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2024-07-16 04:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






法律上的“人”不等同于自然人,法人是法律上拟制的“人”,而很多英文合同也会对“人”作类似定义:“Person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, limited liability company, association or other entity. (以下这份PDF链接是美国每个州对于Person的不同定义:http://www.ncsl.org/documents/lsss/tue_haskins_handout2.pdf)

















(3)法定代理人。法定代理人是基于法律规定而产生的,比如《破产法》下规定的清算组,在清算期间代表公司从事对外事务,其职权之一就有“代表公司参与民事诉讼活动 ”。




“法人”通常的英译名有:legal person、judicial person、juristic person、artificial person、corporation

Juridical person: Entity, as a firm, that is not a single natural person, as a human being, authorized by law with duties and rights, recognized as a legal authority having a distinct identity, a legal personality. Also known as artificial person, juridical entity, juristic person, or legal person. Also refer to body corporate. —— Black's Law Dictionary

S唯一的疑问就是,person分为两大类——natural person和legal person,legal person是包括partnership等非法人组织的,这就使得“法人”和legal person在一定情况下是不等同的吧?

corporation可以指“法人”、“公司”、“社团”。为什么还会指“公司”?这是因为英国公司分类是XX Company,而美国公司分类是XX Corporation,美国公司名后缀之一也有Corp. 。

corporation及类似表述可以说是最接近“公司法人”的了,但由于在一般法律翻译中并不涉及,所以未做过多研究。一般法律翻译会涉及公司性质是什么,那么就要搞清楚我国的“有限责任公司”和美国的“limited liability company (LLC)”不是一回事。


“法定代表人”通常被翻译为legal representative,其实这两个词的含义相去甚远。

legal representative: a. See lawful representative. b. See personal representative.

lawful representative: 1. A legal heir. 2. An executor, administrator, or other legal representative.

personal representative: A person who manages the legal affairs of another because of incapacity or death, such

as the executor of an estate. ——Black's Law Dictionary

以上,legal representative是指lawful representative 和 personal representative。 lawful representative又指“法定继承人(legal heir) ”和“遗嘱执行人 ( executor)、 遗产管理 人 ( administrator)”等 ;而personal representative是指专门为失去民事能力(incapacity)的人或者死者处理法律事务的人, 即“法定代理人 ” 或“代理律师”。



中国的营业执照有公司成立和经营许可两大效力,“法定代表人”要出现在营业执照上,而美国是分开来的,公司成立是取得Certificate of Incorporation(公司注册证书),Certificate of Incorporation上面是不记载“法定代表人”的,再根据公司性质、经营范围以及到哪个州经营,到相关州取得经营许可。


其实将“法定代表人”翻译为legal representative是种约定俗成的翻法,不仅我国法律官方译本这样用,很多外国律师也接受这一表达,也会对具有中国特色的“法定代表人”进行介绍。S在翻译国外律师的英文合同时,也会碰到。下面截取了外国人对中国公司的“法定代表人”的介绍,甚至通过现象看透本质哈!

Exerpt from: What is the Role of a China Company Legal Representative?


Upon seeing a name listed under ‘legal representative’ on a Chinese business license (or China Checkup verification report), many people assume that this is the most important person at the company, for example the CEO.

This is often not the case, however. The China company legal representative can feasibly be anyone from the company. They have been chosen to have their name put on the business license and have agreed to this arrangement.

The reasons for this selection may include:

◦It is someone who is obedient and loyal to the company who will not cause any problems by being legal representative.

◦It is someone who seems stable for the long term and unlikely to leave.

◦It is someone who can be trusted to be given the responsibility of legal representative without causing problems.

◦It is a lawyer from the company.

…and so on.

In any case, there’s a good chance that this person won’t be someone with much real authority in the management of the company.

Excerpt from: The China Legal Representative. Its Risks And Responsibilities


The legal representative is a concept that comes from China’s company law. The only meaning is that this person has the power to bind the company in contracts and this person also represents the company in submitting reports to regulators. It has no meaning regarding management of the company.

另外,S还查到越南以及巴西、墨西哥和智力等南美国家的法律规定公司必须有legal representative,所以不必过多纠结关于“法定代表人”翻译为legal repesentative的问题。

如果是和外国人介绍“法定代表人”,或者翻译营业执照,会用legal representative;在合同模板中,红圈所通常的做法是将签署页的签字人身份设定为“法定代表人/授权代表”,对应的英文是Legal representative/Authorized Representative,在签订合同时再确定用哪个。


前面说到了,我国法律并没有对法人代表做任何定义,可以根据具体语境对“法人代表” 进行翻译,比如corporate representative,或者在双方会谈时称自己是representative of XX Company,或者在合同中用authorized representative of XX Company 、representative dulyauthorized by XX Company。

作者:潘茹珺 Stephanie Pan,资深法律财经翻译(微信:pan-law)

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