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#模组总览| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


更新日期限定在2019年和2020年 必须是Steam Workshop's EU4 Mods 模组必须属于大中型MODS,其大小必须在100MB以上,或为中文玩家常游玩的模组(决定权归本站所有)。 目录 1 常用MOD 1.1 Chinese Language Mod for 1.31 2 中型MOD 2.1 1356 - A Timeline Extension Mod for EUIV/1356 Mod 2.1.1 1356 - Public Alpha 2.2 Third Odyssey: Back to the Motherland/第三奥德赛 2.3 Oceania Expanded/大洋洲拓展 2.3.1 子模组 3 大型MOD 3.1 风云世纪两千年 3.2 亚陆风云 3.3 Celestial empire on which the sun never sets/天朝日不落 3.4 Lux in Tenebris/希望之光 3.5 Historical Additions: Borders +/历史补充:边境+ 3.6 Veritas et Fortitudo/真理与勇气 3.7 Voltaire's Nightmare/伏尔泰的噩梦 3.8 Common Universalis/环球风云 3.9 MEIOU and Taxes/M&T 3.10 Cosmopolitan Beta Work in Progress/国际大都会(Beta版进行中) 常用MOD Chinese Language Mod for 1.31

52 汉化组出品,基于 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。云汉化平台


仅支持 Windows 操作系统。 请先安装双字节补丁(使用过旧版的补丁也需要重新安装),否则会出现闪退的情况

双字节补丁下载链接坚果云、百度网盘(提取码: x5pa)、备用链接2(Github)

双字节补丁安装步骤 1. 从上面的链接下载压缩包 2. 将其中所有文件与文件夹放入游戏文件夹(游戏库中右击EU4,选择管理->浏览本地文件) 3. 完成后游戏文件夹中应该有 version.dll、d3d9.dll及plugins文件夹,否则会无法启动游戏


此 Mod 仅包含基础版汉化,开启铁人后支持成就。如需完整版汉化(人名、动态地名、舰船名称、君主名称、事件生成角色等),请下载订阅补充包.




检查是否使用了离线版汉化mod,如果有,删除即可。 删除 我的文档\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV (注意备份本地mod及存档) 删除 steam 库目录中 workshop\content\236850(如果你是默认的话应该在 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\236850) 取消本mod订阅并重新订阅 从系统中卸载蠢驴启动器(Paradox Launcher v2)并重装(启动游戏会自动安装)


用记事本打开游戏目录中 plugins/plugin.ini 文件,将其中SEPARATE_CHARACTER_CODE_POINT=38936改为SEPARATE_CHARACTER_CODE_POINT=32(这里的数字是 unicode 字符编号,如果你想改成其他的字,可以自己查表,32为原版默认的空格)

中型MOD 1356 - A Timeline Extension Mod for EUIV/1356 Mod

该mod正在云平台进行汉化,汉化地址:项目概览 - 1356 - A Timeline Extension Mod for EUIV - ParaTranz


1356 为Europa Universalis IV增加了将近100年的内容,使开始日期可以追溯到1356年12月25日,即皇帝查理四世之金玺诏书的签署之日!我们作为一个团队正在非常努力地保持历史的准确性,并以我们认为Paradox自己会处理此类问题的相同方式进行。

What you get:

新的开始日期1356年12月25日 4个新剧本 所有新的历史记录文件,导致我们可以准确地获得1356年的日期 当时存在的许多新国家(约克、兰开斯特、贾拉伊里德等) 我们尽其所能而找到的历史统治者 一个新时代:封建主义时代(带有定制艺术!) 6个新技术水平,许多现有技术正在进行调整,以便更好地与我们的开始日期保持平衡 增加了整个额外时间段的外交(Hundred Years' War anyone?) 一些新的宗教 专业编写的事件链,帮助模拟历史事件(卡尔马联盟、胡斯特革命等)

有人可能会问,我们的模组发生了什么变化?Good question Timmy! 下面是一个简短的清单,列出了我们在模组中所做的更改,以及我们继续前进的几个目标!

What we have so far

开始日期是1356年,都是我们能找到的历史上最完整的省份所有权 与当时发生的历史事件相关的数百个新事件 一些不同国家的任务树,所有这些都是基于历史或看似合理的历史结果 许多新的可成立国家和标签 Zoroastrian and Susomenuko Flavor (WIP) 进一步模拟封建时代的机制 法兰西封建主义机制


1356 - Public Alpha



Third Odyssey: Back to the Motherland/第三奥德赛

20200205/V0.19.2;153MB。Alternative History, Events, Missions And Decisions, New Nations, Religion。

虽说已被牧有汉化组承包,但汉化版仍停留在V0.17.8。另一个云汉化项目不知所以,待我深究。 警告: 这个mod几乎不适用于任何更改校验和的mod! 音乐已移至单独的模组: Third Odyssey: Music Wiki Link (正在建设中,社区得到维护) The mod is currently WIP (Work in Progress)


修复了旧模组 斯巴达孔(Spartakon)中美洲的新国家,如今更具风趣 Elysian return to Europe的事件链 New Herald mechanic for Hellenic religion 美利坚各省的发展事件 新国家的独特遗产 新的独一无二的理念组 Vikings! New songs for the Exiled Nations Elysian Orthodoxy


This mod started out as a desire to colonise the new world as a faltering Byzantium and has grown out to be a much larger project than originally expected. Discover a new experience as a young, technologically and philosophically advanced nation in a New World, with all its wonders and perils. The new Nation of Elysia has great potential to grow and become a local superpower. A ton of events and decisions give allot of context and flavor to the nation and shapes its growth and feel. There's allot of events to discover, and depending on the choices you make your experience could change completely! Will you remain a loyal orthodox christian, or denounce the God that refused to help at times of great peril in favor of the old gods? Will you take along every possible artifact that may be of great boon, or will you take as much supplies and people as possible to avoid collapsing your economy and being overrun by natives? Consider your actions carefully, you can never know what future trouble may arise out of seemingly easy choices... Oceania Expanded/大洋洲拓展


While Exploration becomes a new and novel concept in Europe, the Polynesians continue to maintain the exploring and voyaging spirit that has characterised their society for decades. In the West, the various Iwi of the Maori feud over the rightful claim to the legacy of Kupe, while in Hawaii the blood-feuds of the noble Hawaiian houses risk plunging the entire island into war, and in the heart of the Polynesian Triangle, the remnants of the Tongan Empire fight for their rightful claim to the isles…



Overhauled Oceanic Map: Australians no more, New Zealand is now its own colonial region complete with a New Zealand formable. No longer is Oceania an empty ocean bereft of life, it is now home to countless new countries vying for power in their various regions.

The Polynesian Triangle: The dynamics of trade in the East are now much more organic, with the Polynesian Triangle acting as a mediator between the bounty of the New World and the Old World of Asia. Gaining dominance in the Polynesian Triangle will be crucial not only for those who call Polynesia their home, but also to any Asian powers wishing to grow their own colonial empire.

Dreamtime and Mana: Two new religions now grace the playing field in the shape of Dreamtime and Manaism. Dreamtime nations must spread their religion worldwide if they are to unlock new powerful cults, and Manaist nations gain access to the new “Mana” resource which can be spent on powerful bonuses, but spend wisely for failing to maintain a healthy balance of mana will make your citizens see you as weak and may begin to question the validity of your rule…

New Formable Nations: Oceania Expanded comes with its own handful of formables for you to play around with. Proclaim yourself the true son of Kupe by uniting the Maori into the nation of Aotearoa, be an early Kamehameha and unite the Hawaiian people, resist the European conquerors by federalising the Aboriginals into a single tribe, or embrace the Polynesian identity and bring all Pacific people into the Polynesian Empire.

New Mission Trees: Two entirely new mission trees are available for both the Hawaiians and the Maori. Follow the path of your ancestors and go on a voyage to new fertile shores, or press your claims and unite your homeland. These mission trees make Hawaii and Aotearoa powerful colonial adversaries to the Europeans.

FAQ Is this mod compatible with other mods?

Short answer: probably not Long answer: This mod will work with mods that do not affect ironman, but otherwise it is incompatible with most other mods. Extended Timeline and any other mod that alters: religion, provinces, map, history, will not be compatible.

Can You Add Compatibility with X Mod?

Unfortunately, it's not possible. Adding compatibility with other mods takes as much work as updating the mod for a new patch of the game, and if I were to do that for every mod people like to play with, I'd be sinking hundreds of hours into compatibility alone every time there's a new update for either EU4 itself, or the compatible mods. 子模组

Songs of the Pacific是大洋洲拓展的一个子模块,为波利尼西亚和原住民国家添加了大量新歌! 这个mod需要大洋洲拓展才能发挥作用。

大型MOD 风云世纪两千年

风云世纪两千年是一个基于外国模组Extended Time Line制作的模组。主要修正了延长时间线中关于中国古代历史的疏漏和错误,并添加了相关的事件及决议。具体详见其专门wiki页面。



Celestial empire on which the sun never sets/天朝日不落



Lux in Tenebris/希望之光

20200327;238MB 最近新出的大型模组

经过多年的开发,我们很自豪地向大家介绍Lux in Tenebris,这是对EU4的全面大修。该项目最初的目的是为当前版本的Beyond Typus 9.0进行更新,但其野心迅速升级并远远超出了原始mod的范围,使其BT标签过时了。


Historical Additions: Borders +/历史补充:边境+

20200104;242MB。Gameplay, Historical, Map, New Nations, Trade。汉化ING!

感谢来自 m & t 团队(新旗帜)和 m & t 团队(HRE 界面)的大型模组 MEIOU and Taxes、 Fus87和 Redwallzyl 以及 gigau 积极回应了我的要求。 感谢 Missions Expanded团队分享了他们很棒的Mod的内容,该模块很快将集成到更沉浸的任务树中。 感谢 Elryck(Pantheon)提供的各种资源和活动。 感谢 Marcin提供新的贸易商品和建筑物(Trade Goods Expanded and More Buildings 1.25.1)。 感谢 Lord of Liberty(Better Urban Terrain Pictures (EUROPE))为欧洲提供了新的独特地形图片。 感谢 Borsch(Better Terrain Pictures v.1.1)提供了新的地形图片。 感谢 manchutatar在满洲各省(Northeast Asia Mod)上所做的工作。

《歷史補充:邊境+》是一種地圖Mod,是將地圖省份改為更具歷史準確性的邊界。 主要原始參考使用的是Euratlas的地圖資料,但也使用了其他地圖集。 我們試圖更準確地展現發生在EU4時代實際邊界問題的混亂情況!

COMPATIBLE WITH EU4 V1.29.xx 与大多数其他 map mods不兼容。 应该可以与大多数 event mods很好地配合使用。 基本地图的杰出要归功于 Bizarcasm's Typus Orbis Terrarum Veritas et Fortitudo/真理与勇气



Version 3.10.5 - COMPATIBLE WITH EUIV 1.29! Not savegame compatible with versions prior to 3.10 修补程序。EUIV页面,独立Wiki


时间轴扩展(1309-1865),具有扩展的年代和机构。 地图大修 Dynastic System In a monarchy, the entire royal family is tracked making heirs much less of a black box. Rest soundly knowing that your monarch has two or three more sons should your heir suffer a hunting accident or toss and turn at night knowing that your aged monarch has only a young daughter to leave the throne to. 附庸进阶体系与新的独特附庸国类型: Your standard vassals will move through stages of integration as you exert increased control over them through a longer but richer process; eleven unique subject types have also been added for specific situations throughout the world such as the Russian princes or Hanseatic Union. 重塑的政府&领地管理系统 Government bonuses respond to how you govern your realm instead of being statically assigned by government type. Autonomy and corruption are much more fluid, rarely resting at 0 but can be manipulated by the player. Special bonuses can also be assigned to areas of your realm and buildings designate percentage ownership of provinces by the estates in your realm. 沉浸式地产系统 代表您正在成长的帝国中的多种文化的地产,其利益必须得到管理和维护。 现实的核心和国家制度 No longer is the entire profitability of a province tied up in whether it is a core but cores also do not come as readily. States represent the true heartland of your nation, but autonomy thresholds for your territories are much lower allowing you greater control over your realm. 被动发展增长 随着时间的推移,各省的人口和财富会自然增长;当然,你仍然可以对它们进行投资。 新的可成立国家 数以百计的新事件和新决策 新的和扩大的任务分支和全新的任务树 Voltaire's Nightmare/伏尔泰的噩梦

20200123;252MB。Expansion, Historical, Map, New Nations, Religion。云汉化项目已经鸽掉,而本人没有空闲及打算去开坑。该mod并不广为人知,没有汉化意义(此段话时限截至2020年01月23号)

VN主要保留原始体验,但值得一提的新机制是:The Parias(Taifas必须向伊比利亚的基督徒进贡), the Investiture Controversy/续任权争夺, the Guelph-Ghibelline conflict, 阿尔莫拉维德人、朗姆人和土耳其人的入侵,忏悔者爱德华的继位和天主教会大分裂。 由于时间轴的运行时间是原始时间的两倍,因此我们增加了更多的技术水平。技术等级40相当于普通技术等级10。



Common Universalis/环球风云

20200117;287MB 限于该团队的技术能力,错误较多。

Common Universalis是Europa Universalis IV的游戏大修模组,几乎刷新了游戏的各个方面。

主要功能: 政府能力, 城市化(省发展), 省法令, 读写能力/识字, 文化接受与同化, 研究点数, 政府改革, 地产与政治危机, 军事化, 艺术, 地图

次要功能: 彻底大修的理念组, 大修的建筑物, 全面重新平衡的陆战, 全面修改的海军作战和舰船效用, 重塑整体经济结构, 贸易公司, 殖民化, 通往首都的道路和距离, 新的外交行动和间谍行动, New celestial empire mechanics, 新的游牧民族和部落机制, 历史准确性更高, 新的可成立国家, 幻想场景

MEIOU and Taxes/M&T

20200324;576MB 不够平衡,有BUG


一千五百个新省份,而且还在不断增加 五百年历史(1356-1856) 由EOOQE提供大修的图形和地图 由ciadude2谱写的独特配乐 Dharper's Dei Gratia修改的宗教机制 新的贸易体系 新的附庸国整合系统 EUIV页面 Cosmopolitan Beta Work in Progress/国际大都会(Beta版进行中)


Mod要求 "TGE" The Grand Exhibition (all 6 packs) 以替代大尺寸512x256版本的原始图片。请使用moddb上找到的TGE版本,而不是STEAM或Mediafire链接上的过期版本。Cosmopolitan包含Doann的Advisor mod(您不需要单独启用它,但是如果您单独启用它应该不会引起任何问题)。

该模组与某些更改原始文件的模组不兼容(例如,延长的时间线)。如果您对特定模块的兼容版本感兴趣,请在support thread 或不和谐频道中查询。

大都会需要几个(可能是大多数)DLC,但最关键的是,Dharma 作为贸易中心在该mod中具有很强的功能,没有它们,没有任何与卖淫相关的功能将起作用。


成人内容描述 事件 卖淫 一夫多妻制庄园 个人工会 Anathanist Religion




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