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一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将编号写在括号里。(10分)

( ) 1. A: where B: white

( ) 2. A: blue B: black

( ) 3. A: green B: great

( ) 4. A: paint B: purple

( ) 5. A: brown B: bread

二、 听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(12分)

三、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子的答句。(10分)

( ) 1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Hello.

( ) 2. A. How are you? B. I‘m Sarah. C. Fine, thanks.

( ) 3. A. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Hi!

( ) 4. A. Great! B. Bye! C. How are you?

( ) 5. A. Good morning. B. Goodbye. C. Very well,thanks.

四、 听录音,根据录音内容给下列物品涂上相应的颜色。(10分)

五、 听录音,判断下列图片与录音内容是否相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。(10分

3.( )

5. ( )

六、 听录音,给各身体部位涂上相应的颜色。

七、 听录音,勾出各人所喜欢的颜色。(10 分)












Chen Jie


Wu Yifan

Bai Ling


八、 看图片根据情景从所给的句子中选择恰当的一句完成对话,并将编号填在横线上。(8分)

A: Very well, thanks.

B: Nice to meet you.

C: Good morning, Miss White.

D: Nice to meet you, too.

1. 2.

3. 4.




black purple

yellow red


一. 听一听 编序号

1. A: Good morning .Miss White! B :Good morning, children!

2. A: Have some cakes. B: Great!

3. Hello ! I am Zoom. This is my friend Sarah.

4. A: I have a cat.

B: Really? May I have a look?

A: Sure, Here you are.

5 A: This is for you.

B: Thank you.

二听一听 判断正误(符合的打勾,不符合的打叉。)

1. Boy: Hi, Sarah. I have a bear.

Girl: Oh, Really? May I have a look?

Boy: Sure.

Girl: Cool ! I like it.

2. Girl: Have some coke. Boy : Thanks.

3. Boy: let‘s go to school. Girl: Ok!

4. A: This is my friend, Sarah. B: Nice to meet you.

5. Boy: Have some chicken.

Girl: No, thanks. I like French fries.

6. Boy: Good bye ! Girl: See you!

三听一听 圈一圈 (根据录音内容圈出与录音相符的图片所对应的箭头)

1. Jump like a squirrel .

2. Drink some juice.

3. Make a cake.

四.听一听 连一连。(听对话或独白,根据录音内容将人物与相对应的事物连线。)

1. I am Mike. I like hot dog.

2. I am Sarah. I have a book.

3. I am Zip. I like cakes

4. I am Amy. I like juice.

5. I am Bailing. I like coffee.

6. I am ChenJie. I have a mouse.

五听一听 涂上颜色

1. Hello! I am a bird. Colour me green.

2. .Hi. I am a dog. L like black. Colour me black.

3. I am a monkey. Colour me brown.

4. I am MiMi. Colour me pink and yellow


一、 把下列单词翻译成英语:40‘

1.电__ 2.可能 3.车站 4.动物园

5.学校 6.公园 7.老虎 8.(打)电话

9.圆的 10.宽的 11.熊猫 12.超市

13.狮子 14.参观 15.河流 16.很多

17.安静的 18.加上 19.更多的 20.有一点

二、 选词填空:30’

( ) 1.What _____ you do this weekend? A. are B. do C. will

( ) 2. Maybe we‘ll _______ to the zoo. A. going B. go C. go to

( ) 3. What will you see? _______

A. No, I don’t know. B. No, I don‘t. C. I don’t know.

( ) 4. I‘ll ____ my grandpa. A. visits B. visiting C. visit

( ) 5. I _______ visit London. A. will B. to C. am

( ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge. A. will B. want C. are

( ) 7.Will you phone me? No, I ____. A. am not B. don’t C. won‘t

( ) 8. There _____ a phone. A. isn’t B. are C. be

( ) 9.Tomorrow I _____ go to school. A. don‘t B. won’t C. am

( ) 10. You are ______ the park. A. go to B. will go to C. going to

三、 读对话回答问题:30‘

Sam: Will you play with me this weekend?

Daming: No, I don’t.

Sam: Will you phone me?

Daming: No, I don‘t.

Sam: Oh!

Daming: I’ll visit my grandpa.He lives in the countryside.There isn‘t a phone there.

1.Will Daming play with Sam? ____________________________________.

2. Will Daming phone Sam? ____________________________________.

3. Who will Daming visit? ____________________________________.

4. Where does Daming’s grandpa live? __________________________________.

5. Is there a phone there? ____________________________________.



1. _________morning

2. come__________

3. put___________

4. sit____________

5. stand___________


1. A.brother   B.sister   C.my

2. A.book   B.mom   C.eraser

3. A.lion   B.elephant   C.pencil

4. A.this   B.that   C.father

5. A.he   B.kangaroo   C.she


1. Jack: Nice to meet you, Lisa. Lisa: ________________.

A. Good morning.   B. Good bye, Jack.   C. Nice to meet you, too.

2. Jack: How are you, Peter? Peter: _________________.

A. Nice to meet you.   B. nice to meet you, too.   C. I’m fine, thank you.

3. Xiaolan: ________________ Tutu: Morning, Xiaolan.

A. Good bye, Tutu.   B. Good morning, Tutu.   C. Good afternoon, Tutu.

4. Jack: What’s your name? Lisa: ___________________.

A. I’m Peter.   B. My name is Lisa.   C. Hello, Jack.

5. Tutu: ___________________. Lisa: Goodbye!

A. See you.   B. Good morning.   C. Nice to meet you.



A. Is that your bike?   B. Is this your bike?   C. Is that a bike?


A. What’s your sister?   B. What’s your name?   C. What’s your sister’s name?


Tutu: _________________ Jack: I’m fine, and you? Tutu: _________________.

A. How are you? / I’m fine.   B. How are you? / I’m fine, too. Thank you.   C. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too.

4. 第一次见面的朋友,打招呼通常会说:

A. Good night.   B. Nice to meet you.   C. I’m student.


A. Come on, Peter.  B. Come here, Peter.   C. Peter, good morning.


1. are How you ? ____________________________________________

2. This my friend is . ____________________________________________

3. this Is your pencil ? ________________________________________

4. down Put picture the . _________________________________________

5. too to you meet Nice . _______________________________________   



I get up at 6:50 every morning.Then I put on my clothes and shoes.And I eat my breakfast at 7:20.I have milk,apple and break for breakfast.At 7:30,I go to school by bus.I arrive at school at 8:00.Then I begin my lessons at 8:20.I go home at 5:30 after school.

( )1.I_____ at 6:50 every morning.

A. work   B. get up   C. wake up

( )2.My breakfast is at_____

A. 7:20   B. 7:30   C. 7:00

( )3.I go to school_____.

A. by bus   B. by train   C. on foot

( )4.I_____ school at 8:00.

A. arrive at   B.arrive in   C.arrive

( )5.I_____ at 5:30.

A. go home   B.play football   C.sleep


My_____(名字)is Lynn. There are five people in my_____ (家庭). They_____ (是) my dad, my mum,my sister,my_____ (哥哥) and _____(我).I am the youngest(最年轻的) child at home.I am ten years old. Juliet is two years older than me. And my brother Tim is three years older than Juliet._____ (我们)love each other (彼此) very much. Dad _____ (工作) in a factory,and my mother is a _____ (教师)._____ (他们) both work very hard.We should (应该) also study hard (努力学习) to make our parents _____ (高兴).



(   )1.cha_ _   A. er  B. ir  C. or

(   )2.scho_ _   A. oa  B.ol  C.oo

(   ) 3.th_ _teen   A.ir  B.ri  C.ra

(   ) 4.fr_ _t  A.ou  B.oo  C.ui

(   )5.br_ _d  A.ea  B.ee  C.ur

(   )6.br_ _ kfast   A.ee  B.ea  C.er

(   )7.p _ ncil   A.a  B.ea  C.e

(   )8.n_ _dles   A.oo  B.eo  C.oa

(   )9.s_ _p   A.ou  B.oo  C.oe

(   )10.h_ve   A.e  B.i  C.a


1. I am ______(hungry ,thirsty) .

I want to ______(eat, drink).

2. I am _______(hungry,thirsty).

I want some water to_______ (eat, drink).

3. I am _____(hungry ,thirsty) .

I want some dumplings to______(eat, drink).

4. I am _____(hungry ,thirsty) .

I want some milk to______(eat, drink).


(   )1.This food is very good! Let’s___________!

A.drink  B.play  C.sing  D.eat

(   )2.______-5=10

A.fourteen  B.eleven  C.fifteen  D.thirteen

(   )3.Are you hungry? ___________

A.yes , I am  B.I’m ten  C. yes, I’m hungery  D.I’m thirsty

(  )4. _________ Yes, please.

A. Are you hot?  B. How old are you?

C. Are you okey?  D. Would you like some soup?

(   )5. Do you like fruit?_________.

A. I like fish  B. Yes,I am

C. Yes, I like fruit  D. Yes, pleae



(  )1. A. school B.pen C. pencil D.ruler

(  )2. A. bedroom B. living room C. playground D. bathroom

(  )3. A. skate B. see C.jump D.swim

(  )4. A. Good morning B. Good bye C. Good afternoon D.Good evening

(  )5. A. Chinese B. Science C. PE D.subject


1. 两门学科    2. Welcome back to school

3. 今天下午    4. Nice to see you too

5.体育课时间    6. go to the playground

7.上一节美术课  8. our new timetable

9.多少节数学课  10.like Music and Science


(  ) 1. How many _______do you have this term(学期)? We have five.

A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D. an subject

(  ) 2. It’s time _______ English. Let’s go to the classroom(教室)。

A. at B. for C. in D. on

(  ) 3. What lessons do you have this morning? We _______ Chinese, Maths and Music.

A. do B. have C. are D. is

(  ) 4. A: Do you have _____ PE lessons this week(星期)? B: Yes, I do.

A. any B. some C. a D. an

(  ) 5.The Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair.

A. on; in B. in; on C. at; on D. in; in

(  ) 6. __________ a timetable for you.

A. Here B. Here’s C.Here are D.It is

(  ) 7.Art and Science ________ fun.

A.is B. am C. are D. not

(  ) 8.A: How much is the Art book? B: _____________

A It’s five. B They’re four yuan. C. It’s four yuan. D. They are four

(  ) 9.—What ________ do you like? —I like English.It is fun.

A. subject B. subjects C. a subject D. an subject

(  ) 10. —Here are _______ English book and _______ Art book for you. — Thank you.

A.an; a B.a; an C. a; a D.an, an



1.watch__________ 2.sheep__________ 3.duck__________

4.bus__________ 5.box__________


1.(   )学校 sch _ _ l   A. oa  B. oo   C.aa

2.(  )跳舞 d _ _ ce   A. an  B. en   C.on

3.(  )家庭 f__ily   A . im   B. am   C. em

4.(  )商店 sh _ p   A. a  B. u  C.o

5.(  ) 非常 v _ ry   A. e   B. o   C.a


1.are not(缩写)___________


3.under (反义词)___________

4.very much (汉意) ___________



( ).I am in - .

A.class one  B.Class one  C.Class One

(  )2.I am ______England

A.in B.from  C.at

(  )3.I’m good ______English .

A.in    B.from   C. at

(  )4.Tom is ______Grade Four .

A.in    B.from   C. at

(  )5.______ beautiful her dress is !

A.What    B.How   C. Where

(  )6.She ______a happy family .

A.have    B.has   C. is

(  )7.Where ______my hot dogs .

A.am    B.is   C. are

(  )8.I am a doctor . I work in a ______ .

A.hospital    B.school    C. shop

( )9.What are ______? They are pandas.

A.those   B.this   C. that

( )10.______can you see? I can see a bird.

A.Where   B.What  C. How many

( )11.______can you see? I can see four.

A.Where   B.What  C. How many

( )12.I can see ______egg .

A.a    B.an    C. some

( )13.Please come and buy ______ .

A.they    B.their    C. them

( )14.Those are ______sheep .

A.a    B.an    C. some

( )15. Are ______ on the desk?

A.He    B.She    C. They


1.We can see some ___________ (sheep)

2.Tom ___________three books.(have)

3.___________are my ruler.s.(that)

4.She is good at ____________(dance)

5.Please come and buy ____________ (they)




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