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2024-07-10 23:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Part1: 灰太狼的主题曲,几只小羊跳着欢快的舞蹈入场。

喜羊羊:Oh! My dear friends.It is time to go to school!Let’s go!(校长出场迎接小羊)

校长:Good morning!My children.Welcome to school!

小羊们:Good morning,Master!

校长:Hurry,It’s time for class.(一起走进教室)

老师:Class begin!

暖洋洋:Stand up,please!

老师:Good morning,boys and girls.

全体羊羊:Good morning,Miss Yang.

老师:Sit down,please!

Isay you do.


Sheep,I say you do.Touch your head. (羊们双手摸头)


Ware your arms (羊羊们挥动双手)


Hand in hand (羊羊们手拉手)

Arm in arm (羊羊们互相拥抱)


What’s this?

全体羊羊:It’s a cake.


懒羊羊:It’s a very nice cake.I want to eat it.


老师:What am I doing?

暖羊羊:You are making a cake.


老师:I’m making a cake. Let’s sing the song“Make a cake”.



灰太狼:Oh,they like watching performace.We can……






沸羊羊:“Look!There is a show.”


懒羊羊: “It’s free.”


美羊羊: “Let’s have a look.”


//全体羊羊:Let’s go!


灰太狼:Hello!Little sheep.Welcome!You are lovely!


红太郎:Honey,How are you?


全体羊羊(很兴奋)Fine.Thank you!


灰太狼:I’m a handsome boy and she is a lovely girl.



懒洋洋:How beauterful!


沸羊羊:How cool!


乐羊羊:They are super star!


灰太狼:(拿出一个苹果)What’s this?


全体羊羊:It’s a apple.


喜羊羊: Wow!It’s a red apple!I like it.


(红太郎拿出一条裙子,灰太狼指着问)What’s that?


全体羊羊:It’s a dress.


美羊羊:Great!How beautingful!I want a dress.May Ihave it?



红太郎灰太狼:There are many sweet and dolls.Do you want them?


喜羊羊,暖羊羊,懒羊羊,沸羊羊:Yes.I want,please give it to me!


灰太狼红太郎:Come on,follow me.We will give many presents to you.Come on.!



校长:Stop!Stop!my children.Come back.They are bad.Don’t follow them.




暖羊羊:These things are beauterful!

乐羊羊:I like them very much!

校长:Look carfully!They are not handsome boy and lovely girl.They are wolves. Don't be deceived.


沸羊羊:Really?They are friendly.


暖羊羊:Oh!No!They are wolves.I see the sharp point's ear.


美羊羊:Yes.I see the long tail.

乐羊羊:Wow.I see the sharp teeth.The teeth is white.


美羊羊:row,row,row,sharp row.




喜羊羊:Sheep,come on.They are wolves.


校长:Wolf,get out.Don’t want to eat us!


懒羊羊:We like studying.Don’t like playing.


全体羊羊:“Get out,Get out!”



灰太狼红太郎:Wait us!sheep.We will back!



校长:Congratulation.Sheep.We are win!


喜羊羊:We are great!I’m very happy!


沸羊羊:Me too!


乐羊羊:Me too!


(羊羊们一起唱歌 “If you happy”)

In the end

A(衣衫褴褛) B(衣着光鲜) C小花 E椅子 F新闻记者



B:(厌恶)让开,让开。(然后便起身离开,这时他的钱包掉到E上头了) A:先生,先生。(A看见后,立即拾起,追上了走远的B)

B:让开,让开啊,我没吃的了,也没钱了。(看也不看A,仍自顾自地走了) C:他真愚蠢啊















A:Sir,sir,please give me a piece of bread.thank you,sir.I'm hungry to die.

B:Get away,get away,dirty man.


B:Run away,please run away.I have no food,and I don't have money,eitherC:Hey,xiao D,he is so foolish,isn't he?

A:But....sir....please listen to me.....

B:Wa,why are you so disgusting!!

C:Hey,chair,do you feel the man sat on you a moment ago is very stupid.E:Ai,pretty flower,do you know,men are always very silly.

E:Sir!you lost your wallet!Can't you be more clever?

F:Good morning,everybody.I'm a jonrnist F. Today I saw a very weird thing--a chair open her mouth,and two men are frightened to faint. Now,I will intenview the two nozzy man.

B:Wo,my god,wo,my,mum.

F:I'm sorry to tell you this man has been mad.We needn't take notice of him.Let me interview the other man,Hello,man,can you tell men why didn't you tell him he lost his wallet?

A:I'm sorry,I don't know how to speak "钱包" in english......

F:Dear audience,through this thing we can learn that how improtant it is to mastery a foreign language,and how lagre the money affect us. Is that all right,chair?


C:Ai,men is so silly.



W: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen。

Both: 大家晚上好。

W: With the opening up of Sanya and the development of its tourism industry, English, as an international language, is being more and more important。

M: 随着三亚的对外开放,三亚旅游业的迅速发展,英语,作为国际语言,在三亚变得越来越重要。

W: The Government of the Sanya City calls on the whole city to learn English。

M: 三亚市委、市政府号召全市人民兴起了学习英语的新高潮。

W: Now, you can see everyone, men and women, young and old, learning English everywhere。

M: 如今,在三亚,您随处可见男男女女、老老少少都在学英语。

W: The granny in this skit is one example。

How hard she tries to learn English!

M: 在这个小品中,您将看到老奶奶是多么努力地学英语。

Both: Let's enjoy the performance, “Modern Granny Learns English”。



(时光:星期六早晨 地点:新风路,一居民家)

Fang: (出场) My name is Fang Fang。

I am a student of Sanya No。1 Middle School。

Granny: 芳芳,芳芳。

Fang: Oh, my granny is calling me。

Do you know my granny? Everyone in our neighborhood calls her "Modern Granny"。

She is learning English。

She wants to learn English well。

She wants to show foreigners the beautiful scenery of our city and tell them the interesting stories about the Li people。

Granny: (奶奶上。练读旅游英语300句 ) How do you do(好赌有赌) ? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油)。

Me, too。

I can't speak Chinese(爱砍他死屁踩你死)。

Can(砍) you(油)speak English(英国历史)? Yes, a little(啊里头)。

What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? 这不,中国加入了WTO,2008年又要举办奥运会,人人都在学英语,我也要学English…。。


Fang: 来了,奶奶。

Granny: 我的乖孙女,你再听奶奶读一遍,看看还有什么地方读得不好。(读旅游 英语300句)How do you do (好赌有赌)? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油)。


I can't speak Chinese。(爱砍他死屁踩你死)。

Can you speak English(砍油死屁英国历史)? Yes(爷死), a little(啊里头)。What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? (她边读边摇头晃脑,很自豪的样貌)

Fang: 奶奶,什么“好赌有赌”,是“How do you do? ”。不是“英国历史”,是"English"。

是" Chinese",不是“踩你死”。跟我读。How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 不行,How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 好,再读 一 遍,(奶奶读)好,很好。I can't speak Chinese。

Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读)再来,I can't speak Chinese。(奶奶跟读) 好的,再来。(奶奶读)Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读) 好,再练一下。

Granny: (练读两遍)好了,好了,不错了。(突然看见外宾飘过)太好了!来了个老外!(�酒穑锨埃〩ello, (学外国人动作,伸开双手 How do you do? What can I do for you?

Foreigner: How do you do? I want to go to the bank。

Where is the nearest one?

Granny : (急忙翻书)芳芳,他说的话在第几页?

Fang: 这本书上没有这句话。他想去银行。Bank----银行。(奶奶练习 bank )(芳芳对外宾) Hello, wele to Sanya。

You are going to the bank, aren't you? Go along this street, when you reach the traffic lights, turn left。

There is a bank about one hundred metres ahead, on the left, just opposite the bus station。

Foreigner: Thank you very much。

Your English is very good。

Fang: Thank you。

Granny: Hello, I 带 you go。

Fang: Excuse me, shall my granny take you there?

Foreigner: (对奶奶) Thank you。

It's very kind of you。

Granny: (摇摇头) No thank you。

No thank you。

(外宾显出不大理解的样貌) How do you do?

Foreigner: How do you do?

Granny: Nice to meet you。

Foreigner: Me too。

Granny: 你们瞧,我会跟老外对话了。(看书 I can't speak Chinese。

Can you speak English?

Foreigner: (疑惑不解) Why, yes, of course。

Granny: No。


错了,you错了,看,在这呢。(指书上) “Yes, a little。

What can I do for you?”(外宾明白了怎样回事,笑)

Foreigner: It's funny。

(来到银行) (解放路,汽车站对面)

Granny: Bank。

Bank 到了。

Teller: Good morning。

Wele to our bank。

Can I help you?

Foreigner: Good morning。

Can I change foreign money in your bank?

Teller: Yes, you can。

But what money would you like to change, please?

Foreigner: Some U S D notes。

Teller: How much, please?

Foreigner: Two hundred dollars in all。

Teller: Please show me your passport and fill out this exchange memo in duplicate。

Foreigner: (填好 换水单) There, I've got them finished。

And here is my passport。

Granny: (指护照问) What's this?

Foreigner: My passport。

Granny: 买怕死婆(My passport)。

买怕死婆 (My passport)。

Teller: Yes, everything is all right。

Well, by the way, how would you like the money, Mr Smith?

Foreigner: I don't mind。

Any kinds of denominations are OK。

Teller: Here you are, Mr。


Your money es to RMB¥1,654。

Foreigner: Thank you very much。

Teller: My pleasure。

Foreigner:Your service is good and your English is excellent。

Teller: I am very happy to hear you say so。


And enjoy your stay in Sanya。

Foreigner: Goodbye。

Granny: Goodbye(骨德拜)。


F: I want to go to some scenic spots。

G: 什么“搏”?

F: Scenic spots。(拿出词典指奶奶看 scenic spots。

G: 哦,是风景点。(想 了想)我带你go Luhuitou 。

F: Luhuitou?

G: Yes。

(指着300句鹿雕像的封面) Luhuitou。

F: Oh, it's a deer。

G: 对,对 Yes, yes, deer(爹),deer(爹)。(亮相)deer(爹)回头。

F: 爹回头?


F: Oh, a deer。

G: 我们到了。

Lg: Hello, wele to Luhuitou Park。

F: Hello。

G: 姑娘,你给咱老外朋友讲一讲鹿回头的故事,好不好?

Lg: 好的。(对外宾)Have you ever heard the story of "luhuitou"?

F: A story? No。

Lg: This story is about a young man and a deer long long ago。

F: A young man and a deer。(指塑像) Do you mean the man and the deer here?

Lg: Yes。

He was a hunter 。

F: A hunter?

Lg: Yes。

One day, the young man went hunting and found the deer。

F: Oh, I see。

Lg: When the deer saw him, it ran away。

The young man ran after the deer until they reached the edge of the cliff。

Suddenly, the deer turned its head and became a girl。

F: The deer turned into a girl? Really?

Lg: Yes。

F: (指塑像) I think this must be the girl。

Lg: Right。

Do you know about the Li People?

F: Li People? Yes。

Lg: Later, the young man and the fairy girl fell in love with each other and they got married。

They were the ancestors of the Li People。

F: This is really a beautiful story。

And that is why Sanya is also called the "Deer City", isn't it?

Lg: Yes, you are right。

F: Thank you for your wonderful story。

Are there any other scenic spots in Sanya?

Lg: Yes, there are many others。

I suggest you go to Dadonghai, Yalong Bay and Tianyahaijiao。

F: Tianyahaijiao? What does it mean?


Lb: Wele to Tianyahaijiao。


F: What does it mean by "Tianyahaijiao"?

Lb: It means "the end of the earth。

G: (对Lg)Sea 是什么?转自:coffbar。

Lg: 是大海。(奶奶练读)

F: Tianyahaijiao is one of the famous scenic spots in China, isn't it?

G:(对观众) 我明白,China 是中国。

Lb: Yes 。

A lot of people from home and abroad have visited "Tianyahaijiao" and they say "Tianyahaijiao" has impressed them。。

F: Yes。

It's a nice place。

Lb: There are poems and songs written about "Tianyahaijiao"。(播放歌曲) Listen, this is one of the songs。

Its name is "Please e to "Tianyahaijiao"。

F: It sounds sweet。

I enjoy it。

G: 孩子们,我这天学了一些English, 你们听一听,帮一帮奶奶好不好?“银行”是"bank", "怕死婆" 是什么来了?

Lg: Passport 是护照。

G: 哦," 怕死婆" 就是“护照”。还有“爹”是“鹿”,“sea”是“大海”。我听你们说那个“beautiful(比特夫)是什么?

Lg: 不是比特夫,是beautiful。

G: 哦,是beautiful。(练习)

F: Ladies and gentlemen, Sanya City is a beautiful city。

I am glad to see everyone speak English here in Sanya。

This granny is also learning English。

It is very convenient for us to e for holidays and do business in Sanya。

When I go back to the States, I will tell my friends to e to Sanya。

All: Please e to Sanya。

Wele to Sanya。





Boss A

Boss B

A factory worker



The student, Rick, always wasted his money and bought plenty of luxuries。

But one day, he lost his wallet, and felt very worried 。

So he began to look for a job to earn his bread。

After doing several hard jobs, he was frustrated, and therefore he understood earning money was really painstaking, and also understood cherishing what he had was extremely important。



Two students bring a lot of shopping bags, and run to the vender who sells drinks

Rick: (looking at Jack) The tea is tasted so great at this vender! Do you want to try it?

Jack: It sounds great! But I have already bought a lot today。

(lifting up the bags) You see… So I have no money to buy anything else。

Rick: Come on! Don’t ruin my happy mood。

Let me treat you! Excuse me, give me two drinks!

Vender: OK! Here you are。

They are NT$60。

Rick: Hey! What smell is so great!? Let’s go to buy hamburgers。

Jack: …。




The alarm clock is ringing; Rick and Jack get up。

Jack: Good morning, Rick!

Rick: Hmmm… It’s time to eat breakfast。

Let’s go!

Rick puts on his clothes and pants ,and wants to take out his wallet。

Rick: (very anxious) My wallet is disappeared! It should be in my pocket。

Jack, do you see it?

Jack: No。

It was still in your hand last night, wasn’t it?

Rick: Yes… But… I don’t know。

Could you help me find it?

Maybe it is in the room。

Rick and Jack look for the wallet carefully in the room。

But they don’t find anything。

Jack: I guess that you lost it at the night market。

Rick: Oh, my god! All my money is in the wallet。

I can’t live without it!

Jack: You may talk the thing with your parents。

They will give the money you need。

Rick: It’s not a good idea。

My parents will kill me if I ask for money again。

Jack: And how about your bank account? You have some money there…

Rick: I spent them last week…

Jack: (surprised) So, you are broke now!

Rick: You are right…

Jack: Gosh…

Rick: Well… we go to class first… It will be solved。

Ha ha ha…



Jack sits on the chair。

Suddenly, Rick brings a lot of newspapers , and es to Jack。

Jack: You say you have an answer to solve the problem?

Rick: It is easy, ok? Look at these。

I can find a part-time job , and earn

back the money I need。

Jack: Are you sure it’s easy to get a job?

Rick: Take it easy! Who I am! I have already made a phone call to a boss who needs workers。

As long as I do my best, the money will e back to my pocket。

Jack: I hope so…



All the workers are working hard。

Rick enters。

Rick: (to a worker) Excuse me, where is the boss? I e here for a job interview。

Worker: He is over there。(points to the man who wears high rank uniform)

Rick: (walking to the boss) Excuse me。

Boss A: Yeah?

Rick: I’m here about the job you advertised in today’s paper。

Boss A: (looks him over) You look like a student。

Our work is very hard。

Are you sure to join us?

Rick: Hey! Don’t belittle students。

I am full of energy! You don’t need to worry about me。

Boss A: I know。


You can start to work。

Good luck!

Rick thinks that it is easy to get a job。

He looks a little cocky。

But he starts the jobs like carrying heavy package。

It’s very hard。

Poor Rick looks a little tired。

Rick: (a little angry) What a hard work it is! To do this! And to do that! The boss treats me as a superman? Or hoax me!?

The man who is also a worker walks through the place where Rick is。

Worker: Hey! Chick! Why don’t you go home to drink milk?

Look, your stupid face… makes me angry… Get out of here!!

Rick: (unhappily) You are so rude!

Rick and the worker give each other a mad glance, they almost fight。

But the boss looks at them and looks unhappily。

Boss A: (shouting) You two!! What the hell are you doing!!

Rick: It’s all his fault。

Boss A: Shut up! You should reflect back your behavior。

Rick: What!? It is so unfair! I…I quit now!

Rick takes off the working uniform and leaves away。



Rick and boss B talk about the work。

Boss B: Your job is to clean the shop。

It’s very important。

I hope you can do this carefully。

Rick: It’s sound very easy。

No problem, my dear boss。

Rick starts his new work。

He mops the floor , and then cleans the window。

His action is very quickly。

Soon, he finishes the work。

When Rick takes a

rest, the boss es in。

Rick: My dear boss, I have finished my job。

You can take a look。

Boss B: Let me see… (examines very carefully) Are you sure you have already done the job well? (unhappily)

Rick: What do you mean?

Boss B: Look here! Here still has some dust。

Rick: Just a little and nobody can find it。

Boss B: And there is not neat and tidy。


Rick: You are a hardhead!

Boss B: You say what!!? Y…you get out of here!!

Rick: What!?


Rick thinks a lot。

He looks very worried。

Rick: All work is the same, boring and terrible。

What can I do…

How about to start a business by myself!



Rick plays the harmonica。

The performance is great, but nobody stops their steps to watch the performance。

Suddenly, one man throws something in the bowl which is in front of Rick。

Rick: (very happy) Great!! This is my first payment… What!? It’s garbage!! Oh my god…



The alarm clock is ringing; Rick and Jack get up。

Jack: Good morning, Rick!

Rick goes to check his wallet as soon as he gets up。

Jack: Hey! Why you are so nervous?

The wallet is still in Rick’s pants。

Rick: Thanks god! I dreamed of a terrible dream。

Rick tells Jack about his dream。

Jack: A lot of work, an picky boss, and the garbage instead of the reward。

It’s really terrible。

Rick: Yeah…But therefore, I understand how hard it is to make money。

I won’t waste money any more。

彭宸光 SmallWhite(小白)

丁澄洋 Told

严安然 N Ninkle

高烁 SecondBrother Sally Liu(作弊者甲)

沈智达 LXY Sarry Li(作弊者乙)

胡皓 A




纪晓凡 旁白

黄鑫 电教





Told: Today we’re going to have an exam。

C: Told told us he was giving an exam。




SW: 李笑雨!!


Everybody: 李笑雨!!



SW: Teacher, please!

Told: What?

SW: Look what they did!

Told: What did you do? (看着SecB)


Told: Nothing? Nothing。


Told: OK, time’s up。

Hand in。




SW: Shit! How could this happen? (把书包扔到地上)


旁白: This is CurtJiang, or SmallWhite, a Junior 3 student。

Someone says he is obstinate, can’t take the changes around him。

Sure he is。

He’d just moved to another class for some reason。

And the things happened there really made him disappointed。

He is now lying in his bed, thinking over the case he saw in that English test。

He is confused, and with this confusion, he fall asleep…


SW: Who! Who are you?!

SecB: What, don’t you know us?

SW(慢慢向后退): Why are you here?!

LXY: Because we are here。

SW(停顿一下,然后向前走,绕过床): You cheated, didn’t you? You should be punished, shouldn’t you?

SecB: You’re only right in one thing。

We cheated。

LXY: But we will never be punished。

SW: Yes, you will。

You did something bad, and you shall be guilty。

LXY: No, we’re not。

We have already done this for several times, in all kinds of tests。

SecB: You new guy from here have no right to criticize。


Told: You - human beings, always make mistakes, always feel guilty, but always leave things happen。

You always do nothing to deal with facts, because you can only do nothing。

SW: But why didn’t you stop them? You’re a teacher!

Told: Different people have different opinion。

In my opinion, you are a poor boy, because you’re out of hope。

Told, SecB, LXY(齐,逐次声音变强,向前走逼近,SW向后退): You are a poor boy, without hope – you are a poor boy without hope – you are a poor boy, without hope。

SW: No!-



SW: A dream? Just a dream… (下台)




旁白: Small White starts to work。

He has found all his hope back, filled his heart with it。

In his mind, the braveness conquered his fear。

He talked with Told, but he said…


旁白: So he turned to some others。


SW: Ms Ninkle, would you mind if I take you a moment?

N: Sure。

What’s up?

SW: Look, I really need to talk to you though you don’t teach me anymore。

N: Don’t say that, I’m still your teacher and here to help you。

SW: Alright, thanks。


旁白: Small White told all his experience to his pro-teacher Ms Ninkle。

She’s really sympathetic to Small White and in agreement with him, that they should be punished。


N: I feel so proud of you and your justices。

But you have to know that you can’t lose yourself。

You should face it, and keep your studies as well。

SW: But we don’t see it, just let it be, what if they bee more crazy, do more bad, break the justice…while that is unfair。

N: Don’t worry about that。

It is our teachers’ duty。

I’ll deal with it。

SW: Well, I hope you’re different from him。

N: Who?

SW: Well, (比划口型Told)


N: You shall have the chance to fight with your enemies。

SW: Thank you, for helping。

N: No problem。




N: Now we start with the case about the cheating of Sally Liu and Sarry Li。

Prosecutor first。

SW: On Mar。

14th 2008, Sally Band and Sarry Li cheated in an English class。

Their behavior were seen by all except our teacher。

Though it was not a formal exam, these behavior had broken the rule of the school seriously。

I suggest judge to give them a punishment, not too severe but can bring the fair to all of the students。

N: Confirmed。

Now Student Liu and Li, do you have any disagreements?

SecB: I don’t agree with him。

Because he has no evidence to prove what he said。

Our teacher is with us, he didn’t see anything。

How could you say that you saw the scene?

LXY: Besides, you are only one person。

Nobody else can prove your saying, am I right?

SW(停顿片刻,音乐): You’re probably right。

Maybe nobody else saw it, and maybe nobody else will stand with me to help me。

But I’ll still stand here, gaze your eyes, because I know what I’ve seen。

And I know the fear and guilty in your heart。

I can’t deny what I believe, which is the truth。

By my conscience, I must do something。

What is right what is wrong, you know exactly, and me as well。

I’ll not give up my decision and hope, because it’s our duty to keep the justice。

So, I am here, waiting for the judge, though there’s nobody around me, though I might lose。


SecB: Don’t be stupid。

You’re just a student, without evidence。

LXY: Say your prayers, you will lose。

Told(感慨地): You poor boys, our girls will…


A: We can prove what he said。本文转自coffbar。

B: We’re the evidence。

D: We’re with you White。


N: Quiet。

Sit down please。

(朝SecB,LXY)Anything else to say?


There’s nothing else to discuss。

Court has already had the result。

According to the school rule, Sally Liu and Sarry Li have behaved against No。25 in Part5, while these were proved to be truth。

Now the Court will give punishments below:

Student Liu and Li are supposed to help clean the school for 1 month。

If someone has disagreement, hand in more material in 1 week。

(敲锤,众人鼓掌欢呼)So be it。

(谢幕,大屏幕打出SW的照片向Small White致敬,The story is based on reality)




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