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2024-07-04 20:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Every year, Children's Day is celebrated across many nations of the world with great enthusiasm. But do you all know when and how it is observed in different countries?每年,世界上都有许多国家热烈庆祝儿童节。但是,你们知道各国的儿童节是哪天吗?大家又是怎么庆祝的呢?


In China, it is celebrated on June 1st. This occasion is considered equivalent to Christmas in China. It is a time to enjoy, make fun and merry as the Chinese consider children to be the future custodians of the country. On this day, the Chinese pledge to contribute towards providing children with a good family, social and educational environment. Children's Day is an official holiday in China.中国在6月1日庆祝儿童节,它相当于中国的圣诞节,是一个欢享、有趣、快乐的节日,因为中国人认为儿童是国家未来的接班人。在那一天,中国会承诺为孩子们提供良好的家庭、社会和教育环境。儿童节在中国是一个法定假日。


The day is celebrated on 14th November across the nation to commemorate the birth anniversary of India's first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. On the occasion, many schools allow students to attend their classes in coloured dresses. Special programs are held by the children themselves and the principals hand over a rose to every child. Many schools hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children's Day to allow students to have fun.印度全国在11月14日庆祝儿童节,以纪念印度第一位总理潘迪特·贾瓦哈拉·尼赫鲁的诞辰。在那一天,许多学校会允许孩子们穿各色服装上课。儿童们会自己表演特别的节目,校长会发给每个孩子一朵玫瑰花。很多学校还会在儿童节举办露营之类的活动或者放映免费电影,让孩子们能玩得开心。


Since the year of 2000, the Bangladesh government has been celebrating the occasion on November 20th every year (following the tradition of observing Universal Child Day by UNICEF). The day is celebrated by holding huge children competitions and fashion shows to spread awareness about Children's Day and children's rights.自2000年以来,孟加拉国政府都是在每年的11月20日庆祝儿童节(遵循联合国儿童基金会庆祝国际儿童日的传统)。在这一天,人们会举办大型的儿童竞赛和时装表演,以此让更多的人了解儿童节和儿童的权利。


North Korea and South Korea observe this occasion on different days. While North Korea celebrates Children's Day on June 1st, South Korea marks it on May 5th. It is not a holiday in North Korea. Hence, parents go to their workplace, while children in the kindergarten or nursery schools enjoy the day in sports or small performances. In South Korea, the occasion is marked throughout the country through parades and special events like pageants and martial arts demonstrations.朝鲜和韩国在不同的日子过儿童节。朝鲜是6月1日,韩国是5月5日。在朝鲜,儿童节不是假日。所以,父母们仍然去上班,而孩子们则在幼儿园或者托儿所参加运动比赛或小型表演以庆祝这个日子。在韩国,全国上下欢庆儿童节,有庆典游行、盛会表演,还有舞术表演。


In Japan, Children's Day is a national holiday called 'Kodomo no Hi' and is celebrated every year on May 5th. Japanese Golden Week includes Children's Day and is held in honour of children and to celebrate their happiness.在日本,儿童节是一个全国假日,叫作“'こどもの日”,为每年的5月5日。日本黄金周就包括儿童节,庆祝儿童节是为了向儿童表达爱意,并庆祝他们的幸福童年。


The United States of America has a long history to narrate, regarding the origin of Children's Day in their country. The story of the origin dates back to the 1860s or even earlier. The day is marked by different cultural programs, activities and events organized throughout the country. It marks the revival and commitment to support the children of USA and the world.关于儿童节的起源,美国有一段很长的历史。儿童节起源的故事可追溯到19世纪60年代甚至更早的时期。那一天全国各地都会举办各种不同的文化节目、活动、庆典。儿童节标志着新生以及承诺对美国和全世界儿童的支持。


In Canada, Children's Day is better known as "National Child Day" and is held on November 20th each year. It is also known as the Child Day Act, for the day began to be celebrated when the Parliament of Canada passed the "Child Day Act" in 1993. National Child Day is not a holiday in Canada.加拿大儿童节更恰当的叫法是“国家儿童日”,为每年的11月20日。它还以《儿童日法案》而著称,人们开始庆祝这个日子是因为1993年的这一天加拿大国会通过了《儿童日法案》。国家儿童日在加拿大并不是假日。


Children's Day is observed on April 30th in Mexico. Known as "El Dia del Niño", Children's Day is marked by cancellation of classes in schools, though the kids do go to school and indulge in different festivities arranged for the occasion.墨西哥在4月30日过儿童节,叫作“El Dia del Niño”。儿童节那天,学校不上课,但孩子们还是会去学校,沉浸在各种不同的节庆活动中。


In Germany, Children's Day is known as "Kindertag" and is celebrated on June 1 of every year. On this day, German children traditionally receive congratulations and presents from their parents. It is also the time when they perform special activities in school, such as field trips and the like. However, in many parts of the country, Children's Day is celebrated on September 20, the date on which the day was first observed.在德国,儿童节被叫作“Kindertag”,于每年6月1日进行庆祝。在那一天,依照传统,德国儿童会收到父母的祝贺和礼物。他们还会在那一天在学校里参加特别的活动,比如野外考察旅游之类的。但是,德国也有很多地方在9月20日庆祝儿童节,因为儿童节最早是在那天庆祝的。


Vanuatu is a small island nation in the South Pacific Ocean. "Stop violence against children" and "Give a child the chance to express his/her opinion today" are the two main agendas raised on Children's Day in Vanuatu. Children's Day in Vanuatu is celebrated on July 24th every year. The occasion is a public holiday across the country, which is marked by various events and activities.瓦努阿图是南太平洋上的一个小岛国。“禁止儿童暴力”和“今天给孩子机会表达他/她的观点”是瓦努阿图儿童节的两项重要议程。该国在每年的7月24日庆祝儿童节。儿童节是全国的公众假期,会举办各类庆典和活动。





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