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ASIDE:Tom is a professional dentist, he graduated from California University. He didn’t like working in hospital, so he started dens hospital. First day, this hospital starts working.December 21st, 2014In the dens hospital(Jerry捂着牙,面目狰狞的进入诊所,这时Tom与Jerry说话)Tom: Hi, good morning.Jerry: Good morning, doctor.Tom: Yeah, what’s your name?Jerry: I’m Jerry, nice to meet you!Tom: I’m Tom, nice to meet you, too!(Tom领着Jerry来到会诊室,Jerry坐在椅子上,Tom坐在桌子另一边)Tom: Next, what’s your matter?Jerry: I feel bad, my tooth is very painful, and I can’t bear it!Tom: Let me see your tooth, you should open your month and say”Ah”.Jerry: Ah~~~(Tom拿着手电筒,在Jerry嘴里照来照去)Tom: Yeah, your tooth is bad, I come to count it. One, two, three, four…Oh, my god, your  tooth is very bad!(Tom走开,Jerry起来并说话)Jerry: Doctor, what should I do?Tom: I think you should take your tooth, this is good idea.Jerry: NO!!! That sound bad, I hate to take my tooth, it is very painful!Tom: Oh, yeah. Although you dislike taking your tooth, you should take some medicine.Jerry: That’s good, so what medicine should I take?Tom: I see……(Tom翻药方书)You should take it(Tom指了指书).Jerry: “Aspirin”?Tom: Yeah~~~~Jerry: How much is it?Tom: You should take it for three days, you give me 107 dollars.Jerry: Unh~~~although it is expensive, I should buy it.(Jerry掏兜,掏出107美元)Jerry: Here you are.Tom: Yeah, this is your medicine, you should come here after 3 days.Jerry: Thank you, doctor, goodbye.Tom: Bye-bye.After 3 daysDecember 24th, 2014ASIDE: Three days is past. Jerry took some dens medicine, but Jerry felt his tooth is very painful, he had to come to this dens hospital.(Jerry还是捂着嘴进入诊所)Jerry: Doctor, I think this medicine is no useful.Tom: Why? Do you feel much better?Jerry: No! I feel more terrible after taking some medicine.Tom: Jerry, I must take your tooth.Jerry: All right, I agree with you, you should take my tooth.Tom: Yeah, you should open your mouth.(Jerry张着嘴,Tom拿着个钳子,给Jerry拔牙)Jerry: You should give me some local anesthetic.Tom: I think you can’t pain, this time is short.Terry: Yeah~~~(Tom开始往外拽牙)Jerry: Ah!!! Ah!!! Ah!!!Tom: Do you feel painful?Jerry: Yeah!Tom: Don’t wrong, wait a minute.(Tom使劲一拽,牙被拽了下来)Jerry: Ah!!! It is too pain!Tom: You should see your tooth.Jerry: E~~~ this tooth is well, it isn’t bad.(Tom舔了舔自己的牙,感觉不对,敲了一下自己的头,恍然大悟,猛然反应过来,奔向镜子。)Jerry: Tom!! Doctor!!! You take my good tooth, my bad tooth is here.(Jerry指了指自己的坏牙)Tom: Ah, really? Yeah!(Tom一种尴尬的表情,而又脑筋一转)Right! Your tooth is bad, this tooth is bad, too. As a dentist, I should take your bad tooth. Yeah? You don’t know this tooth is bad.Jerry: Yeah~~~(Jerry一个无可奈何的样子)

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