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2024-07-08 17:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#句子# #秋天文案短句干净治愈英文(精选34句)#】我在计划未来,你不要谋略离开,由于短句种类的越来越多,越来越多的人喜欢用短句来抒发自己的情感。短句是指短小精悍、节奏短促、生动明快、活泼有力、节奏性强的句子,在文章中以短句为主与长句搭配,可以使整段句子读起来朗朗上口。如果你对“秋天文案短句干净治愈英文”有任何困惑下面的解答都会给你答案,欢迎光临我们的网站希望您能在这里发现一些令人惊叹的发现!


1、Strive to make every day happy and meaningful,not for others,for yourself。


3、Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower。 每片叶子是花的地方,秋就是春天的继续


5、in autumn 在秋季

6、Wish you noticed me。

7、My favourite season is autumn. 我最喜欢的季节是秋天In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool. 秋天的时候,天气很干燥和凉爽。


9、Do not meet does not mean not miss,do not contact just to cover up nostalgic。


11、o put their children into the sweet dreams.走进秋天,凝望那一泓碧水,山云树,会重叠了你的身 影。Into the fall, staring at a blue, Yama Buki, will overlap your figure.秋草有情,径自凋敝;黄花无意,引领南山远眺。阡陌 相交,炊烟袅袅,那是秋天里写不尽的诗情。The autumn grass love, was depressed; Huanghua unintentionally, overlooking the leading mountain. Intersect, smoke

12、True Friendship isn’t about being inseparable,it’s being separated and nothing changes。

13、Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. 当每一片叶子都是花朵时,秋天就变成第二各春天。

14、Maturity does not lie in how old you are,but how strong you are to take on responsibilities。

15、What can you get in this autumn? 走在秋天, 秋天的太阳更红更娇;

16、During autumn, the leaves change color and fall down from the trees.

17、During last year's Mid Autumn Festival, Liao carried a kilo of meat and pig's feet to his home.



19、In the journey of life,the worst plight is not poverty,misfortune,but the mental state of being unconsciously tired。

20、It's ideal for autumn wear—gray flannels with blue stripes. 灰色蓝条法兰绒,是秋天理想的料子。

21、wind on the leaves rustie.秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一 段。秋天!就像一位身穿金色衣服的少年秋姑娘,她温柔善 良,总会给人们带来好处!Autumn! Like a young girl dressed in golden clothes, she is gentle and kind, always bring benefits to people!操场上那些小草,不再像春天那样绿,而是都黄了,聋 拉着头,远远望上去也别有一种美。The grass on the playground, no longer as green as spring,

22、Crab is peeling my shell, notebook is writing me, all over the sky I fall on the maple leaf, you are thinking of me.螃蟹在剥我的壳,笔记本在写我,漫天的我落在枫叶上,你在想我。

23、In autumn(fall), it's cool, windy. 秋天天气凉爽,秋风瑟瑟。


25、umn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste the life of each section.秋天,在一场紧张的收割之后,转眼间一切都褪了颜色, 一望无垠的土地苍黄地裸露着。Autumn, in a tense after harvest, suddenly everything faded, boundless land pale yellow bare.秋天到了,果子熟了。黄澄澄的是梨,红通通的是苹果, 亮晶晶的是葡萄。Autumn is coming, the fruit is ripe. The pears, red

26、We are not wrong,is young ruined promises。


28、In autumn, Canada geese have to fly to the warm south to get away from Canada's cold winter.



31、Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter.

32、Deciduous autumn, breeze, all the good unexpected.落叶之秋,微风徐来,所有美好不期而至。

33、The wind drunk, secretly kissed the small leaves, the air mixed with the aroma of osmanthus, sunset saw the red face.风喝醉了,偷偷亲了一下小叶子,空气中夹杂着桂花的香气,晚霞看见了便红着脸。

34、你知道他升职了吗?----------------------------------------------------------------------今天的几个句子… Are you aware of his promotion?




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