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2022年12月英语六级翻译真题答案:三套全 2022-12-10 17:38:24来源:新东方在线 【好课】 新东方英语六级精品课 | 【优惠】六级名师网课 | 六级名师免费课 【六级报考】 六级考试报名时间|入口 | 六级准考证打印时间|入口 | 六级成绩查询时间|入口 【六级备考】 六级阅读技巧大全 | 六级翻译技巧大全 | 六级作文精选汇总 | 历年六级真题及答案






  黄土高原(the Loess Plateau)是中国第三大高原,面积约60万平方公里,平均海拔1000-2000米,绝大部分覆盖着50-80米厚的黄土,是世界上黄土分布最集中、覆盖厚度最大的区域。这是大自然创造的一个奇迹,在世界上也是绝无仅有的。


  The Loess Plateau, the third largest plateau in China, covers an area of 600,000 square kilometres and rises 1,00-2,00 metres above the se level on average. As the majority of the plateau is covered with 50-80 metre thick layer of loess, it is the most concentrated area in loess distribution in the world. Therefore, it is well recognized as a miracle created by the nature and the unique one on this planet.

  The Loess Plateau is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation where Chinese began farming 5,500 years ago. With the continuous development of agriculture, the population kept increasing on the plateau, which became the political and economic centre of China in the Han Dynasty. Today, with the Western Development strategy implemented, the economy of the Loess Plateau area is developing rapidly.


  云贵高原(the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau)大部分位于云南,贵州省境内,总面积约50万平方公里,平均海拔2000-4000 米,是中国第四大高原。云贵高原西高东低,河流众多,形成了许多又深又陡的峡谷(canyon)。峡谷中许多地方土壤肥沃,非常有利于多钟农作物生长。


  The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, located mostly in Yunan Prov-ince and Guizhou Province, is the fourth largest plateau in China which covers a total area of 0.5 million square kilome-tres and rises 2,000-4,000 metres above the sea level on average. The plateau slopes from the west to the east with many rivers flowing through, gradually forming a lot of steep canyons where there are fertile lands which benefit the growth of many crops.

  The unique natural environment of the plateau contributes to great biological and cultural diversity. It is well recog-nized as both an area rich in forest and mineral resources and an important human cradle. It is also the region with the most minority peoples in China, where their colourful cultural traditions are well preserved.


  青藏高原(the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau)位于中国西南部,面积约230万平方公里,平均海拔4000米以上,被称为“世界屋脊”。青藏高原自然资源丰富,风景秀丽,拥有多种珍稀野生动物。



  The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, located in southwest China, covers an area of 2.3 million square kilometres and rises over 4,000 metres above the sea level, thus enjoying the reputation as “the world roof”. The plateau boasts abun-dant natural resources, many rare wild animals and pictur-esque views.

  The plateau features a large area of high mountains and gla-ciers due to the low temperature and the origin of many well-known Asian rivers which are well recognized as the major providers of fresh water for China and southeast Asian countries. Therefore, the plateau plays a key role in the global eco-system. Owing to the impact of climate change, the glaciers here are melting more quickly. The Chi-nese government has been endeavouring to conserve the eco-system here, gradually increasing the fraction of green coverage and effectively protecting many endangered spe-cies.


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本文关键字: 2022年12月六级翻译答案




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