使用gym搭建自定义(以二维迷宫为例)环境并实现强化学习 python

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使用gym搭建自定义(以二维迷宫为例)环境并实现强化学习 python

2023-05-27 12:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 1. 查看所有环境2. 编写文件放置3.注册自己的模拟器4. 自定义环境实现5. 测试环境6. 自定义环境以及测试代码解释7. gym模块中环境的常用函数gym的初始化gym的各个参数的获取刷新环境

1. 查看所有环境


from gym import envs print(envs.registry.all()) 2. 编写文件放置


我的环境是pytorch,对应的路径是D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\pytorch\Lib\site-packages\gym\envs 在这里插入图片描述

之后我们要创建自己的myenv.py文件,确保自己创建的环境可以在gym里使用,可以进入classic_control文件新建一个myenv的文件夹。 在这里插入图片描述 也可以直接将我们的环境放入classic_control中,只是新建一个文件夹不容易混淆。 注意:不推荐把文件放到robotics、mujoco文件夹里,因为这里是gym机器人环境的编辑文件,我们放进去后在运行调试会出错。


①打开classic_control文件夹中的__init__.py文件,添加from gym.envs.classic_control.myenv.myenv import MyEnv 在这里插入图片描述

【直接将我们的环境放入classic_control中时添加from gym.envs.classic_control.myenv import MyEnv】

②返回gym/envs目录,在该目录的__init__.py中注册环境: 添加: 在这里插入图片描述

#自己创建的环境 register( id=‘MyEnv-v0’, entry_point=‘gym.envs.classic_control:MyEnv’, max_episode_steps=200, reward_threshold=195.0, ) 注意:MyEnv-v0中v0代表环境类的版本号,在定义类的的时候名字里可以不加,但是在id注册的时候要加,后面import的时候要加。 至此,就完成了环境的注册,就可以使用自定义的环境了!

4. 自定义环境实现

直接上代码,在我们自定义的环境myenv/myenv.py中写入(详细降级在6) 在这里插入图片描述

import gym from gym import spaces import pygame import numpy as np class MyEnv(gym.Env): metadata = {"render_modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "render_fps": 4} def __init__(self, size=5): self.size = size # The size of the square grid self.window_size = 512 # The size of the PyGame window # Observations are dictionaries with the agent's and the target's location. # Each location is encoded as an element of {0, ..., `size`}^2, i.e. MultiDiscrete([size, size]). self.observation_space = spaces.Dict( { "agent": spaces.Box(0, size - 1, shape=(2,), dtype=int), "target": spaces.Box(0, size - 1, shape=(2,), dtype=int), } ) # We have 4 actions, corresponding to "right", "up", "left", "down", "right" self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) """ The following dictionary maps abstract actions from `self.action_space` to the direction we will walk in if that action is taken. I.e. 0 corresponds to "right", 1 to "up" etc. """ self._action_to_direction = { 0: np.array([1, 0]), 1: np.array([0, 1]), 2: np.array([-1, 0]), 3: np.array([0, -1]), } """ If human-rendering is used, `self.window` will be a reference to the window that we draw to. `self.clock` will be a clock that is used to ensure that the environment is rendered at the correct framerate in human-mode. They will remain `None` until human-mode is used for the first time. """ self.window = None self.clock = None def _get_obs(self): return {"agent": self._agent_location, "target": self._target_location} def _get_info(self): return { "distance": np.linalg.norm( self._agent_location - self._target_location, ord=1 ) } def reset(self, seed=None, return_info=False, options=None): # We need the following line to seed self.np_random super().reset(seed=seed) # Choose the agent's location uniformly at random self._agent_location = self.np_random.integers(0, self.size, size=2, dtype=int) # We will sample the target's location randomly until it does not coincide with the agent's location self._target_location = self._agent_location while np.array_equal(self._target_location, self._agent_location): self._target_location = self.np_random.integers(0, self.size, size=2, dtype=int) observation = self._get_obs() info = self._get_info() return (observation, info) if return_info else observation def step(self, action): # Map the action (element of {0,1,2,3}) to the direction we walk in direction = self._action_to_direction[action] # We use `np.clip` to make sure we don't leave the grid self._agent_location = np.clip( self._agent_location + direction, 0, self.size - 1 ) # An episode is done iff the agent has reached the target done = np.array_equal(self._agent_location, self._target_location) reward = 1 if done else 0 # Binary sparse rewards observation = self._get_obs() info = self._get_info() return observation, reward, done, info def render(self, mode="human"): if self.window is None and mode == "human": pygame.init() pygame.display.init() self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((self.window_size, self.window_size)) if self.clock is None and mode == "human": self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() canvas = pygame.Surface((self.window_size, self.window_size)) canvas.fill((255, 255, 255)) pix_square_size = ( self.window_size / self.size ) # The size of a single grid square in pixels # First we draw the target pygame.draw.rect( canvas, (255, 0, 0), pygame.Rect( pix_square_size * self._target_location, (pix_square_size, pix_square_size), ), ) # Now we draw the agent pygame.draw.circle( canvas, (0, 0, 255), (self._agent_location + 0.5) * pix_square_size, pix_square_size / 3, ) # Finally, add some gridlines for x in range(self.size + 1): pygame.draw.line( canvas, 0, (0, pix_square_size * x), (self.window_size, pix_square_size * x), width=3, ) pygame.draw.line( canvas, 0, (pix_square_size * x, 0), (pix_square_size * x, self.window_size), width=3, ) if mode == "human": # The following line copies our drawings from `canvas` to the visible window self.window.blit(canvas, canvas.get_rect()) pygame.event.pump() pygame.display.update() # We need to ensure that human-rendering occurs at the predefined framerate. # The following line will automatically add a delay to keep the framerate stable. self.clock.tick(self.metadata["render_fps"]) else: # rgb_array return np.transpose( np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(canvas)), axes=(1, 0, 2) ) def close(self): if self.window is not None: pygame.display.quit() pygame.quit() 5. 测试环境 import gym env = gym.make('MyEnv-v0') env.action_space.seed(42) observation, info = env.reset(seed=42, return_info=True) for _ in range(1000): observation, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) env.render() if done: observation, info = env.reset(return_info=True) env.close()

在这里插入图片描述 运行成功!

6. 自定义环境以及测试代码解释

在这里插入图片描述 自定义环境,首先要继承环境基类env。

reset(self):重置环境的状态,即初始化状态step(self, action):环境针对action的反馈,返回observation(下一个状态), reward(奖励), done(结束标记), info(自定义信息)render(self, mode=‘human’, close=False):重绘环境的一帧,即可视化渲染seed:随机数种子close(self):关闭环境,并清除内存


上面我们只是每次做随机的action, 为了更好的进行action, 我们需要知道每一步step之后的返回值. 事实上, step会返回四个值

① 观测 Observation (Object):当前step执行后,环境的观测。 ② Reward (Float): 执行上一步动作(action)后,智能体( agent)获得的奖励(浮点类型),不同的环境中奖励值变化范围也不相同,但是强化学习的目标就是使得总奖励值最大; ③ 完成 Done(Boolen): 表示是否需要将环境重置 env.reset。大多数情况下,当 Done 为True时,就表明当前回合(episode)或者试验(tial)结束。 ④ 信息 Info (Dict): 针对调试过程的诊断信息。在标准的智体仿真评估当中不会使用到这个info。

在 Gym 仿真中,每一次回合开始,需要先执行 reset() 函数,返回初始观测信息,然后根据标志位 done 的状态,来决定是否进行下一次回合。所以更恰当的方法是遵守done的标志.

7. gym模块中环境的常用函数 gym的初始化 env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') # 定义使用gym库中的某一个环境,'CartPole-v0'可以改为其它环境 env = env.unwrapped # unwrapped是打开限制的意思 gym的各个参数的获取 env.action_space # 查看这个环境中可用的action有多少个,返回Discrete()格式 env.observation_space # 查看这个环境中observation的特征【状态空间】,返回Box()格式 n_actions=env.action_space.n # 查看这个环境中可用的action有多少个,返回int n_features=env.observation_space.shape[0] # 查看这个环境中observation的特征有多少个,返回int 刷新环境 env.reset() # 用于一个done后环境的重启,获取回合的第一个observation env.render() # 用于每一步后刷新环境状态 observation_, reward, done, info = env.step(action) # 获取下一步的环境、得分、检测是否完成。

参考链接: https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_39620217/article/details/115519622 https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/gym-examples/tree/main/gym_examples/envs




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