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ratification是什么意思/翻译_ratification读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 ratification

英 [ˌrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [ˌrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

n.  批准




Collins.1 / BNC.10729 / COCA.14059

柯林斯词典 N-VAR 批准;认可The ratification of a treaty or written agreement is the process of ratifying it. The EU will now complete ratification of the treaty by June 1.欧盟将于6月1日前完成条约的批准。 双语例句 The EU will now complete ratification of the treaty by June 1. 欧盟将于6月1日前完成条约的批准。 ( 14) to decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states; (十四)决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除; The treaty is subject to ratification. 本条约须经批准方可生效。 CTBT ratification would also encourage the international community to move forward with other essential nonproliferation steps. 批准《全面禁止核试验条约》还可促使国际社会进而采取其他重要的不扩散行动。 The early ratification and implementation of this Protocol can assist forest conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity. 早日批准和实施该议定书可以支持森林保护和生物多样性的可持续利用。 It shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States. 公约失效须经各缔约国的批准或接受。 Other treaties and agreements subject to ratification. (六)其他须经批准的条约、协定。 Any deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, accession or adhesion; 任何批准书、接受书、核准书、加入书或参加文件的交存; The new arrangement will take effect after the completion of ratification procedures for both sides. 新安排在双方各自完成必要的批准程序后生效。 Ratification of this Protocol by any State which is not a Party to the Convention shall have the effect of accession to the Convention. 任何非本公约缔约国的国家所提交的本议定书的批准书,具有加入本公约的效力。 Some would oppose it, Hamilton observed, out of fear that ratification would diminish their wealth and power. 当时,汉密尔顿(Hamilton)发现,有人反对新宪法,是因为这些人担心宪法的批准会减少他们的财富和权利。 Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession are to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 批准书、接受书、赞同书及加入书应向联合国秘书长交存。 Instruments of ratification and accession shall be deposited with the Director General. 批准书和加入书应递交总干事保存。 The invited companies must have their own trademark registration and possession, and letter of ratification. 参加入围的公司必须具有自我品牌的注册权和拥有权,有合法的批准书。 This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States. 本公约须经签字国批准、接受或认可。 For any country ratifying or acceding to it later this Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the said country has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession. 若有的国家嗣后批准或加入,本公约将自该国交存其批准或加入的文件后的第九十天起,开始对该国生效。 Date of receipt of the instrument of ratification or accession; 收到批准书或加入书的日期; The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution. 本宪法经过九个州的大会批准后,即开始生效。 Ratification in Denmark, Finland and the Czech Republic is also far from certain. 丹麦、芬兰和捷克能否批准条约也丝毫无法确定。 The Treaty continues from now on to be open for ratification, acceptance or approval for those countries that have signed, and is open for accession for those that have not. 从现在起,公约继续对已签署的国家开放供批准、接受或核准,并对未签署的国家开放供加入。 This Treaty shall enter into force tee months after five States have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession. 本条约应于五个国家递交批准书或加入书三个月之后生效。 Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Convention, is deemed to apply to the Convention as amended. 在本公约修订案生效后交存的任何批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书,应视为适用于经修改后的本公约。 Medvedev and Obama agreed that the ratification processes should be simultaneous. 梅德韦杰夫和奥巴马在签订进程应保持同步上达成共识。 Mr Obama sent tee long-stalled free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea to Congress for ratification. 奥巴马已将三个长期拖延的,与哥伦比亚,巴拿马和南朝鲜的自由贸易协定交与国会批准。 What is required is formal ratification at the UN Security Council. 所需要的是联合国安理会的正式批准。 This company and its subsidiaries have passed ISO9001:2000 quality control system ratification. 集团公司所属企业已通过ISO9001:2000版质量管理体系认证。 In the case of Members whose ratifications of this Convention were registered before the adoption of the amendment, the text of the amendment shall be communicated to them for ratification. 对于在修正案通过前登记了其对本公约的批准书的成员国,应将修正案的文本送交他们以供批准。 The ratification of the treaty; confirmation of the appointment. 批准条约生效;批准这项任命。 英英释义


making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it the ratification of the treaty confirmation of the appointment

Synonym:    confirmation



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