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2024-07-15 19:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





  A: How's your dissertation going? I'm proofreading my first draft. And we'll submit it to my professor tomorrow.

  B: Oh, [Q1]I haven't even started writing mine yet. So I'm really worried dpout finishing by the end of next semester.

  A: You mean you haven't even begun yours yet? The final draft is due in five months.

  B: Of course[Q1]I've startedit, but I can't get to the writing yet, as I haven't found enough res migis to use. So I'm still researching the topic.

  A: Maybe the problem is the way you're doing your research. [Q2] I started by talking to my professor about where to look for information. And based on that, I found books in the library and a lot of reputable journal articles on the internet.

  B:I've tried all that, but don't have enough to write the dissertation. As my department's minimum length is 70 pages. I think the problem is that my topic isn't viable. And honestly, [Q3] my professor did warn me at the beginning, that I might not be able to find enough material. But I was so interested in the topicthat I didn't let his advice deter me.

  A: Well, I suggest you find a new topic. After all, our professors are here to guide us so it's best to listen to them.

  B:In retrospect, [Q3]IwishIhad listened to him, but I didn't. And now I don't want to give up my topic, as I've already invested so much time and energy.

  A: If you're committed to your current topic, maybe you could make some adjustments rather than abandoning it completely. What is your topic?

  B: It's depictions of femininity in folklore from the south of the country.

  A: That's pretty narrow. You.cgalg Find more material if you made the topic broader maybe by including other kinds of depictions.

  B: [Q4] Broadening the topic is a great idea. I'l start by including folklore from other regions of the country.

  Question 1 What does the woman say about her dissertation?

  Question 2 What does the man say about his professor?

  Question 3 What does the woman say about her professor?

  Question 4 What do we learn the woman will do to complete her dissertition?

  Conversation 2

  W:Today on Book Talk, we're lucky enough to host John Robbins and discuss his new book, why Americans are fat and how we can lose weight. John isn't just a respected writer, he's also one of the rare celebrity authors writing about science today.(Question5)

  M: Thanks for having me, Rebecca, but I'm hardly a celebrity

  W∶ That's very modest of you to say,considering that your four books have sold a total of 7 million copies worldwide. And they've been translated into 12 different languages. What makes people so fascinated with your work?

  M:Well,people read my books because more than 60% of Americans are

  overweight or obese, and other countries are facing similar problems Basically, we all want to know how to fix things. (Question 6)

  W: We certainly do. I read your new book, and it's fabulous, especially when it comes to the way you make diffigult science easy for laymen to understand. That's no small achievement.

  M:I'm glad to hear you find my work accessible. Because I was worried when I wrote it, that discussing the science might make the book more suited for a specialist audience.My last book was written primarily for the medical community. (Question 7) But this time, I want to help ordinary people take control of their weight

  W: And how do you suggest they do that?Can you give us the basics of your advice for people who want to lose weight?

  M: Briefly, I argue that every person needs to consider their metabolism, and eat what suits their body's needs. I don't advocate one single diet. (Question 8) Some people should eat more carbohydrates than others. And different people need different amounts of protein fat.

  W: But you do have some recommendations for everyone, including eating 10 servings of vegetables and three of fruit a day.Welltalk about those recommendations next, but now we need to take a short break for a message from our sponsor.

  Question 5:What does the woman say about the man in her introduction?

  Question 6: What has motivated the man to write his books?

  Question 7: Who does the man say his last book was mainly written for?

  Question 8: What does the man recommend people do?





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