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2024-07-11 04:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”文艺复兴时期作品“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Works of the Renaissance。以下是关于文艺复兴时期作品托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Works of the Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci ranked in Apl and may, Leonardo Di and Alessand Del Pie Da Vinci. Dung the Italian Renaissance, he was a gup of natalists, painters, architects, anatomists, artists, inventors, engineers and mathematicians. His infinite cuosity and creativity made him a typical Renaissance artist, Michelangelo Rowe and Raphael said "three great figes of the Renaissance".




B Vinci, Florence [present Italy] d may Cloux, a French and Italian painter, draftan, sculptor, architect and engineer, whose genius may reflect the humanistic ideals of the Renaissance than anyone else. His last supper and Mona Lisa are one of the most popular and influential paintings in the Renaissance. His notebook rals a spit of scientific inquiry and a kind of bitana The invention of machinery sral centues earlier.


列奥纳多·(b VINCI,佛罗伦萨国[现意大利]d May Cloux,意大利画家、绘图员、雕刻家、建筑师和工程师,他天才也许比其他任何人都更能体现文艺复兴时期人文主义理想他《最后晚餐》和《蒙娜丽莎》是文艺复兴时期最受欢迎和影响绘画作品之一他笔记揭示了一种科学探究精神和一种比他那个时代早了几个世纪机械发明。


This paper is about the Renaissance of the Eupean Renaissance in the early 20th centy. The Renaissance is a cultal movement. It has a pfound impact on the life of Eupean intellectuals in the early modern times.

It be in Italy and spread to other parts of Eupe in the 20th centy. Its influence affected literate, philosophy, art, politi, science, religion and religion. The Renaissance scholars' research was also affected Using the method of humani, they seek reali and human emotion in art.

The thinkers of the Renaissance sought to learn fm ancient literate. The typical texts were wtten in Latin or ancient Greek. Scholars searched in Eupean monastic libraes, and found those ancient classi which had become unknown in these texts They are eager to impve and perfect their secular knowledge, which is totally different fm the transcendental spit emphasized by Chstianity in the middle ages.

They did not completely reject Chstianity. Many of the grea works of the Renaissance devoted themselves to this, and the chch sponsored many Renaissance art works. Howr, there have been sule changes in the way intellectuals treat religion, which is reflected in many other fields of cultal life.

Artists, such as Masaccio, stve to truly depict human form, dlop technolo, and make perspective and light natal to present political philosophers. The most famous one is Nicol ò Machiavelli, who tes to descbe political life truthfully In addition to learning classical Latin and Greek, the thors be to use vernacular and . With the invention of pnting, and people will be exposed to books, especially the Bible.

The Renaissance can be seen as an attempt of intellectuals to study and impve the secular and secular, which has the thought of ancient Renaissance There is also an overview of thinking in new ways,.



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