
您所在的位置:网站首页 克里斯蒂娜斯图尔特ins 中文翻译:第71届戛纳国际电影节克里斯汀·斯图尔特专访


2024-06-23 22:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

今年戛纳国际电影节期间,克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart接受了一次专访,在这次访谈中她谈到了自己与法国的渊源,以及在法国拍摄电影的经历,还有作为演员的一些个人感想。

从9岁开始成为一名电影演员,克里斯汀·斯图尔特在她年轻的岁月了经历了一夜成名、连续数年大红大紫、票房热卖几十亿、事业巅峰跌入人生低谷、继续前行获得再次认同、 得奖、成为国际电影节评委,在这位年轻女孩的背后有着怎样的故事,这篇专访将为你解开部分答案。





Close-up with Kristen Stewart, Feature Films Jury member


There's something simultaneously light and dark about Kristen Stewart. The elusive actor rose to worldwide fame in the Twilight saga before emerging as a rebellious silver-screen icon with an impressive filmography under her belt. Adored by the public, lauded by the industry, Kristen Stewart made an impact on Cannes in no fewer than three In Competition occasions, first in On the Road by Walter Salles, and then with Olivier Assayas in Sils Maria and Personal Shopper. Last year, the Festival followed the actor's first forays behind the camera with her début short Come Swim, a poignant, heart-wrenching film.

在克里斯汀·斯图尔特身上有些或明或暗的东西。这位难以捉摸的演员在《暮光之城》中一举成名,因为这部令人印象深刻的电影后来成为叛逆的银幕偶像。大众崇拜、业界称赞,克里斯汀·斯图尔特在戛纳电影节上产生了至少三次影响。第一次是沃尔特·塞勒斯的《在路上》,然后是奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯的《锡尔斯玛利亚》和《私人采购员》。去年,她第一次执导的短片《Come Swim》在戛纳展映,一部令人心酸、心碎的电影。

Festival de Cannes, Olivier Assayas, a César, Chanel… are you French at heart?

Almost! I’m getting as close as I can. I’m playing Jean Seberg in Benedict Andrews’ Against All Enemies. A lot of the dialogue is in French, although her accent is terrible. So I have to learn more than I ever have, which will be fun. I’m getting a little closer to being even more French!


答:几乎是的!我现在越来越像法国人了。我在本尼迪克特·安德鲁斯导演的《四面受敌 Against All Enemies》里扮演珍·茜宝。很多对话都是法语,因为她的口音很糟糕。所以我尽可能多的去学习,这样很有趣。我变得更贴近法国了!

Did you go on a French film binge?

Not as much as I should have. I’ve watched a lot of movies but I wouldn’t describe myself as a film buff. My experience has been really incredible because I literally feel like I’m attending film school. Everyone can have an emotional response to a film. It's a universal language. I don’t feel intimidated. French film is home to a really diverse group of people who are all very different, yet all really eloquent and informed. They're kind of like my teachers.



Olivier Assayas says you create a sense of space in the way you act. How do you feel about that?

That space is something he gives me. I made five movies in which I felt the opposite of free. I think an environment that gives you the room to create something unexpected actually takes a huge amount of planning and preparation, and a brilliant mind who knows how to put it all together and make sure everything's working together as it should. Once you have all those ingredients in place, you create space that actually provides you with the room to completely lose control.



"When I work with him, to be perfectly honest, we don’t even talk about what we are doing, we don’t necessarily tell the same story, but somehow we come together."


I don't try to generate any specific emotion, I never felt like he wanted me to achieve anything in particular. It’s a different way of working and it’s great, although I prefer feeling more directed, having someone waiting with a safety net ready for me to fall into.


In Personal Shopper, you blur gender lines, it’s like you could be either a man or a woman…

That’s perfect because I think that the loss of my character's brother is so central, it’s almost like she wants to be him in order to have him closer to her, in order to not have to miss him and she’s going through this really difficult grieving process. I love that there in an ambiguity in the character, you really never quite know who the fuck she is because she doesn’t know herself.



Could you play a man?

Totally! Gender is a bit of a myth if you ask me. Everyone’s individual relationship with gender is totally theirs to define. But I really think because of the flexibility inherent to gender, there's room for all types of approach.



What's your dream role?

I have a hard time defining what I want to do as an actor. As a filmmaker, as a director, the question is easier. As an actor, I want to never know. I want to be present in something and have it feel so real that I feel like it’s not made up, like I’m honouring a part of the story. It’s always a surprise. As soon as I start having a hand in shaping things...like, I’ll never produce a movie, I promise you. I will never set up a production company. I want to write and direct. And act for people who write and direct.


答:我很难确定我想成为什么样的演员。作为电影制作人、作为导演,这个问题比较容易。作为演员,我永远不知道。我想塑造某个人,让他看起来真实,不像是虚构的 。就像我尊重故事本身,让它看起来像个惊喜。一旦我开始定型某些事情,我将无法创造出电影,真的是这样。我没有办法再去准备任何事情。我想成为编剧和导演,也愿意当一名演员。

Your first short film, Come Swim, was revealed here in Cannes. What did it teach you?

Thierry Frémaux has been nice to me. To be honest, it kind of closed a chapter for me. I had this kind of awakening. The thing that I took away from it was that I want to fucking make movies because it feels good, because it really is the best way to capture something, to put your finger on something and to bring a group of people together who feel the same way. Movies can educate, they can bring us together, bridge gaps, make us feel less alone. At the end of that movie I just felt totally fulfilled.

问:你的第一部短片,《Come Swim》在戛纳展映,你从中学到了些什么呢?


What will your first feature film be about?

I’m adapting a memoir. It’s called The Chronology of Water. Lidia Yuknavitch is from Portland. I love her novels but her memoires… it’s deeply personal to her. She’s in my blood and I knew that before I met her. As soon as I met her it was like we started this race without any sense of competition. I'm making the movie this summer but other than that, my only goal is just to finish the screenplay and hire a really spectacular actor: I’m going to write the best fucking female role. I’m going to write a role that I want so badly but that I’m not going to play.


答:我正在改编一本回忆录,书名为《The Chronology of Water》。Lidia Yuknavitch(注:我个人猜测可能是作者)来自波特兰。我喜欢她的小说,但她的回忆录……只属于她自己。她的小说融入我的血液里,遇见她之前我就知道了。我一见到她就感觉到强烈的认同。我今年夏天开始拍摄这部电影。除此之外,我唯一的目标就是完成剧本,雇佣一个非常出色的演员。我要写最好的女性角色。我要写一个我想要的角色,但我不会是这个角色的扮演着。






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