Unit 3 Look at me! Make a Monkey绘本教学设计+课件+素材(共42张PPT)

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Unit 3 Look at me! Make a Monkey绘本教学设计+课件+素材(共42张PPT)

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Make a Monkey 教学设计一、教学背景( 一) 课程标准《义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) 》一级目标明确要求:能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简 单的小故事。(二) 教材分析本课时选自翼渡英语分级阅读,这是一节三年级绘本课。绘本基于 PEP 三年级英语Unit 3 的 拓展内容,通过两个小孩共同完成一个猴子机器人的故事,再次复习本单元学习的核心单词和词组, 并在此基础上拓展了顺序词。(三) 学情分析本节课的授课对象是三年级的学生,他们已经有一定的词汇量、语言表达能力和图片观察能力。 学生在 PEP 书本第三单元学习过身体部位和动作词汇,为本课时的学习打下了基础。但学生还没有接 触过顺序词。顺序词比较抽象,理解顺序词并通过顺序词复述步骤,对于三年级孩子来说,具有一定 难度。二、教学目标( 一) 语言能力1.复习巩固 PEP 课本中身体部位,如 head,body, hands, arms 等;动作词汇,如 touch its head, shake its body, clap its hands 等;2.能听、说、认读 first, next, then, after that, finally;3.能运用 first, next, then, after that, finally,make the ...介绍制作玩偶的过程。 (二) 学习能力1.运用略读 (Skimming) 、跳读 (Scanning) 等阅读策略,进行绘本阅读;2.学会从图片获取信息;3.能通过小组合作,提高与人合作的能力。(三) 思维品质1.合理分析故事情节,对绘本进行预测;2.增强学生类比推理的逻辑思维能力。(四) 文化品质将绘本与中国传统文化(皮影)相结合,增强文化自信。三、教学重点、难点( 一) 教学重点1. 理解绘本内容,复习身体部位及动作等核心词句;2. 理解顺序词,读懂绘本故事;3. 能运用 first, next, then, after that, finally,make the ...介绍制作玩偶的过程。(二) 教学难点1. 能够用顺序词连接,复述故事;2. 能够将本节课所学运用到生活。四、教学设计理念本课是一节绘本课,在 pre-reading 部分,通过将 class rules,让学生初步感知序数词;然后 齐唱歌曲,复习PEP 教材英语三年级第三单元的动作类短语,并根据歌曲动作的顺序进一步让学生理 解本课要掌握的顺序词。While-reading 部分,设计了四读,1 读是故事整体呈现,找出“How many steps? ”让学生感知整篇文章,并带着目的阅读;2 读是学生细读,找出“How tomake a monkey? ”中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台的步骤;3 读是细读,找出“How to play with the monkey? ”通过一系列的活动,操练书中的动 作,让学生在活动中快乐学习英语。4 读是学生通过老师的板书引导,把绘本进行复述。拓展活动通 过小组合作制作中国皮影木偶,将课堂所学应用于实际,解决实际问题,培养学生团队意识、合作精 神。学生分享各自皮影的制作步骤,发挥学生主体作用,培养学生创造力。中国皮影的加入,与外国 玩偶相呼应,加深学生对中国文化的了解,增强文化自信。五、教辅手段PPT,教师教具,学生教具,多媒体。六、教学过程教学步骤 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 设计目的Pre-reading Greeting Class rules Sing a song T:Class begins Read the class rules T:Let's sing a song Ss:Good morning Jingle. Ss: Sing the song. 增进师生感情,激活 课堂气氛,复习旧知 识。明晰课堂纪律, 初步感知顺序词。Lead-in T:Please put the movements in order. Ss: First, clap your hands. ... 通过欢快的歌曲,进 一步感知顺序词。While-reading Cover reading T: What do you see from the cover Who do you see Where are they Who makes the monkey Ss: ... At home. The girl... 培养学生图片观察 能力,激发学生阅读 兴趣。First reading 【How many 】 T:Who makes the monkey T :Let's read the book and find out the answer. Ss:The girl and the boy. Circle the keywords and finish the worksheets. Self-reading and teamwork 让学生阅读故事,运 用 skimming 的阅读 策略,整体理解绘本 获取信息 。读懂大 意 ,快速找出制作 monkey 有多少步。 初步了解制作步骤。Second reading 【How to make 】 T: Circle the keywords and finish the worksheets. Teamwork 运用 scanning 的 阅 读策略,给顺序词排 序,并找出相应的做 法,加深对绘本的认 识 。 通 过 完 成 worksheets, 对 制 作 步骤有结构性的认 识。Third reading 【How to play 】 T: Finally, they make the monkey. How do they play with the monkey T: please read books and underline the answers. Check the answers. T :I want 3 students to act like the monkey and three students to act like the girl Ss: I guess the monkey can... Ss read books. Check the answers. Have a competition. 再次阅读绘本,运用 scanning 的 阅 读 策 略,找出动作词汇。 核对答案后,在玩中 操练动作类短语,玩 中演,激发学习兴 趣。Fourth reading T: Why does the monkey Ss: It’s a robot. 引导学生观察图片,【Retell】 run away by himself T: There is a battery box on the table. T: Let’s review the story. 培养学生合理推理 的能力, 并回顾整个 故事。Post-reading Extension T: Let’s make the Chinese Puppets. Make the puppets in groups. 从课堂延伸到实际, 在实际中运用语言, 并提高学生动手能 力 ,培养其合作精 神,提高语用能力。T:Who can show us how to make a puppet Play with the puppets 通过运用 目标语言 展示玩皮影的过程, 切身体会中国文化 的美妙,增强文化自 信。Homework Assign the homework. Finish the exercise. Hold a puppet show with your classmates. 课后延伸,巩固课堂 所学。七、板书设计(Thisis...)These are...(共42张PPT)Make a monkey绘本故事教学三年级上First, eyes on me.Next, sit up straight.Then, think about my questions.After that, raise up your hand.Finally, I will charge your battery.Class rulesPut the movements in order(排序)FirstNextThenAfter thatFirstNextThenAfter thatA happy cooperation makes big projectinto a piece of cake!(愉快的合作使大项目变成小菜一碟)FinallyLet's guessHow many steps(步骤)do they make a monkey How many steps(步骤) ?How many steps(步骤) ?NextFirstThenAfter thatFirst,make the body.This is the body.(圈出P3-8表示顺序与动作的关键词,并完成下表)FirstNextThenAfter thatFinallyMake the bodyScan P3-8 and finish the worksheetFirstFirst,make the body.This is the body.NextNext,make the head.This is the head.Now add the ears, eyes, nose and mouth.ThenThen, make the arms and legs. These are the arms and legs.After thatAfter that, make the hands and feet. These are the hands and feet.FinallyAnd now, we can play with the monkey.make the body.First,Next,Then,After that,Finally,make the head.make the arms and legs.make the hands and feet.let's play with the monkey.表示:结果FinallyLet's guessHow do they play with the monkey (他们是如何和monkey玩的?)How do theyplay with the monkey (他们是如何和monkey玩的?)Read p9-p14 carefully, and underline the answers.(看P9-14,将答案用横线标出来。)Let's read小tips:请用尺子画横线shake its body.Body,body,shake its body.touch its head.Head, head,touch its head.Arms, arms,wave its arms.wave its arms.clap its hands.Hands, hands,clap its hands.lift its legs.Legs, legs,lift its legs.stamp its feet.Feet, feet,stamp its feet.Let's chantclap its handslift its legstouch its headwave its armsshake its bodystamp its feetLet's thinkWhy does the monkey run by itself (为什么monkey自己跑了?)This monkey is a ___.A. puppetB. robotB robotLet's thinkLet's retellChinese Shadow PuppetsLet's learnLet's learnShadow PuppetsLet's doLet's do完成后一起复述制作过程。每人一个步骤,边说边做,组长贴,自主设计步骤。A puppet showbe happybe friendlybe cooperativeWhen you are in group work,Then you can make a big project.Homework①Finish the exercise on p16.②Teach your friends how to make a puppet in English.Thanks!谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员?欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!!详情请看:https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php






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