人教版(PEP)六年级上册英语期末测试卷 (含答案及听力音频,听力原文)

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人教版(PEP)六年级上册英语期末测试卷 (含答案及听力音频,听力原文)

2024-07-13 07:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023-2024学年度小学英语六年级上册期末模拟检测题(全卷共 6 页,考试时间 50 分钟,满分 100 分)同学们,经过一个学期的学习,你一定有不少收获吧?现在就让我们一起来做一次小测,展示一下我们的风采。加油!Listening Test听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)(  )1.A.study B.straight C. street(  )2.A.wear B.worry C. word(  ) 3.A.cartoon B.count C. country(  ) 4.A.mice B.many C. mouse(  ) 5.A.polite B.pilot C. playground(  ) 6.A.music B.Munich C. museum(  ) 7. A. night B. tonight C. today(  ) 8. A. crossing B. class C. comic(  ) 9. A. poem B. post C. sport(  ) 10. A. science B. scientist C. secretary二、听录音,根据所听句子,选出合适的答句。(10分)( ) 1. A.He usually gets there by car. B.He is a worker in a factory. C. He is going to Shanghai this afternoon.( ) 2. A.She is a worker. B.She is going to Nanjing next Monday. C. She is going to Nanjing by train.( ) 3. A.They want to buy a new dictionary. They are going to the post office. C. They must pay attention to the traffic lights.( ) 4. A.I like pizza very much. B.I live in Beijing. C. I like going hiking and playing ping-pong.( ) 5. A.He should do more exercise. B.He should see a doctor. C. He should wear warm clothes.三.听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)( ) 1. Linda is ______ and her brother is ______.A.14; 4 B.14; 5 C. 14; 13( ) 2. Today is ______ birthday.A.Linda’s B.Linda’s brother’s C. I don’t know.( ) 3. Linda is going to ______ ______ this Friday afternoon.have classes; by bike B.buy some cakes; on foot C. buy some comic books; by bike( ) 4. Where is Xinhua Bookstore Next to No. 2 Primary School. B.Next to Linda’s home. C. Next to No. 12 Hospital.( ) 5. Today Linda’s family will be ______.A.worried B.happy C. busy四、听录音,填入句子中所缺的单词。(10分)1. Miss White lives near school. She goes to school .2. Amy likes .3. He is going to his grandparents .4. My mother in a .5. Don’t be and be .Written Test五、单选题(10分)( )1.—_______ —I hurt my hand.A.How do you feel B.What’s wrong C.How are you( )2.If you like sports, you can be a _____.A.postman B.pilot C.coach( )3.My mother is ______ art teacher. She works in ______ university.A.a; a B.a; an C.an; a( )4.There is a big river between the two cities. We can go there by ______.A.foot B.sled C.ship( )5.He is good at _______ football.A.playing B.play C.plays( )6.—__________ are you going to the zoo —This afternoon.A.Where B.What C.When( )7.You must wear a ______ on the ferry.A.dress B.helmet C.life jacket( )8.I like ________ stories. I ________ stories every day.A.read; read B.reading; read C.reading; reading( )9.The boy broke(打破) the window. His mother is angry ______ him.A. of B. to C. with( )10.—If you meet a new word, what will you do —______A.Use a dictionary. B.Read a poem. C.Write a letter.六、用单词正确形式填空(10分)1.The dog is (chase) a mouse now.2.Does Liu Yun (do) word puzzles every day 3.My pen pal (live) in Beijing.4.My mother is a (clean).5.He (study) very hard every day.6.How many (mouse) can you see in the picture 7.What are John’s (hobby) 8.Mr Black (teach) us English.9.My mother often (go) to work by car.10.John wants to buy two (dictionary).七、看图完成句子(10分)1.—Excuse me, where’s the post office — . You can see it.2.We are going to Shanghai next week.3.Alice’s uncle is a .4.Let’s go to the . 5.You should a deep .6.I want to give my friend a book at the Spring Festival.八、读问句,选答语。(5分)A.Not well. B.Turn left at the zoo. C. Yes, he does. D.I’m going to the cinema. E. He is a taxi driver. F. He is going to see a film. G. No, there isn’t. H. Next week.( )1.Where are you going ( )2.What is he going to do ( )3.How do you feel now ( )4.What does your father do ( )5.When are you going 九、按要求完成句子。(10分)1. _____________________________________________________________________The post office is next to the museum.(根据答句写问句)2. _____________________________________________________________________I’m going to the bookstore.(根据答句写问句)3. How do you go home (用bus回答)_____________________________________________________________________4. attention, to, I, lights, the, traffic, pay, must (.)(连词成句)_____________________________________________________________________5. you, to, next, going, do, weekend, what, are ( )(连词成句)_____________________________________________________________________十、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)Tom is a little boy. He is four. Today his mother takes him to see his grandma. His grandma’s home is very far, so they go there by bus. There are only twenty people on the bus. They are all sitting on their seats. Tom is very happy. He runs on the bus. His mother asks him, “Why are you running ” “Because I miss (想念) my grandma so much that I want the bus to go faster.” Tom answers.( )1.Tom and his mum are going to see a doctor.( )2.His grandma’s home is near, so they usually walk there.( )3.The bus is crowded (拥挤的).( )4.Many people are standing on the bus.( )5.Tom is running on the bus, so his mother is angry with him.十一、Alice已经对不同职业有了一定了解,请根据Alice的思维导图,从外貌、性格、上学方式、爱好、梦想的职业以及实现梦想的计划等方面写一写她的职业规划。(5分)要求:1.语句通顺,行文流畅,可适当展开想象;2.短文中不得出现考生姓名、学校等真实信息;3.不少于50词,其中上学方式、爱好和实现梦想的计划至少各写2句。参考句型:She is...; She goes to school...; She likes...; She wants to be...; She is going to...This is Alice. She is a student.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________题目做完了,感觉不错吧!再检查一次,相信你付出了努力就一定有所收获!听力原文及参考答案:一. B C B C B B A A C【详解】1.Go straight at the crossing.2.I am going to buy a new word book.3.You should take a deep breath and count to ten.4. There is a big mouse in the house.5.My uncle is a pilot.6.People go to school on foot in Munich Germany.7. We’re going to see a film tonight.8. Turn right at the second crossing.9. I’m going to read a poem at the party.10. I want to be a secretary二. A A B C B【详解】1. How does Mike get to Shanghai 2. What does your aunt do 3. Where are they going tomorrow 4. What are your hobbies 5. My brother feels ill. What should he do now 三. A B C C B【详解】Hello! I’m Linda. I’m 14 years old and I’m a student in No. 2 Primary School. I have a baby brother. He is four years old. He likes reading books. Today is Friday, it’s his birthday. I have no classes this afternoon. So I am going to buy some comic books for him in Xinhua Bookstore. It is very big. It’s next to No. 12 Hospital. And it’s not far from my school, I will go there on my new bike. Today will be a nice day for my family!on foot reading stories visit tonight works hospital worried happy四、听录音,填入句子中所缺的单词。1. Miss White lives near school. She goes to school on foot .2. Amy likes reading stories .3. He is going to visit his grandparents tonight .4. My mother works in a hospital .5. Don’t be worried and be happy .五、BCCCA CCBCA六 1.chasing 2. do 3.lives 4.cleaner5.studies6.mice7.hobbies8.teaches9.goes10.dictionaries七、1. Turn left2. by plane3. police officer4.supermarket5. take breath6. comic八.D FAEH九、1.Where is the post office Where are you going 3. By bus.4.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.5. What are you going to do next weekend 十.F 50.F 51.F 52.F 53.F十一 例文:This is Alice. She is a student. She has big eyes and long hair. She has a nice hat. She is polite and clever. She often goes to school by bus. Sometimes she goes by car. She likes dancing. She also likes reading books about science. She wants to be a scientist. She is going to study hard. She is going to read more books and do more exercises.答案第1页,共2页答案第1页,共2页






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