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2024-06-29 16:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”伦敦塔桥“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:London Tower Bridge。以下是关于伦敦塔桥的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:London Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge of London, tower bridge of London, tower bridge of London, Britain stands in front of a lifelike model of famous tower bridge in London. Sir Christopher Hong, British ambassador to China, today I put out an advertisement in front of the two most famous landmark buildings in Britain, tower bridge and Big Ben. But today's Britain is not only its rich heritage, but also welcomes the first batch of Chinese tourists Britain is such an important occasion that I even managed to put a banner on the tower bridge to commemorate the advertisement of the event.

The British Embassy in Beijing celebrated the announcement of the advertisement. Standing in front of the famous tower bridge model in London in July, Sir Christopher, British ambassador to China It was one of my childhood dreams to stand on the Thames River to watch tower bridge, but when I was there, my dream came true. I realized that it was only a few yards away from the tower of London Bridge, the Capitol, Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, Trafalgar Square and St.

Paul's Cathedral. Before lunch, I could transfer to a hotel to rest in a plastic box near London David Blaine, an American magician who died of starvation in a plastic box, studied his stunt for two years before Tower Bridge finally announced their findings.


伦敦塔桥,英国伦敦塔桥,英国伦敦塔桥英国站在一个栩栩如生的伦敦著名塔桥模型前,英国驻华大使,克里斯托弗·洪姆爵士,我今天站在英国最著名的两个地标性建筑塔桥和大本钟前发了一个广告,但是今天的英国不仅仅是它丰富的遗产欢迎第一批中国游客来英国是如此重要的一个场合,我甚至设法在塔桥上挂一条横幅来纪念这一活动的广告英国驻北京大使馆庆祝广告发布,xx月站在伦敦著名的塔桥模型前,英国驻华大使洪博培爵士(sir christopher hum)发表广告,站在泰晤士河边观看伦敦塔桥是我小时候的梦想之一,但当我在那里时,我的梦想实现了意识到这里离伦敦桥塔楼、国会大厦、白金汉宫、唐宁街、特拉法加广场、圣保罗大教堂仅几码之遥,午餐前便可转车到酒店休息,在伦敦附近的一个塑料盒子里饿死的美国魔术师大卫·布莱恩(david blaine)在一个塑料盒里饿死后,研究他在这一特技表演两年后,塔桥终于公布了他们的发现。


The London Bridge before the present bridge was bought by McCulloch Oil Corporation of California, which rebuilt the bridge in Lake hawassu. In a corner of the Arizona desert, there are rumors that mccullock thinks they want to buy a more spectacular tower bridge. The construction of the tower bridge began in, and nine years later, Edward VII, then Prince of Wales, opened the tower bridge at the grand occasion and ceremony.

It was the only bridge in London that could be raised for ships to pass through. The Thames was no longer used as a trade and shipping route, and the complex lifting mechanism was only used or several times a week. Tower bridge is often mistaken for the London Bridge.

By contrast, London Bridge is boring.


在现在这座桥之前的伦敦桥是由加州麦卡洛克石油公司(McCulloch Oil Corporation of California)买下的,该公司在哈瓦苏湖市重建了这座桥,在美国亚利桑那州沙漠的一个角落里,有传言说麦卡洛克认为他们要买下更壮观的塔桥。塔桥的建造始于年,xx年后,当时的威尔士亲王爱德华七世(Edward VII)在盛况和仪式中开放了塔桥,这是伦敦唯一一座可以升起让船只通过的桥泰晤士河不再被用作贸易和航运路线,复杂的升降机构每周只使用或几次。塔桥经常被误认为是伦敦桥,相比之下,伦敦桥显得沉闷乏味。


Tower of London, the palace and fortress of her majesty, the tower of London plays an important role in British history. It has been besieged many times, and controlling it is very important to control the country. It was once the site of the armory, treasury, zoo and Royal Mint, a public records office, and the crown jewels of the United Kingdom.

At the end of the century, the castle was the prison for the princes in the tower under the Tudor Dynasty. The tower was no longer used as a royal residence. Despite attempts to reinforce and repair the castle, its defensive measures lagged behind the disposal of weapons at the top of the mountain The castle was used as a prison in the centuries and centuries, when many discredited characters, such as Elizabeth I before she became Queen, were imprisoned in the walls.

Although the castle was popular in centuries of religion as a place of torture and death, this use led to the term "sent to the tower.".




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