是关于信用卡好处与坏处四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The advantages and disadvantages of credit card

In the credit crunch of the past few months, credit cards have been negatively affected, which will only lead to de and unfair interest rates. Howr, credit cards are valuable in many ways if they are used in the ght way and you can repay them on time. One of the most beneficial aspects of a credit card is that if you don't have much borwing expeence, it can you impve yo credit score.

Using a credit card can show other creditors that you are a responsible and reliable borwer. Another advantage of having a credit card is that it is easier to pchase certain companies, such as hotels, airlines and car rental companies in the tou industry. Some companies prefer to pay by credit card.

Some companies do not accept cash payment at all. Many credit card companies pvide insance for large pchases. An example is one of the credit cards when XL Airlines went bankrupt in September The obvious benefit is also one of the main reasons people apply for credit cards.

In an emergency, if you resist the temptation to spend money on credit cards, you will have a large amount of money to use when you need it most. You only need to pay the interest on the pchase or withdrawal, so it is very valuable to keep the credit card at home (where you can't spend money there).





Note: in this section, you can wte a composition about campus credit card in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words and wte a composition according to the following outline (in Chinese): in recent years, credit card is becoming and popular among college students, and banks are paying and attention to the university . More and college students apply for credit card and start to wte a composition according to the following outline (in Chinese) Use credit card to spend.

The following three factors can explain the populaty of credit cards on campus. First, credit cards pvide overdraft , which is a great attraction for those students who have no money. Second, credit cards can reduce the financial bden of poor students, thereby reducing the sk of them dpping out of school.

In addition, many banks have some preferential policies in terms of credit cards, such as giving gifts. Becse these policies reduce the annual cost, as far as I know, many college students have applied for credit cards. It is not a bad thing for college students to have credit cards.

Howr, there is a phenomenon of abusing credit cards among college students. Many students use credit cards to buy luxy goods they don't really need, and n some people use credit cards. Therefore, schools and banks have the responsibility to let college students learn how to use credit cards correctly.

Only in this way can college students really enjoy the benefits of credit cards.





Credit cards are a no fuss cash substitute, and they are also a useful tool in an emergency, but the advantages of credit cards are far than convenient for you to get the maximum benefits fm credit cards. Using it to keep abreast of the la situation, yo credit card can you track yo expenses, save yo receipts and work with you if you find any errs, if yo letter If yo credit card or account number has been fzen, and yo credit card issuer pvides optional secuty alert, you will not be responsible for any fees, register and tomatically notify yo account of any abnormal activities Yo credit card issuers check for damage ptection. Some credit cards pvide ptection if the goods you buy are substandard.

Many credit card companies pvide payment due date reminders to avoid late fees. Use it to build yo credit history. One of the main advantages of a credit card is that it can pduce a positive effect on yo credit score when you use it wisely By using yo credit card regularly and paying monthly payments on time, you can build a reliable credit record, tell potential lenders "you can trust me" to save money.

When you insist on paying yo bills on time, you can use higher credit scores to boost yo credit score. You may be eligible for low interest rate mortgages, cars and other big ones With yo card, you can get a vaety of rewards, including: cash back on daily consumption, including gas and daily necessities, air mileage, which can be used to exchange travel or pchase discount travel. Please use this mileage to keep calm when traveling.

Check to see if yo credit card offers you these credit card advantages: tp cancellation delay insance baggage loss insance travel and emergency assistance follow these tips you can find the ght credit card.



标签: 宝石  天天  新学期 




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