
您所在的位置:网站首页 俯冲的反义词是什么词啊 attacked(attack是什么意思)


2023-04-28 07:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


attack,意为“攻击,抨击; 辱骂,着手,投入,从事,(疾病)侵袭,腐蚀,侵蚀”等。





例句:The police said the attack was an isolated incident.




in attack在攻击中

under attack遭到攻击

attack against对…的进攻

attack of the blues闷闷不乐

recurrent attack再度发作



常用的搭配有attack on someone或是attack against someone,指“攻击某人”。




问题一:“网络攻击”用英语怎么说 网络攻击:利用网络存在的漏洞和安全缺陷对网络系统的硬件、软件及其系统中的数据进行的攻击。 英文翻译:network attack;

问题二:攻击英文怎么说攻击用英语怎么说 attack 英 vt. 攻击,进攻,抨击; n. 攻击; 抨击; (队员等的) 进攻; (疾病) 侵袭; vt. 抨击; 非难; 侵袭; 损害; He publicly attacked the people who’ve been calling for secret ballot nominations 他公开抨击了那些主张用不记名投票方式确定任命人选的人。 第三人称单数:attacks 复数:attacks 现在分词:attacking过去式:attacked 过去分词:attacked

问题三:攻击英文怎么说 attack set on ( *** .) e at ( *** ) 都是攻击

问题四:遭受攻击用英文怎么说 under attack, be attacked.

问题五:攻击英文怎么说 attack 例句 he attacks the wrong person. 他攻击错了人

问题六:请不要用语言互相攻击用英语怎么说 please don’t attack each other with words. angela 精锐

问题七:网络攻击怎么用英语翻译 Internet attack, Internet hack,

问题八:攻击用英语怎么读 attack |??t?k| to use violence to try to hurt or kill *** 袭击;攻击 例如: Most dogs will not attack unless provoked. 大多数狗受到挑衅才会攻击。







进击 抨击 侵犯 攻击 进犯 攻打 晋级袭击 打击 反攻 紧急 进军 冲击 还击激进


防御 退守 撤退 抗击 防守 迎战 抵挡防卫 退却


攻击的英文:attack;assault;launch an offensive;accuse。   


The police were shocked by the ferocity of the attack.







问题一:攻击英文怎么说 attack美音: 1攻击 2非难, 抨击; 辱骂 3着手, 投入, 从事 4(疾病)侵袭 5腐蚀, 侵蚀 attack the enemy 攻打敌人 a disease that attacks children 侵袭儿童的疾病 He tried to attack the problem. 他设法解决这个问题。 The hungry boy attacked his dinner as soon as it was served. 饭刚刚摆好, 这个饥饿的男孩就狼吞虎咽地吃起来。 He was attacked with dysentery. 他患痢疾。 Strong acids attack metals. 强酸腐蚀金属。 习惯用语 be attacked with (a disease) 患病 have an attack of 发作(指病) make an attack on 攻击, 向...进攻 make an attack upon 攻击, 向...进攻 open an attack 开始进攻 参考词汇 attack assail assault charge beset 都含有攻击的意思。 attack 是常用词, 指攻击敌人或用言论攻击他人, 如: Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in 1941. 德国在1941年开始进攻苏联。 assail 指猛烈连续地攻击, 如: The enemy plane assailed our defence position. 敌机不断猛烈地攻击我们的阵地。 assault 语气比 assail强, 指突然猛烈地进攻, 暗示武力的直接接触 (如肉搏等), 也有暴力的意思, 如: The enemy assaulted us at dawn. 敌人在黎明时向我进攻。 charge 指冲击或骑兵的突然攻击, 如: The cavalry charged to the front. 骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。 beset 指围攻, 即从各个方向攻击, 如: In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes. 在沼泽地里, 我们受到蚊子的围攻。

问题二:攻击英文怎么说攻击用英语怎么说 attack 英 vt. 攻击,进攻,抨击; n. 攻击; 抨击; (队员等的) 进攻; (疾病) 侵袭; vt. 抨击; 非难; 侵袭; 损害; He publicly attacked the people who’ve been calling for secret ballot nominations 他公开抨击了那些主张用不记名投票方式确定任命人选的人。 第三人称单数:attacks 复数:attacks 现在分词:attacking过去式:attacked 过去分词:attacked

问题三:怎样拿体育二级 是体育高考的时候,你可以把自己的专项当做考二级,比如说你专项是200耽,你跑得了22’00秒,这样的成绩就可以申请二级运动员了,成绩它有专门的规定的,也可以去了解了解,还有一种就是考运动员证书,每年有规定的时间考试,成绩达到二级成绩的,就可以申请

问题四:进攻进攻再进攻用英语怎么说 进攻进攻再进攻的英文翻 进攻进攻再进攻 Attack attack

问题五:进攻进攻再进攻用英语怎么说 ? offense, offense, more offense

问题六:遭受攻击用英文怎么说 under attack, be attacked.

问题七:“网络攻击”用英语怎么说 网络攻击:利用网络存在的漏洞和安全缺陷对网络系统的硬件、软件及其系统中的数据进行的攻击。 英文翻译:network attack;

问题八:攻击英文怎么说 attack 例句 he attacks the wrong person. 他攻击错了人

问题九:我们受到攻击英语 we are under attack/ we were attacked / we were hurt


attack后应该跟什么?attack作名词时,后面一般用attack on sb/sthOur troops are now on the attack. 我们的部队正在进攻.attack做动词是,后面可以不加或者加sb/sthThey decided to attack at night. 他们决定夜晚进攻.They attacked their meal with gusto. 他们大吃大喝.


n. 攻击;抨击

v. 攻击;抨击;发动攻击;(疾病)侵袭




be attacked with (a disease) 患病have an attack of 发作(指病)make an attack on 攻击, 向...进攻make an attack upon 攻击, 向...进攻open an attack 开始进攻aerial attack 空袭air attack 空袭aerospace attack 航空航天袭击air attack in force 大规模空袭airborne attack 空降突击air-launched attack 空中发射的导弹攻击air spray attack 撒毒空袭all-out attack 总攻击, 全面突击all-weather air attack 全天候空袭alternating attack 交叉进攻antiground attack 对地面防空兵器突击; 对地面目标突击atmospheric attack 空袭atomic attack 原子突击bad attack 严重侵袭beam attack 侧向攻击blind attack 盲目攻击(借助雷达瞄准具攻击)blitz attack 闪击战; 毁灭性的攻击bomb(er) attack 轰炸, 轰炸突击bomb blanket attack 面积轰炸bow-on attack 迎面攻击break(ing)-off attack (截击机在退出战斗前的)最后一次攻击carrier-based attack 舰载航空兵突击carrier-borne attack 舰载航空兵突击cathodic attack 阴极腐蚀chemical attack 化学反应腐蚀; 化学侵蚀circutous air attack 迂回空袭climb attack 上升攻击close-in attack 近距离攻击collision attack 相遇航向截击collision-course attack 相遇航向截击close-quarter air attack 对近距离目标空袭; 从近距离基地出动的航空兵空袭contraorbit attack 逆轨道攻击(将反导弹导弹引入遭遇轨道实施截击)conventional air (weapon) attack 常规武器空袭converging attack 向心突击, 分进合击(从不同方向同时对一个目标实施集中突击)cosmic space attack 宇宙空间袭击counterair (force) attack 对敌空袭兵器突击; 防空空军突击countereconomy attack 对经济目标袭击deceptive attack 佯攻deposit attack 沉积腐蚀dispersed air attack 分散空袭, 宽正面空袭dive-bombing attack 俯冲轰炸diversionary attack 牵制性攻击, 佯攻diving attack 俯冲攻击double-barrel attack (双打)轮番进攻double pivot attack 双中锋 进攻(一般靠近篮下)


attack n. 进攻, 攻击, (用语言)抨击, 批评, 疾病发作, 侵袭 vt. 攻击, 抨击, 动手处理(某事) vi. 攻击 v.(动词) at.tacked,, at.tacks及物动词) To set upon with violent force. 袭击,攻击:以暴力攻击 To criticize strongly or in a hostile manner. 抨击,责骂:严厉的或不礼貌的批评 To start work on with purpose and vigor: 着手,开始:有目的、精力旺盛的开始工作: attack a problem. 着手解决问题 To begin to affect harmfully: 侵袭,侵犯:开始有害影响: The disease had already attacked the central nervous system. 疾病已侵犯了中枢神经系统 v.intr.(不及物动词) To make an attack; launch an assault: 袭击,突击:进行攻击;发动攻击: The enemy attacked during the night. 敌人在夜间发动攻击 n.(名词) The act or an instance of attacking; an assault. 进攻,攻击:攻击的行为或实例;猛烈而突然的袭击 An expression of strong criticism; hostile comment: 攻击,抨击:严厉谴责的表达;恶意的评论: vicious attacks in all the newspapers. 在所有报纸上进行抨击 Sports 【体育运动】 An offensive action in a sport or game. 进攻动作:体育运动或游戏中采取的进攻 The players executing such an action. 进攻队员:体育运动中采取进攻的运动员 The initial movement in a task or undertaking: 着手,开始:任务或事业的开始: made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork. 乐观地着手一大堆的案头工作 An episode or onset of a disease, especially an occurrence of a chronic disease: 患病,突然发病:患病的经历或疾病的开始,尤指慢性疾病的发作: an asthma attack. 气喘病发作 The experience or beginning of a feeling, need, or desire: 渴望:某种感觉、需求或渴望的经历或开始: an attack of hunger; an attack of melancholy. 饥饿感觉的侵袭;感到忧郁 Music The beginning or manner of beginning a piece, passage, or tone. 【音乐】 起声,起奏:一段、一章或一曲音乐的开始或风格 Decisiveness and clarity in artistic expression: 感染力:艺术表达的力度及思想的明晰: a careful performance, but one lacking the rigorous attack the work demands. 一场精心设计但缺乏作品所需感染力的表演 French attaquer 法语 attaquer from Old French 源自 古法语 from Old Italian *estaccare 源自 古意大利语 *estaccare

attack“er n.(名词) attack, bombard, assail, storm, assault, beset These verbs mean to set upon, physically or figuratively. 这些动词都表示实际或象征性地攻击。 Attack applies to offensive action, physical or verbal, and especially to the onset of planned aggression: attack 暗示对身体上或言辞上的进攻行为,尤指有计划地发动进攻: The commandos attacked the outpost at dawn. 突击队员于拂晓时袭击了前哨基地。 The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 市长因未遵守竞选时的诺言而被报界攻击。 Bombard suggests showering with bombs or shells ( Bombard 指炸弹或炮弹轰击( The fleet anchored in the bay and bombarded the town) or figuratively with words ( 舰队在海湾抛锚并轰击了城镇) 或用言语象征性的攻击( The television star was bombarded with invitations). 请帖象炮弹般发向电视明星)。 Assail implies repeated attacks: Assail 意指反复地打击: an area assailed by enemy forces from both directions; 被敌人武装力量从两个方向袭击的地区; a novel assailed by critics; 一部被评论家抨击的小说; a member of the jury assailed by doubts. 许多陪审员被疑点所困扰。 Storm refers to a sudden, sweeping attempt to achieve a victory: Storm 指为获取胜利而进行的突然、全面的袭击: Some of the rebels were killed in the act of storming the citadel. 一些反叛者在突袭城堡时被杀。 “Yet, only a few months after triumphantly storming the country, is obliged to storm Capitol Hill, with greater difficulty and with less than complete success” (Economist). “然而,胜利席卷乡村后只有几个月的时间, 就被迫去进攻坎皮特山,困难很大然而取得全面成功的机会很小” (经济学家)。 Assault usually implies sudden, intense violence: Assault 通常指突发的集中的暴力行为: Muggers often assault their victims on dark streets. 歹徒时常在黑暗的街道上攻击被害者。 Strobe lights assaulted my eyes. 灯光刺伤了我的眼睛。 Beset suggests beleaguerment from all sides by an enemy force or by adversity: Beset 指受到敌人武装力量或敌对者的各方围攻: The fox was beset by hunters and hounds. 狐狸被猎人和猎狗围攻。 The city council is beset by problems. 城市委员会遇到各种难题 attack 源自法语 attaquer 攻击 attack,charge,assail,descend on,overtake这组动词都表示“袭击”或“进攻”。 attack 是常用词,可以表示任何意义上的“袭击”或“进攻”。 It immediately ran away when she saw it,and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. 当她看到它时,它便跑开了。而且专家证实,美洲狮除非被逼到绝境,它是不攻击人的。 charge 表示向敌人或敌人的阵地进行猛烈攻击。 Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. 那公牛显然对批评话是敏感的,所以它把斗牛士全忘记了,向那醉汉冲了过去。 assail 所表示的“进攻”不仅猛烈,而且含有“接二连三的攻击”的意思,此外应注意:攻击者的胜利不取决于其实力或进攻的效果,而取决于攻击的坚持不懈和毅力。 I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. 我刚刚下了船,一个想卖给我钻石戒指的人便向我发动了进攻。 descend on 指捕食的鹰俯冲下来捕捉牺牲品,但它常常用于形象的比喻。 On the day before our departure,several bus loads of tourists descended on the town. 在我们离开那里的前一天,好几个公共汽车,满载着游客向这个城镇扑了过来。 overtake 的原义是“赶上或追上”,在表示袭击时,主语通常是“风暴、灾难、不幸的事情”等。在用作“袭击”时,与其原义有关系,汉语中也有“那时正赶上天下大乱”等类似的表达方式。 We know instinctively,just as beekeepers with their bees that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it. 我们本能地懂得,正如养蜂人对待蜜蜂一样,如果不把我们生活中的重大事件告诉这条河,我们就会遭到厄运的袭击。


attack 英 过去式:attacked 过去分词:attacked 现在分词:attacking复数:attacksvt. & vi.1.攻击, 袭击 进攻; (在战争中使用武器的)进攻, 攻击n.1.攻击, 袭击; (在战争中使用武器的)进攻, 攻击2.抨击, 辱骂; (口头和书面的)抨击, 非难3.(疾病)侵袭, 发作4.(病虫等的)损害,伤害5.进攻队员 6.(队员等的)进攻7.抑制;打击;处理8.(情感的)一阵突发 vt.1.抨击;非难2.侵袭;损害3.奋力处理;全力对付及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.攻击, 袭击 进攻; (在战争中使用武器的)进攻, 攻击They knew when to attack and when to retreat.他们知道什么时候进攻和什么时候撤退。The enemy attacked us at night.敌人在夜间袭击了我们。名词 n.1.攻击, 袭击; (在战争中使用武器的)进攻, 攻击The enemy attack took us by surprise.敌人的进攻使我们感到意外。2.抨击, 辱骂; (口头和书面的)抨击, 非难3.(疾病)侵袭, 发作She had her first heart attack the other day.不久前, 她第一次心脏病发作。4.(病虫等的)损害,伤害5.进攻队员 6.(队员等的)进攻7.抑制;打击;处理8.(情感的)一阵突发 及物动词 vt.1.抨击;非难2.侵袭;损害3.奋力处理;全力对付attack attaquer 攻击 参考词汇attack , charge , assail , descend on , overtake 这组动词都表示“袭击”或“进攻”。 attack 是常用词,可以表示任何意义上的“袭击”或“进攻”。 It immediately ran away when she saw it,and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.


charge 表示向敌人或敌人的阵地进行猛烈攻击。 Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.


assail 所表示的“进攻”不仅猛烈,而且含有“接二连三的攻击”的意思,此外应注意:攻击者的胜利不取决于其实力或进攻的效果,而取决于攻击的坚持不懈和毅力。 I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring.


descend on 指捕食的鹰俯冲下来捕捉牺牲品,但它常常用于形象的比喻。 On the day before our departure,several bus loads of tourists descended on the town.


overtake 的原义是“赶上或追上”,在表示袭击时,主语通常是“风暴、灾难、不幸的事情”等。在用作“袭击”时,与其原义有关系,汉语中也有“那时正赶上天下大乱”等类似的表达方式。 We know instinctively,just as beekeepers with their bees that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.

我们本能地懂得,正如养蜂人对待蜜蜂一样,如果不把我们生活中的重大事件告诉这条河,我们就会遭到厄运的袭击。attack vt.攻击非难, 抨击; 辱骂着手, 投入, 从事(疾病)侵袭腐蚀, 侵蚀attack the enemy攻打敌人a disease that attacks children侵袭儿童的疾病He tried to attack the problem.他设法解决这个问题。The hungry boy attacked his dinner as soon as it was served.饭刚刚摆好, 这个饥饿的男孩就狼吞虎咽地吃起来。He was attacked with dysentery.他患痢疾。Strong acids attack metals.强酸腐蚀金属。 词性变化attack vi.攻击n.攻击, 袭击抨击, 辱骂着手, 动手(疾病)发作, 发病【航空】迎角, 冲角, 攻角(表演或竞赛中的)主动(化学)腐蚀an attack of fever发烧a liver attack肝病突发heartattack心脏病的突然发作; 心力衰竭A-is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。 继承用法attackableadj.可腐蚀的, 可侵蚀的 习惯用语be attacked with (a disease) 患病have an attack of 发作(指病)make an attack on 攻击, 向...进攻make an attack upon 攻击, 向...进攻open an attack 开始进攻 特殊用法aerial attack 空袭air attack 空袭aerospace attack 航空航天袭击air attack in force 大规模空袭airborne attack 空降突击air-launched attack 空中发射的导弹攻击air spray attack 撒毒空袭all-out attack 总攻击, 全面突击all-weather air attack 全天候空袭alternating attack 交叉进攻antiground attack 对地面防空兵器突击; 对地面目标突击atmospheric attack 空袭atomic attack 原子突击bad attack 严重侵袭beam attack 侧向攻击blind attack 盲目攻击(借助雷达瞄准具攻击)blitz attack 闪击战; 毁灭性的攻击bomb(er) attack 轰炸, 轰炸突击bomb blanket attack 面积轰炸bow-on attack 迎面攻击break(ing)-off attack (截击机在退出战斗前的)最后一次攻击carrier-based attack 舰载航空兵突击carrier-borne attack 舰载航空兵突击cathodic attack 阴极腐蚀chemical attack 化学反应腐蚀; 化学侵蚀circutous air attack 迂回空袭climb attack 上升攻击close-in attack 近距离攻击collision attack 相遇航向截击collision-course attack 相遇航向截击close-quarter air attack 对近距离目标空袭; 从近距离基地出动的航空兵空袭contraorbit attack 逆轨道攻击(将反导弹导弹引入遭遇轨道实施截击)conventional air (weapon) attack 常规武器空袭converging attack 向心突击, 分进合击(从不同方向同时对一个目标实施集中突击)cosmic space attack 宇宙空间袭击counterair (force) attack 对敌空袭兵器突击; 防空空军突击countereconomy attack 对经济目标袭击deceptive attack 佯攻deposit attack 沉积腐蚀dispersed air attack 分散空袭, 宽正面空袭dive-bombing attack 俯冲轰炸diversionary attack 牵制性攻击, 佯攻diving attack 俯冲攻击double-barrel attack (双打)轮番进攻double pivot attack 双中锋 进攻(一般靠近篮下)double post attack 双中锋进攻(一般靠近罚球线)dummy attack 佯动袭击dusting-off attack (使破坏的目标不能修复)electronic countermeasures attack 电子干扰袭击false attack 假进攻fire attack 燃烧弹空袭first run attack 直接进入轰炸follow-up attack 后续突击; 核导弹突击后的航空兵袭击formation(aircraft) attack (飞机)编队攻击gas attack 毒气攻击; 气体腐蚀grain attack 晶粒腐蚀ground-hugging attack 低空袭击head-on attack 迎面攻击hedge-hopping attack 超低空攻击heavy air attack 大规模空袭holding air attack 牵制性空袭hydrogen attack 氢侵蚀impingement attack 冲击间腐蚀incendiary attack 燃烧弹空袭intercontinental air attack 洲际空袭intercrystalline attack 晶间侵蚀kamikaze attack 神风自杀飞机攻击knife-edge attack 刃口蚀缝(不锈钢焊缝母材熔合区)knife-line attack 刀切状腐蚀landing attack 登陆突击lead-course attack 前置航向攻击live attack 实弹攻击low-flying spray attack 低空撒毒major missile attack 大规模导弹攻击manned space weapon attack 有人驾驶空间武器袭击mass head-on attack 编队迎面同时攻击matingattack 杀棋攻势midbeamattack 正侧方攻击(与目标航向成90°角)mine attack 水雷攻击; 布设水雷mop-up attack 扫荡袭击; 肃清残敌袭击multidimensional attack 立体攻击(从空中、陆地、海上联合攻击)one-pass attack 二次球(一传后的扣球)one-way attack 一次使用的无人驾驶空袭兵器的攻击on-the-deck air attack 低空空袭opposite quarter high-side attack 两面侧上方同时攻击overshoot attack 带冲前动作的攻击parallel head-on attack 平行迎面攻击pattern attack 固定配合进攻法pinpoint attack 精确攻击, 对点状目标攻击polish attack 抛光浸蚀pyrogenic attack 火法处理quartering attack 从机尾攻击rear attack 后方攻击running attack 冲刺self-contained night attack 独立夜间攻击set shot attack 原地投篮进攻战术sharp angled attack 与网成锐角的扣球, 小斜线扣球simulated (aggressor) air attack 模拟空袭simultaneous multiple-target attack 对多批敌机同时袭击stern attack 后方攻击(截击机与目标的航向差小于45)strike attack 对地面目标突击sudden attack 奇袭surprise air attack 突然空袭tail attack 尾部攻击target-of-opportunity attack 对意外目标攻击three-dimensional attack 立体攻击treetop attack 超低空空袭triple pivot attack 三个中锋进攻法(一般靠篮下)turbulent attack 紊流腐蚀two-time attack 两个速度进攻vectored attacks 引导(下的)攻击wave attack (轰炸机)波浪式突击weave attack “8“ 字形进攻法(一般切向篮下)wide spread air attack 宽大正面空袭wild-cat spring attack “快板球“windmill attack 大抡臂扣球zero-feet attack 超低空攻击attack in close order 密集突击attack in echelons 梯次突击attack in flights 小队攻击attack in force 大规模攻击attack in massed formation 密集突击attack in open order 疏开突击attack of insects 虫蛀attack on the blade ?岷系慕?用拔剑、压剑、缠绕剑等动作进攻) 参考词汇attack assail assault charge beset 都含有“攻击“的意思。attack 是常用词, 指“攻击敌人“或“用言论攻击他人“, 如:Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in 1941.德国在1941年开始进攻苏联。assail 指“猛烈连续地攻击“, 如:The enemy plane assailed our defence position.敌机不断猛烈地攻击我们的阵地。assault 语气比 assail强, 指“突然猛烈地进攻“, 暗示“武力的直接接触“ (如肉搏等), 也有“暴力“的意思, 如:The enemy assaulted us at dawn.敌人在黎明时向我进攻。charge 指“冲击“或“骑兵的突然攻击“, 如:The cavalry charged to the front.骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。beset 指“围攻“, 即从各个方向攻击, 如:In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.在沼泽地里, 我们受到蚊子的围攻。


attackvt.& vi.攻击,进攻,抨击n.攻击;抨击;(队员等的)进攻;(疾病)侵袭vt.抨击;非难;侵袭;损害数据来源:金山词霸变形名词复数:attacks 动词第三人称单数:attacks 过去分词:attacked 现在分词:attacking 过去式:attacked 




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