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2024-07-16 05:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.Apple of someone's eye

someone's favorite person or object某人最喜欢的人或物

Jennifer is the apple of her father's eye. He's so proud of her.詹妮弗是她父亲的掌上明珠。父亲为她感到骄傲。

My Mercedes is the apple of my eye.梅赛德斯车是我的最爱。

2.Bird's-eye view

a viewpoint from which one can see a wide area, also used figuratively to mean that someone can see an entire situation from a perspective某人从某个视角看到一个宽广的领域,也用来比喻某人从一个方面看到整个局势

His bird's-eye view of the market will help us beat our competitors.他对市场形势的把握能够帮助我们打败竞争对手。

The hotel provides a lovely bird's-eye view over the bay.这座旅馆能让我们俯瞰整个海湾。

3.Catch someone's eye

gain attention, to catch someone's attention受到注意,吸引某人的注意

I caught the waitperson's eye. He'll be with us shortly.服务员注意到我了,他很快就会来的。

That house on Elm street certainly caught my eye. Should we take a look inside.榆树街上的房子吸引了我。我们进去看看吧。

4.Cry one's eyes out

cry for a very long time in a desperate manner痛哭了很久

I think you just need to cry your eyes out to get it all out of your system.我觉得,你需要大哭一场,把不开心的全忘掉。

Maria's crying her eyes out. I wonder what happened?玛利亚痛哭流涕。我不知道发生了什么。

5.Eagle eye

an ability to see important details发现重要细节的能力

Show it to the editor. She has an eagle eye and will catch any mistake.把这个给编辑看。她眼光锐利,不会漏过每一个错误。

Luckily Tom's eagle eye saw the discounted sweater I was looking for.幸运的是,汤姆眼光十分敏锐,他发现了我要的打折毛衣。

6.Feast one's eyes on something

enjoy the sight of something, often used to boast of something someone is proud of喜欢欣赏某物,常用来夸耀某人引以为豪的事物

Feast your eyes on my new watch. Isn't it beautiful?!好好欣赏一下我的新表。漂亮吗?

I can't stop feasting my eyes on my new car. 我非常喜欢我的新车。

7.Get a black eye

receive a bruise from something around the eye, also used figuratively to mean to suffer a defeat眼部周围有淤青,也被用来比喻被打败

I got a black eye when I bumped into the door.我撞上了门,伤得鼻青脸肿。

I guess we got a black eye trying to compete with that big corporation.我猜,和这样一家大公司竞争,我们会输得很惨。

8.Get stars in one's eyes

become obsessed about show business自鸣得意

Ever since Janet got the lead role in the high school play, she's got stars in her eyes.自从珍妮特在中学校园剧里担任主角后,她就得意洋洋的。

Just because you are handsome doesn't mean you need to get stars in your eyes.你的帅气并不能作为你自鸣得意的资本。

9.Give someone the eye

look at someone in an accusatory or disapproving manner反对或指责某人

The teacher was giving me the eye during the test. I guess he thought I might cheat.考试的时候,老师指责了我。我猜想他是以为我作弊了。

Don't give me the eye! You're the one who caused this mess.别指责我!你才是那个闯祸的人。

10.Have eyes bigger than your stomach

desire more food than you can actually eat明明吃不了,却又想吃更多

Little children tend to have eyes bigger than their stomachs.孩子们总是吃不了却又想吃。

I remember one crazy night when my best friend had eyes bigger than his stomach. He ordered more than six different meals!记得在一个疯狂之夜,我的好友吃不了却又想吃。他点了不止六种不同的食物!

11.Have eyes in the back of one's head

be able to see what is going one although others think they are being secretive能够发现别人觉得很隐秘的事

My mom had eyes in the back of her head. I never got away with anything.我妈妈脑袋后面长了眼睛一样。我做什么都逃不过她的眼睛。

Do you have eyes in the back of your head? How did you notice that?你脑袋后面长了眼睛吗?你是怎么注意到的?

12.Hit the bull's-eye

hit the center of the target, used figuratively to express being very successful at a particular task正中靶心,用来比喻成功地完成某项任务

I think we hit the bull's-eye with our new product line.我认为,新的成产线会使我们获得成功。

You've hit the bull's-eye by getting that job.那份工作会为你带来成功。

13.In the public eye

in a position where the public can observe one's actions暴露在公众的视线中

You'll be in the public eye if you take that job.如果你接受了那份工作,你会将自己放在公众视线之下。

Hollywood actors are all in the pubic eye.好莱坞演员都备受公众瞩目。

14.Keep one's eye on the ball

remain concentrated, especially in a work situation保持注意力集中,尤其是在工作中。

You need to keep your eye on the ball no matter how long it takes to succeed.不管成功需要多久,你都得集中注意力。

His ability to keep his eye on the ball assured his eventual success.他踢球时注意力高度集中,这使他获得了最后的胜利。

15.Turn a blind eye to someone or something

willingly ignore someone or something故意忽视某人或某事

Just turn a blind eye to Ted. He'll never change.忽略泰德吧,他是不会做任何改变的。

I'm going to turn a blind eye to that problem for the moment.我准备暂时忽略这个问题。

16.Without batting an eye

do something and not hesitate毫不犹豫地做某事

He purchased the $2 million home without batting an eye.他毫不犹豫地话两百万买下了这幢房子。

John made the decision without batting an eye.约翰毫不犹豫地做出了决定。





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