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2024-04-15 05:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”保护扬子鳄“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Protect the Chinese Alligator。以下是关于保护扬子鳄的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Protect the Chinese Alligator

Recently, it was reported that a college student went to Guangzhou for a tour, but she missed it. Finally, the police found that her body was really terrible. It reminded people to protect themselves.

Especially for girls, it is best to travel alone with friends after marriage. They are very popular among young people because they are independent and pursue freedom, so they like to have no friends It's easy to become the target of gangs. Therefore, it's safe to be accompanied not only to share opinions, but also to be safe.

Secondly, it's better not to go to dark places or places that bad people like. They won't be noticed. It's easy to commit crimes.

We need to learn to protect ourselves. Life is precious.




(forest protection) wood is a very important building material. Wood can be made into tables, chairs and many other things. Fine paper is made of wood.

Only Chinese toon can provide us with enough wood. Trees can also provide us with oxygen, so that the air around us is fresh and the hot summer trees can give us shade and make our environment more beautiful. Moreover, trees can prevent the soil from being washed away by heavy rain.

Trees are very important to us. We should plant more trees at the same time. We should take measures to protect the forest and prevent the trees from being cut down.




Chinese alligator (also known as Chinese alligator) Chinese alligator is one of two kinds of Chinese alligator. The Chinese alligator, which lives in a small part of Northeast China, is considered to be the only one in the wild. It is a very endangered animal.

Its habitat is protected by Chinese and international law, and the place where it lives is also protected.



标签: 英语 六级 作文 万能 保护




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