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2024-07-10 04:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

If the market for Darwin's manupages were to be measuredby Americans' belief in his theory of evolution by natural selection (it's not, by the way), prospectsfor the forthcoming auction would be prettytepid.



The deal, which has led to the resignation of a seniorTesco board member, was ill-advised as the grocer was paying too much and riskedover-complicatinga business that had yet to make a meaningfulreturn to profits growth after a torrid few years, the shareholders said.

The deal, which has led to the resignation of a seniorTesco board member, was ill-advised as the grocer was paying too much and riskedover-complicatinga business that had yet to make a meaningfulreturn to profits growth after a torrid few years, the shareholders said.

这里的senior年得有些像“森捏”,它的念法应该是/ˈsiːnjɚ/,前半部分和sea是一样的;risked他读成了类似“raiskid"的音,这里有两个问题,risk的i就发i,清辅音结尾的词加ed一般会念成t,而不是/id/; complicate的重音应该在前面,他念得有些过于往后(不过问题不大,能听懂),重音是英语语音中的一个难点,它决定了英语的节奏,我们要格外注意。


Republican leaders abruptly pulledtheir overhaul of the nation’s health-care system from the House flooron Friday, a dramatic defeatfor President Trump and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan that leaves a major campaign promise unfulfilled and casts doubt on the Republican Party’s ability to govern.

Republican leaders abruptly pulledtheir overhaul of the nation’s health-care system from the House flooron Friday, a dramatic defeatfor President Trump and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan that leaves a major campaign promise unfulfilled and casts doubt on the Republican Party’s ability to govern.

pull应该念/pʊl/,和book, look一样,这里念得像是u的音(例如too)。/u/和/ʊ/的区分是发音的难点之一,我们可以照着镜子练习,控制好撅嘴和用力的程度。defeat的发音应该是 /dıˈfiːt/,后半部分应该是和feat一样,而不是fit。i:和i的区别我们都很清楚,但是我们偶尔会受母语影响而念错,例如beach和bitch。

如果有疑问的话,大家可以去Rachel's English上学习一下


The House of Commons committee on standards said on Friday that it would examine guidance on MPs’ second jobs amid questions over how much time Osborne would be able to devote to his Tatton constituents.

The House of Commons committee on standards said on Friday that it would examine guidance on MPs’ second jobs amid questions over how much time Osborne would be able to devote to his Tatton constituents.



Understanding the brain’s connectionswould begin to teach us how its flashes of electricity add up to a fullyconscious experience, one in which our senses, intuition, reasoningand memory interactto give a coherent view of the world.

Understanding the brain’s connectionswould begin to teach us how its flashes of electricity add up to a fullyconscious experience, one in which our senses, intuition, reasoningand memory interactto give a coherent view of the world.

connections和reasoning中的n有些像l,这应该是受方言影响,不过听懂还是没问题的。说普通话的时候l/n不分的话说英语也会这样,这就需要我们平时说话注意一些,从中文练起吧。 fully这里的u和上面提到的pull的问题一样,另外这里的ly念得不对,可能还是l这个音的问题。world听起来有些像road。这段话对很多中国学生来说都不好读,因为它有我们最弱的l,r,n这三个音,平日里练得夸张些才行, 找个绕口令来练吧。

可能何老师没有注意到这些错误,也可能没有人指出来过,我希望他有机会能看到这篇,能改善发音,并造福于广大粉丝。出错很正常,防不胜防,我想我们能做的就是“只要是有一点不确定就去查字典”,double check总不会错的。可能查了字典你才发现很多音自己一直都读错了,例如sword的w并不发音; of一般情况下念/əv/而不是/əf/;upset,record,perfect不同词性的时候发音不同。






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