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2024-07-16 10:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”家庭责任感“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Family responsibility。以下是关于家庭责任感专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Family responsibility

Marage is very important to ryone's life. After all, o people need to make full psychological and mateal preparation. Marage is the beginning of a new life.

Many things can't be as free as before marage. Then, choice will condense some factors. It's easy to get mared and easy to divorce.

You must be careful. Fm now on, you will choose to take care of parents, children and wife and With yo huand, you not only think that you have to take the responsibility of the family, especially the relationship beeen huand and wife will directly affect the harmony of yo family. Some researchers say that true love may only last for three years, and family love will last for so many years, becse this feeling is the sense of responsibility and kinship built up by modern people.

Many people have less responsibility and prefer to enjoy and leave In fact, both huand and wife should learn to share their obligations and try to learn how to treat their lovers, especially when doing housework.




We Chinese attach great importance to the sense of responsibility. It is o traditional Chinese custom to take care of o parents. In the pcess of o gwth, we owe them a lot of love.

It's ght. Then, when they get old day by day, we them to get such care. As a loyal Chinese citizen, we should repay the one they give us Some love and care, we must have a stng sense of responsibility for o country, therefore, we have the responsibility to keep China stng in the world, we must study and work hard for China's pspety, China's pspety depends on advanced science and technolo, we must be willing to join the army to defend the country, in short, if we are threatened by the aggressors, we should do a responsibility Responsible citizens, we must ultimately put the welfare of o country above o own needs.

We must remember that we are responsible for the world we live in, and we must learn to live in peace with the rest of the world and ptect o envinment. If we fulfill these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of o country.




Specifically, as a contemporary college student, we have a sense of responsibility for oselves, o family, o society and o country. Contemporary college students have higher requirements for self-desi, self realization and self-worth dlopment, but their sense of responsibility is constantly impving. Their sense of responsibility is not stng in family, love, marage, work, collective and cooperation.

The sense of responsibility is impving, but the sense of social responsibility needs to be strenened. This is the reason for the lack of students' sense of responsibility: first, second, the relationship beeen students and society Direct communication is less and less. Students can't understand the society thugh limited social activities.

They don't have a high sense of responsibility for society. Subculte prevails on campus. Multi culte and neork culte are also forming their own culte.

Many of them are literate and film works. They have long-term contact with literate and electcity with individuali and liberali In film works, you may have extreme ideological consciousness. For example, you attach too much importance to the success and faile of idiots, personal feelings, and n neglect the collective interests of contemporary college students.

You have become and have to be the subject of responsibility, becse you have attainments and civic awareness. You must have a sense of responsibility and know the relationship beeen ghts and obligations that many people will say. Obviously, The responsibility of students is to learn all subjects well and to be a good learner.

This is ght, but it is not enough. The responsibility of students is far beyond learning. We must pay close attention to the job .

If what we learn means it is difficult to find a job, then we can either change the topic, or change the topic, or do another svey to find out where to work and live Otherwise, we may be trapped in a big city and become a bee like worker who doesn't know which cell to live in, female students. We have to look nd and find a good boyfend, or we will become bachelors. You know, we have a lot of responsibilities.



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