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2023-09-17 03:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265









例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15.  B.£9.18.   C.£9.15.


1.Where are the speakers?

A. At a swimming pool.

B. In a clothing shop.

C. At a school lab.

2.What will Tom do next?

A. Tum down the music.

B. Postpone the show.

C. Stop practicing.

3.What is the woman busy doing?

A. Working on a paper.

B. Tidying up the office.

C. Organizing a party.

4.When will Henry start his vacation?

A. This weekend.

B. Next week.

C. At the end of August.

5.What does Donna offer to do for Bill?

A. Book a flight for him.

B. Drive him to the airport.

C. Help him park the car.



6.Why does Pete call Lucy?

A. To say that he'll be late.

B. To tell her about his work.

C. To invite her to dinner.

7.When is Pete going to see Lucy?

A. At 6:00pm.

B. At 6:45 pm.

C. At 8:00pm.


8.Why does Cathy want to quit her job

A. She'll join another firm.

B. She'll run her own business.

C. She's fed up with it.

9.What is Mark's attitude towards Cathy's decision?

A. Forgiving.

B. Sympathetic.

C. Supportive.

10.What might Cathy do for the present company?

A. Apply for a project.

B. Train a new person.

C. Recommend an engineer.


11.How did the man feel about his performance today?

A. Greatly encouraged.

B.A bit dissatisfied.

C. Terribly disappointed.

12.What did the man say helped him overcome theproblem?

A. Patience.

B. Luck.

C. Determination.

13.What is the woman doing?

A. Conducting an interview.

B. Holding a press conference.

C. Hosting a ceremony.


14.What is next to the apartment building?

A.A restaurant.

B.A laundry.

C.A grocery store.

15.Which is included in the rent?

A. Electricity.

B. The Internet.

C. Satellite TV.

16.What does the woman think of the apartment?

A. It's quite large.

B. It's well furnished.

C. It's worth the money.


17.Where is Jeff from?

A. Liverpool.

B. Coventry.

C. Newcastle.

18. Where do young men go to watch big gamesaccording to Jeff?

A. Pubs.

B. Stadiums.

C. Friends' homes.

19. Why does Jeff have to pick a team to support?

A. To avoid being bothered.

B. To open a conversation.

C. To earn respect from others.

20.What does Jeff mainly talk about?

A. England's moment of success.

B. English flag as a symbol of hope.

C. England's all-time favourite sport.





16-20 CBAAC


Text 1

W:Can I help you?

M:Yes.I'd like to try this jacket on,please.

W: Okay. The changing rooms are over there.

Text 2

W:Tom,your music is too loud.

M:Our band is practicing for the show,Mom.

W: But it's already the middle of the night.

M: Okay, we'll cut it off right away.

Text 3

M: You look pretty busy. What's up?

W: We' re putting together an office party thisFriday evening. There'll be about 30 people, and I'm the organizer.

M: Nice! But it's probably best not to overworkyourself. Enjoy.

Text 4

W: Hi Henry. Did you say you' re going to take avacation next week?

M: Actually, I'm leaving for San Francisco thisweekend.

W: Cool. But I can't get away until the end ofAugust.

Text 5

M: Donna, have you booked the flight to London forme?

W: Sure, Bill. Do you need a ride to the airport? Ican do it.

M: No, thanks. I will park my car at the airport.

Text 6

M: Hi Lucy. This is Pete.

W: Hi. What's up?

M: Listen, I'm afraid I'll be a little latetonight. Remember I said earlier that I would pick you up at 6:00? Now I'mgoing to meet you at about a quarter to seven as there's been a problem here atwork.

W: Okay, don't worry. The film begins at 8:00. I'llwait.

M: Good. Get something to eat before I arrive,okay?

W: I will.

Text 7

W: Hi Mark. I've decided to leave the company. Ihad an amazing time here, but it is time for me to move on.

M: May I ask why, Cathy? I do hope that you staywith us here.

W: Well, you know, I've got a new job in a bigengineering firm. It's a management position.

M: In that case, I think that I understand yourdecision, and you have my support.

W: Thanks for understanding. But, I can work heretwo more weeks.

M: That's great. Will you be able to finish yourpresent project?

W: Sure. And if you hire someone within ten days, I'dbe happy to provide training in my areas.

Text 8

W: Well done. Congratulations! How are you feeling?

M: Tired. I'm just tired.

W: But you did so well to get second place intoday's car race.

M: Well, I came out here aiming for the gold. I gotthird place last time, and it was not the result I had hoped for.

W: What happened today? You were looking extremelygood at the start.

M: I blew it! The car was a bit out of control.

W: Some people might have given up at that point.

M: I was determined to do it, to finish the round.

W: So, what now?

M: Tomorrow's going to be tough, much tougher thantoday.

W: Well, I think you showed great determinationtoday. Good luck for tomorrow, and thanks for speaking to us.

Text 9

W: So, what is your new apartment like, Terry?

M: Oh, it's great. There are two bedrooms, a nicekitchen, and a living room.

W: Sounds nice.

M: Yeah. And there is a grocery store next to theapartment building. And there is a laundry and a fast food restaurant acrossthe street. So it is a quick way to get a meal.

W: That's good. How much do you pay in rent?

M: Well, I have a roommate, so I pay half the rent.That is $275 a month with gas, water, and electricity included. And theInternet and satellite TV are separate.

W: That's really a wonderful price. How on earthdid you find a place like that?

M: I just found it online.

W: Great!

Text 10

M: Hello, I'm Jeff Anderson from Coventry, England.And in today's program, I'd like to share with you a special kind of Englishculture-the football. A lot of people in England are crazy about football.During the football season whenever there is a big match, all the flags forlocal football teams, such as Liverpool and Newcastle, are hung outside everywindow, or even spread proudly on T-shirts or scarves. There is an atmosphereof excitement in the air. Groups of young men crowd into dark, packed pubs staringat television screens. Of course they are covered head to toe in the colors oftheir team. They shout and scream in sadness when their team loses a goal, orwith joy when there is a moment of success. You do not have to be a fan offootball to get caught up in the excitement. As far as victories are concerned,England had its big moment in 1966 in Wembley Stadium. The World Cup victory isin the hearts and minds of all football fans. Now, whenever England is playinga big match, red and white covers every inch of every pub, a symbol of hope-theEnglish flag. While football has never been something I am particularlyinterested in, for years, I've had to pretend excitement and pick a team tosupport. You cannot say you don't like or do not follow football in England, asoften this would lead to a long dialogue in which someone would begin tellingyou why you should support their team.




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