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2024-07-11 20:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

万岁的英文:live longwish a long life

参考例句:Hurrah, for the Queen!女王万岁!Long live the people's Republic of china!中华人民共和国万岁!Hail,Caesar!恺撒大帝万岁!Oh, we love holidays, holidays, hooray!哦,我们喜欢假期,假期,万岁! Hurray!/Hurrah!万岁!All hail!万岁!欢迎!Viva la turkey! 火鸡万岁!Long live world peace!世界和平万岁!Hurrah, hurray for the king!我王万岁!Hurray for the goddamned idiot!十足的大傻瓜,万岁!live是什么意思:adj. 有生命的,活的;现场直播的v. 生存,生活;居住;经历过;继续存在,留存Live and let live待人宽容如待己They live a happy live.他们过着幸福的生活。Live to learn and learn to live生而学之,学而生之long是什么意思:adj. 长的;长时间的;冗长的;长音的adv. 长久地,长期地;始终n. 长时间,长时期;长音节v. 渴望abbr. 经度,经线But perhaps not for long.但这并不会持续太长时间。It will take a long time to read through this long story.要读完这长篇故事要花相当长的时间。propagation of long and very long wave in the ionosphere电离层长波和超长波传播wish是什么意思:v. 希望,想要;但愿;祝愿;企求;默默盼祷n. 希望,愿望;祝愿;请求;希望的事Wishful thinking belief based on wishes and not on facts不根据事实而仅基于愿望的想法I have no wish to be an official.我没有当官的愿望。Do you wish to say anything?你想要说什么吗?






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