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保护金丝猴英语作文 字典 |

2019-07-13 17:15




【 liuxue86.com - 英语作文 】



  Golden Monkey is a protected animal in China because it is endangered with extinctionits golden body than other monkeysthe golden monkey is indeed very beautifuland it's particularly good memory

  There is only one eath in the als are our friend we shoud proteet them.




  golden monkey

  I have always wante be seen the real golden monkey, did not think of World Horticultural Exposition this year to see the real golden monkey.

  It is so insist, monkeys on the tree, but there are several times fell from the tree, and fell on the grass, like didn't hurt, on the grass to rest for a moment, then climbed up the tree...... If they do not feel tired, just let them climb a tree, they are happy, I think they should be in the exercise their skills. I think if the classmates listen to this article, some are like golden monkeys! Then I should love nature, protect the rare animal.






  Coat color colorful monkeys snub-nosed monkey is unique to China. Its body length 53-77 cm, tail and body length is almost. Golden, somewhat gray coat is thick and long, golden hair, golden monkey, a naturally sweet air of a simple and honest. The beauty of these golden monkey worth is unusual, so they as famous giant panda is considered China's best-known rare animals. They announced a national protected animals in the top -nosed monkey lives mainly in trees, but also on the ground looking for something to eat. Staple foods are leaves, flowers, fruit, eat bark and roots, eat insects, birds, and -nosed monkey added to our infinite joy of nature, let us act to protect the golden monkey, nature conservation.

  中文:毛色艳丽的金丝猴是中国特有的猴类。它体长53-77厘米,尾巴与体长差不多。金黄而略带灰色的被毛既厚又长,毛发金黄的金丝猴,生就一副憨厚可爱的神态。这些美丽的金丝猴身价非同一般,它们与大熊猫齐名,被认为是中国最著名的珍贵动物。它们在国家公布的一类保护动物中名列前茅。 金丝猴主要在树上生活,也在地面找东西吃。主食有树叶、花、果、也吃树皮和树根、爱吃昆虫、鸟、和鸟蛋。 金丝猴为我们的大自然增加了无限欢乐,让我们行动起来保护金丝猴,保护大自然。


  Golden monkey looks beautiful and noble appearancelively and interesting.I stood in the Golden Hall of the large glass windows looking at it.I saw it with a blue facebig eyeseyelids thineyeball to rotate back and forth very is not only the bridge of the nosetwo big nostrils I think it will rain hand to block the nostrilsso that the rain water to flow into the nose and choking on en monkey mouth very prominentvery thin lipseating a sip a SIP is very was small and exquisiteand no what special placebut all the fur is very attract sb.'s hair is goldensmooth and softas if to it were covered with a golden "coat"is the golden rays of the sunespecially tail and body compared with the long thinalso stretchedbent into a big question mark like times it regards as the fifth "hand".



  Golden monkey, a national treasure of China, the first grade state protection animal. In animal taxonomy of genus of primates, monkey, rhinopithecus. Golden monkey is divided into three kinds: the Sichuan snub nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti and Guizhou Golden monkey.

  The Yunnan snub nosed monkey found in Western Yunnan, back, side, the outer extremities, foot and tail are black, so called "black gold silk monkey" or "black snub nosed monkey". The young monkey body is white, with the growth of age will gradually become parents color.

  Guizhou Golden Monkey Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou, the number of very rare, at home and abroad were not feeding zoo exhibited, so most people don't see. There is no "gold" the body, body hair is gray brown, with many white spots, local people also called "flower monkey"; the tail is dark and thin, like a cow's tail, so called "ox tail monkey". Is a monkey is one of the most valuable.




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