Predicting stock prices using Deep Learning LSTM model in Python

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Predicting stock prices using Deep Learning LSTM model in Python

2022-12-29 07:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) is a special type of Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) which can retain important information over time using memory cells.

This property of LSTMs makes it a wonderful algorithm to learn sequences that are interdependent and can help to build solutions like language translation, sales time series, chatbots, autocorrections, next word suggestions, etc.

You can read more about LSTMs here.

In this case study, I will show how LSTMs can be used to learn the patterns in the stock prices. Using this template you will be able to predict tomorrow’s price of a stock based on the last 10 days prices.

Pulling historical stock prices data

To pull the data for any stock we can use a library named ‘nsepy‘

If you want to do this for any other stock, just use the stock market ticker symbol for that company like I have used ‘INFY’ for Infosys here.

123456789101112131415161718192021 import pandas as pdimport numpy as np # To remove the scientific notation from numpy arraysnp.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # install the nsepy library to get stock prices!pip install nsepy ############################################# Getting Stock data using nsepy libraryfrom nsepy import get_historyfrom datetime import datetime startDate=datetime(2019, 1,1)endDate=datetime(2020, 10, 5) # Fetching the dataStockData=get_history(symbol='INFY', start=startDate, end=endDate)print(StockData.shape)StockData.head()

Historical stock prices for Infosys

Visualizing the stock prices movement

123456 # Creating a column as dateStockData['TradeDate']=StockData.index # Plotting the stock prices%matplotlib inlineStockData.plot(x='TradeDate', y='Close', kind='line', figsize=(20,6), rot=20)

Stock prices of Infosys for last two years to be used in training of LSTM model

Preparing the data

The LSTM model will need data input in the form of X Vs y. Where the X will represent the last 10 day’s prices and y will represent the 11th-day price.

By looking at a lot of such examples from the past 2 years, the LSTM will be able to learn the movement of prices. Hence, when we pass the last 10 days of the price it will be able to predict tomorrow’s stock close price.

Since LSTM is a Neural network-based algorithm, standardizing or normalizing the data is mandatory for a fast and more accurate fit.

1234567891011121314151617 # Extracting the closing prices of each dayFullData=StockData[['Close']].valuesprint(FullData[0:5]) # Feature Scaling for fast training of neural networksfrom sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler # Choosing between Standardization or normalization#sc = StandardScaler()sc=MinMaxScaler() DataScaler = print('### After Normalization ###')X[0:5]

Preparing the data for LSTM

1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526 # split into samplesX_samples = list()y_samples = list() NumerOfRows = len(X)TimeSteps=10  # next day's Price Prediction is based on last how many past day's prices # Iterate thru the values to create combinationsfor i in range(TimeSteps , NumerOfRows , 1):    x_sample = X[i-TimeSteps:i]    y_sample = X[i]    X_samples.append(x_sample)    y_samples.append(y_sample) ################################################# Reshape the Input as a 3D (number of samples, Time Steps, Features)X_data=np.array(X_samples)X_data=X_data.reshape(X_data.shape[0],X_data.shape[1], 1)print('\n#### Input Data shape ####')print(X_data.shape) # We do not reshape y as a 3D data  as it is supposed to be a single column onlyy_data=np.array(y_samples)y_data=y_data.reshape(y_data.shape[0], 1)print('\n#### Output Data shape ####')print(y_data.shape)

Getting data ready for LSTM

Splitting the data into training and testing

Keeping last few days of data to test the learnings of the model and rest for training the model.

Here I am choosing Last 5 days as testing.

123456789101112131415161718 # Choosing the number of testing data recordsTestingRecords=5 # Splitting the data into train and testX_train=X_data[:-TestingRecords]X_test=X_data[-TestingRecords:]y_train=y_data[:-TestingRecords]y_test=y_data[-TestingRecords:] ############################################ # Printing the shape of training and testingprint('\n#### Training Data shape ####')print(X_train.shape)print(y_train.shape)print('\n#### Testing Data shape ####')print(X_test.shape)print(y_test.shape)

Splitting the data into training and testing for LSTM

Visualizing the input and output data for LSTM

Printing some sample input and output values to help you visualize how the LSTM model will learn the prices.

You can see the input is a 3D array of the last 10 prices and the output is a 1D array of the next price.

123 # Visualizing the input and output being sent to the LSTM modelfor inp, out in zip(X_train[0:2], y_train[0:2]):    print(inp,'--', out)

Sample input and output values for LSTM

Creating the Deep Learning LSTM model

Look at the use of the LSTM function instead of Dense to define the hidden layers. The output layer has one neuron as we are predicting the next day price, if you want to predict for multiple days, then change the input data and neurons equal to the number of days of forecast.

12345 # Defining Input shapes for LSTMTimeSteps=X_train.shape[1]TotalFeatures=X_train.shape[2]print("Number of TimeSteps:", TimeSteps)print("Number of Features:", TotalFeatures)

In the below code snippet I have used three hidden LSTM layers and one output layer. You can choose more layers if you don’t get accuracy for your data. Similarly you can increase or decrease the number of neurons in the hidden layer.

Just keep in mind, the more neurons and layers you use, the slower the model becomes. Because now there are many more computations to be done.

Each layer has some hyperparameters which needs to be tuned.

Take a look at some of the important hyperparameters of LSTM below

units=10: This means we are creating a layer with ten neurons in it. Each of these five neurons will be receiving the values of inputs. input_shape = (TimeSteps, TotalFeatures): The input expected by LSTM is in 3D format. Our training data has a shape of (420, 10, 1) this is in the form of (number of samples, time steps, number of features). This means we have 420 examples to learn in training data, each example looks back 10-steps in time like what was the stock price yesterday, the day before yesterday so on till last 10 days. This is known as Time steps. The last number ‘1’ represents the number of features. Here we are using just one column ‘Closing Stock Price’ hence its equal to ‘1’ kernel_initializer=’uniform’: When the Neurons start their computation, some algorithm has to decide the value for each weight. This parameter specifies that. You can choose different values for it like ‘normal’ or ‘glorot_uniform’. activation=’relu’: This specifies the activation function for the calculations inside each neuron. You can choose values like ‘relu’, ‘tanh’, ‘sigmoid’, etc. return_sequences=True: LSTMs backpropagate thru time, hence they return the values of the output from each time step to the next hidden layer. This keeps the expected input of the next hidden layer in the 3D format. This parameter is False for the last hidden layer because now it does not have to return a 3D output to the final Dense layer. optimizer=’adam’: This parameter helps to find the optimum values of each weight in the neural network. ‘adam’ is one of the most useful optimizers, another one is ‘rmsprop’ batch_size=10: This specifies how many rows will be passed to the Network in one go after which the SSE calculation will begin and the neural network will start adjusting its weights based on the errors.When all the rows are passed in the batches of 10 rows each as specified in this parameter, then we call that 1-epoch. Or one full data cycle. This is also known as mini-batch gradient descent. A small value of batch_size will make the LSTM look at the data slowly, like 2 rows at a time or 4 rows at a time which could lead to overfitting, as compared to a large value like 20 or 50 rows at a time, which will make the LSTM look at the data fast which could lead to underfitting. Hence a proper value must be chosen using hyperparameter tuning. Epochs=10: The same activity of adjusting weights continues for 10 times, as specified by this parameter. In simple terms, the LSTM looks at the full training data 10 times and adjusts its weights.

123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 # Importing the Keras libraries and packagesfrom keras.models import Sequentialfrom keras.layers import Densefrom keras.layers import LSTM # Initialising the RNNregressor = Sequential() # Adding the First input hidden layer and the LSTM layer# return_sequences = True, means the output of every time step to be shared with hidden next layerregressor.add(LSTM(units = 10, activation = 'relu', input_shape = (TimeSteps, TotalFeatures), return_sequences=True)) # Adding the Second Second hidden layer and the LSTM layerregressor.add(LSTM(units = 5, activation = 'relu', input_shape = (TimeSteps, TotalFeatures), return_sequences=True)) # Adding the Second Third hidden layer and the LSTM layerregressor.add(LSTM(units = 5, activation = 'relu', return_sequences=False ))  # Adding the output layerregressor.add(Dense(units = 1)) # Compiling the RNNregressor.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'mean_squared_error') ################################################## import time# Measuring the time taken by the model to trainStartTime=time.time() # Fitting the RNN to the Training, y_train, batch_size = 5, epochs = 100) EndTime=time.time()print("## Total Time Taken: ", round((EndTime-StartTime)/60), 'Minutes ##')

Training LSTM model on stock prices data

Measuring the accuracy of the model on testing data

Now using the trained model, we are checking if the predicted prices for the last 5 days are close to the actual prices or not.

Notice the inverse transform of the predictions. Since we normalized the data before the model training, the predictions on testing data will also be normalized, hence the inverse transformation will bring the values to the original scale. Then only we must calculate the percentage accuracy.

123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 # Making predictions on test datapredicted_Price = regressor.predict(X_test)predicted_Price = DataScaler.inverse_transform(predicted_Price) # Getting the original price values for testing dataorig=y_testorig=DataScaler.inverse_transform(y_test) # Accuracy of the predictionsprint('Accuracy:', 100 - (100*(abs(orig-predicted_Price)/orig)).mean()) # Visualising the resultsimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(predicted_Price, color = 'blue', label = 'Predicted Volume')plt.plot(orig, color = 'lightblue', label = 'Original Volume') plt.title('Stock Price Predictions')plt.xlabel('Trading Date')plt.xticks(range(TestingRecords), StockData.tail(TestingRecords)['TradeDate'])plt.ylabel('Stock Price') plt.legend()fig=plt.gcf()fig.set_figwidth(20)fig.set_figheight(6)

Measuring the accuracy of LSTM model on testing data

Visualizing the predictions for full data

Plotting the training and testing data both to see how good the LSTM model has fitted.

1234567891011121314151617181920 # Generating predictions on full dataTrainPredictions=DataScaler.inverse_transform(regressor.predict(X_train))TestPredictions=DataScaler.inverse_transform(regressor.predict(X_test)) FullDataPredictions=np.append(TrainPredictions, TestPredictions)FullDataOrig=FullData[TimeSteps:] # plotting the full dataplt.plot(FullDataPredictions, color = 'blue', label = 'Predicted Price')plt.plot(FullDataOrig , color = 'lightblue', label = 'Original Price')  plt.title('Stock Price Predictions')plt.xlabel('Trading Date')plt.ylabel('Stock Price')plt.legend()fig=plt.gcf()fig.set_figwidth(20)fig.set_figheight(8)

LSTM model prediction plot on full data

How to predict the stock price for tomorrow

If you want to predict the price for tomorrow, all you have to do is to pass the last 10 day’s prices to the model in 3D format as it was used in the training.

The below snippet shows you how to take the last 10 prices manually and do a single prediction for the next price.

1234567891011121314151617181920 # Last 10 days pricesLast10Days=np.array([1002.15, 1009.9, 1007.5, 1019.75, 975.4,            1011.45, 1010.4, 1009,1008.25, 1017.65]) # Normalizing the data just like we did for training the modelLast10Days=DataScaler.transform(Last10Days.reshape(-1,1)) # Changing the shape of the data to 3D# Choosing TimeSteps as 10 because we have used the same for trainingNumSamples=1TimeSteps=10NumFeatures=1Last10Days=Last10Days.reshape(NumSamples,TimeSteps,NumFeatures) ############################# # Making predictions on datapredicted_Price = regressor.predict(Last10Days)predicted_Price = DataScaler.inverse_transform(predicted_Price)predicted_Price

Making a single prediction with LSTM

I have used the actual prices from the stock market till last friday in the above snippet!

So we see the model predicts the next closing price of Infosys fo today(5th-Oct-2020) is Rs 1023! I checked and found the closing price for the day was Rs 1048! not bad for such little effort! 🙂

What If I want to predict prices for the next 5 days?

The model which we have built above uses the last 10 days prices and predicts the next day’s price because we have trained our model with many past examples of the same granularity as shown below

last 10 days prices–> 11th day price

Now if we want to predict the next 5 days or next 20 days prices, then we need to train the model with similar examples from the past like shown below

last 10 days prices–> Next 5 days prices

This is also known as Multi-Step time series prediction, where we predict multiple time steps ahead.

To achieve this, it will require small modifications in the data preparation step and in the LSTM model both.

However, keep in mind, the further you predict, the lesser accurate you might be, because stock prices are volatile and no one can know what is going to happen after 10 days! What kind of news will come? which might affect the prices of this stock!

Hence, it is recommended to predict for as less time steps as possible, for example next 2 days or next 5 days at max.

Data Preparation for Multi Step LSTM

I am showing how to prepare the data for predicting next 5 days. The same code can be easily modified to predict next 10 days or 20 days as well.

12345678910111213 # Considering the Full Data again which we extracted above# Printing the last 10 valuesprint('Original Prices')print(FullData[-10:]) print('###################') # Printing last 10 values of the scaled data which we have created above for the last model# Here I am changing the shape of the data to one dimensional array because# for Multi step data preparation we need to X input in this fashionX=X.reshape(X.shape[0],)print('Scaled Prices')print(X[-10:])

Sample data for LSTM multi step stock prices predictionSample data for LSTM multi step stock prices prediction

I have modified the data split logic from the last model to produce the input–>output pairs by defining FutureTimeSteps=5. This determines we want to predict the next 5 days’ prices based on the last 10 days.

1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 # Multi step data preparation # split into samplesX_samples = list()y_samples = list() NumerOfRows = len(X)TimeSteps=10  # next few day's Price Prediction is based on last how many past day's pricesFutureTimeSteps=5 # How many days in future you want to predict the prices # Iterate thru the values to create combinationsfor i in range(TimeSteps , NumerOfRows-FutureTimeSteps , 1):    x_sample = X[i-TimeSteps:i]    y_sample = X[i:i+FutureTimeSteps]    X_samples.append(x_sample)    y_samples.append(y_sample) ################################################ # Reshape the Input as a 3D (samples, Time Steps, Features)X_data=np.array(X_samples)X_data=X_data.reshape(X_data.shape[0],X_data.shape[1], 1)print('### Input Data Shape ###') print(X_data.shape) # We do not reshape y as a 3D data  as it is supposed to be a single column onlyy_data=np.array(y_samples)print('### Output Data Shape ###') print(y_data.shape)

Input/output shape for LSTM multi step model

Splitting the data into Training and Testing

123456789101112131415161718 # Choosing the number of testing data recordsTestingRecords=5 # Splitting the data into train and testX_train=X_data[:-TestingRecords]X_test=X_data[-TestingRecords:]y_train=y_data[:-TestingRecords]y_test=y_data[-TestingRecords:] ############################################## Printing the shape of training and testingprint('\n#### Training Data shape ####')print(X_train.shape)print(y_train.shape) print('\n#### Testing Data shape ####')print(X_test.shape)print(y_test.shape)

Training and Testing Data shape for Multi step LSTM model

Visualizing the input->output sent to LSTM Multi-step model

Printing some records of input and output always helps to understand the process in a LSTM model.

You can see here the input is a 3D array of the last 10 days’ prices and the output is an array of the next 5 days’ prices.

1234567 # Visualizing the input and output being sent to the LSTM model# Based on last 10 days prices we are learning the next 5 days of pricesfor inp, out in zip(X_train[0:2], y_train[0:2]):    print(inp)    print('====>')    print(out)    print('#'*20)

Input vs output model for Multi step LSTM model

Creating the Deep Learning Multi-Step LSTM model

I am using the same configurations as used in the last model. The change is done at the Dense layer. Now the dense layer outputs the number of values equal to the FutureTimeSteps. Which is 5 in this case since we want to predict the next 5 days.

You can change this to 10 to 20 if you want to predict for more days, but you need to prepare the data in the same manner before running this code.

12345 # Defining Input shapes for LSTMTimeSteps=X_train.shape[1]TotalFeatures=X_train.shape[2]print("Number of TimeSteps:", TimeSteps)print("Number of Features:", TotalFeatures)

Defining the time steps and features for the LSTM model

123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 # Importing the Keras libraries and packagesfrom keras.models import Sequentialfrom keras.layers import Densefrom keras.layers import LSTM # Initialising the RNNregressor = Sequential() # Adding the First input hidden layer and the LSTM layer# return_sequences = True, means the output of every time step to be shared with hidden next layerregressor.add(LSTM(units = 10, activation = 'relu', input_shape = (TimeSteps, TotalFeatures), return_sequences=True))  # Adding the Second hidden layer and the LSTM layerregressor.add(LSTM(units = 5, activation = 'relu', input_shape = (TimeSteps, TotalFeatures), return_sequences=True)) # Adding the Third hidden layer and the LSTM layerregressor.add(LSTM(units = 5, activation = 'relu', return_sequences=False ))  # Adding the output layer# Notice the number of neurons in the dense layer is now the number of future time steps # Based on the number of future days we want to predictregressor.add(Dense(units = FutureTimeSteps)) # Compiling the RNNregressor.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'mean_squared_error') ################################################################### import time# Measuring the time taken by the model to trainStartTime=time.time() # Fitting the RNN to the Training, y_train, batch_size = 5, epochs = 100) EndTime=time.time()print("############### Total Time Taken: ", round((EndTime-StartTime)/60), 'Minutes #############')

Training the multi step LSTM model

Measuring the Accuracy of the model on testing data

Since this is Multi step model trained to predict next 5 days. Each prediction will generate 5 days’ prices which we can match with the original prices.

We will compare them one row at a time.

1234567891011 # Making predictions on test datapredicted_Price = regressor.predict(X_test)predicted_Price = DataScaler.inverse_transform(predicted_Price)print('#### Predicted Prices ####')print(predicted_Price) # Getting the original price values for testing dataorig=y_testorig=DataScaler.inverse_transform(y_test)print('\n#### Original Prices ####')print(orig)

Original and Predicted prices in LSTM Multi Step model

Each row represents the original prices and the predicted prices.

We will compare one row at a time. Using a simple for-loop, each row of original values are compared with the predicted values

12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt for i in range(len(orig)):    Prediction=predicted_Price[i]    Original=orig[i]        # Visualising the results    plt.plot(Prediction, color = 'blue', label = 'Predicted Volume')    plt.plot(Original, color = 'lightblue', label = 'Original Volume')     plt.title('### Accuracy of the predictions:'+ str(100 - (100*(abs(Original-Prediction)/Original)).mean().round(2))+'% ###')    plt.xlabel('Trading Date')        startDateIndex=(FutureTimeSteps*TestingRecords)-FutureTimeSteps*(i+1)    endDateIndex=(FutureTimeSteps*TestingRecords)-FutureTimeSteps*(i+1) + FutureTimeSteps    TotalRows=StockData.shape[0]     plt.xticks(range(FutureTimeSteps), StockData.iloc[TotalRows-endDateIndex : TotalRows-(startDateIndex) , :]['TradeDate'])    plt.ylabel('Stock Price')     plt.legend()    fig=plt.gcf()    fig.set_figwidth(20)    fig.set_figheight(3)

LSTM predictions part-1

LSTM predictions Part-2

LSTM Multi step predictions part-3

Making predictions for the next 5 days

If you want to predict the price for the next 5 days, all you have to do is to pass the last 10 day’s prices to the model in 3D format as it was used in the training.

The below snippet shows you how to pass the last 10 values manually to get the next 5 days’ price predictions.

12345678910111213141516171819202122 # Making predictions on test dataLast10DaysPrices=array([1376.2, 1371.75,1387.15,1370.5 ,1344.95,                    1312.05, 1316.65, 1339.45, 1339.7 ,1340.85]) # Reshaping the data to (-1,1 )because its a single entryLast10DaysPrices=Last10DaysPrices.reshape(-1, 1) # Scaling the data on the same level on which model was trainedX_test=DataScaler.transform(Last10DaysPrices) NumberofSamples=1TimeSteps=X_test.shape[0]NumberofFeatures=X_test.shape[1]# Reshaping the data as 3D inputX_test=X_test.reshape(NumberofSamples,TimeSteps,NumberofFeatures) # Generating the predictions for next 5 daysNext5DaysPrice = regressor.predict(X_test) # Generating the prices in original scaleNext5DaysPrice = DataScaler.inverse_transform(Next5DaysPrice)Next5DaysPrice

Next 5 days stock price prediction using LSTM multi step model.


This prediction is only short-term. The moment you try to predict for multiple days like the next 30-days or 60 days, this fails miserably. Not because our LSTM model is bad, but, because Stock markets are highly volatile. So, don’t bet your money simply on this model! Do some research and then use this model as a complementary tool for analysis!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and it helped you clear some of your doubts regarding LSTM models. Consider sharing this post with your friends to help spread the knowledge 🙂

Author Details Author Details Farukh Hashmi Lead Data Scientist Farukh is an innovator in solving industry problems using Artificial intelligence. His expertise is backed with 10 years of industry experience. Being a senior data scientist he is responsible for designing the AI/ML solution to provide maximum gains for the clients. As a thought leader, his focus is on solving the key business problems of the CPG Industry. He has worked across different domains like Telecom, Insurance, and Logistics. He has worked with global tech leaders including Infosys, IBM, and Persistent systems. His passion to teach inspired him to create this website! [email protected]




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