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2024-06-13 05:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Great Ferdows It should be kept in mind that this is only the Iranian army without the IRGC, the IRGC is even stronger than the Iranian army itself. 需要注意的是,视频没有将伊朗革命卫队的军事力量统计在内,而伊朗革命卫队的军事实力要比伊朗国防军更加强大 Wisdom is better than silver or gold Never forget Iran is under harsh sanctions since 1979 and most sanctioned country in the world after Cuba 不要忘了自1979年以来,伊朗一直在遭受着严厉的制裁,伊朗是世界上遭受制裁最多的国家,仅次于古巴 Rohan Creations @Military annalise You are ignorant about science and technology strength of Israel in every field, probably you are a Iranian sympathizer. Today's world Israels the advance Technolgy is unbeatable in the world advanced Leser and defense technology, also medical agriculture and space 或许你是伊朗的同情者,但你对以色列各个领域的科技实力一无所知。在当今世界,以色列的先进技术是无人可以匹敌的,以色列拥有先进的激光和国防技术,而且以色列的医疗 ,农业和太空技术都很先进 Hk @Rohan Creations Israel is not strong on its own. Most Israeli scientists have two identities, Israeli and other countries such as Russia, Japan, Western Europe and America. Israel's technology is from Europe and America. Also, America provides many financial aid to Israel every year. I agree that Israel's technology is more advanced than Iran's. But Iran's population is much more than Israel's. The capital of Iran, Tehran alone, is larger than Israel in terms of population and size. I must also say that Iran is very advanced in the field of ballistic, cruise and hypersonic missiles, as well as suicide and spy drones. A technology that even Russia does not have. Therefore, Iran has the ability to win against Israel. 以色列自己并不强大。大部分以色列科学家都拥有双重身份,他们既拥有以色列国籍,同时又拥有俄罗斯,日本,西欧国家或者美国的国籍。以色列的技术来自于欧洲和美国。而且美国每年还为以色列提供大量的财政援助。我同意,以色列的技术要比伊朗更加先进。但伊朗的人口要远远超过以色列。单伊朗首都德黑兰的人口和面积就比整个以色列都要大。我想要说的是,伊朗在弹道导弹,巡航导弹,高超音速导弹以及自杀式无人机和侦察式无人机方面也很先进。这是连俄罗斯都没有的技术。因此伊朗有能力打赢以色列。 Urs Badertscher @Hk Iran and ability ? Ever been in Iran ? Me I was. Iran is a messed up country. 伊朗有能力打败以色列?你有去过伊朗吗?我去过。伊朗是一个混乱的国家。 Hk @Urs Badertscher I grew up in Iran and have been living in Iran for many years. Iran is surrounded by war-torn countries. Terrorist groups in Pakistan, Taliban in Afghanistan, war in Baku and Yerevan, ISIS in Iraq. But there is a lot of security in Iran. Iran is very advanced in the field of drones. Iran exports drones to Russia. You can see American soldiers in many countries of the world, including Germany, Turkey, Pakistan, etc., but there are no foreign soldiers in Iran. 我在伊朗长大,在伊朗生活了很多年。伊朗周围都是饱受战争蹂躏的国家。伊朗周边的巴基斯坦的恐怖组织,阿富汗的塔利班,耶烈万的巴库战争,还有伊拉克的伊斯兰国组织。但是伊朗非常的安全。伊朗在无人机领域非常的先进。就连俄罗斯也要向伊朗进口无人机。你可以看到世界上有很多国家都有美国大兵的影子,比如德国,土耳其,巴基斯坦等,但在伊朗没有一个外国士兵。 Ukaegbu Eni Israel small but mighty. I am from Africa 以色列虽然小,但是很强,我来自非洲原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Md Amzad sry sir, You forget that Israel is not a country 抱歉,你忘了,以色列不是一个国家 nick garner @Md Amzad You need to get an education. Israel is a great nation surrounded by nations who wish to destroy it. They never will. 你需要去接受教育。以色列是一个伟大的国家,周围的那些国家各个都想要摧毁以色列,但他们永远不会得逞。 watsun In the 90's Israel greatest headache was Iraq, but now in present time, it's Iran 在上世纪90年代,以色列最头疼的是伊拉克,但现在它最头疼的国家是伊朗 Mr Le Vietnam loves Israel, a small but powerful country, just like Vietnam! 越南喜欢以色列,一个小而强的国家,就像越南一样。 Raphael Quality is much more important than quantity in a war. The Russia-Ukraine war proves it. Israel has a huge advantage technologically. 在战争中,质量要比数量更加重要 俄罗斯和乌克兰的战争已经证明了这一点。以色列在技术上拥有巨大的优势 David Gallagher Because of the US 因为美国 Tony Stone Israel’s got nukes and would use them onIran in a split second if it felt it had to. Iran does not. End of discussion. 以色列有核武器,在紧要关头,如果有必要的话,以色列将会使用核武器。而伊朗没有核武器。讨论结束。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

James Mensah You don't know if iran has tactical nukes or not. When ussr disintegrated everything of the soviet era went on sale. When Russia retrieved its nukes from Ukraine 230 tactical nukes went missing am not saying it's in iran but the possibility that Iran has nuclear weapons cannot be ruled out. 你根本不知道伊朗有没有战术核武器。在苏联解体的时候,很多东西都被打包出售了。在俄罗斯取回乌克兰的核武器的时候,发现有230枚战术核武器不翼而飞了,我不是说这些核武器就在伊朗,但现在不能排除伊朗有核武器的可能性。 Faried Vallie And that is why Iran must get nukes.End of discussion. 这就是为什么伊朗必须拥有核武器的原因,讨论结束。 DCC LAFAWE BAHEZ Are you sure that Iran does not have an atomic bomb? Iran does not want war, but in case of war, the enemies will be shocked 你确定伊朗没有核武器? 伊朗不想要战争,但如果真的发生战争,那么伊朗将会让敌人大吃一惊。 Allah - Randi ka Pillah Considering the size of Israel, it is quite impressive to have such a good military. No wonder why Israel defeated 6 Arab nations at once. Apart from that, Israel has very advanced technologies like Iron dome and even nukes. 以以色列的体量竟然能够拥有如此出色的军队,这真的非常了不起。难怪以色列可以同时击败六个阿拉伯国家。除此以外,以色列还拥有非常先进的技术,比如铁穹防御系统和核武器。 Vladimir X Israel has never fought a war by itself. With out the military, political, intelligence, and military support of all European countries. America, and even Russia, Israel will not exist. Also, do not forget that Israel was defeated militarily in 2006 by a small Guerrilla force called Hezbollah in south Lebanon. This military defeat was openly acknowledged by Israel's military and government in 2006. If Israel couldn't deal with Hezbollah, imagine what will happen to Israel during an open confrontation with Iran? 以色列打的那些战争依靠的都不是自己的力量。没有欧洲,美国甚至俄罗斯的军事,政治和情报支持,以色列早就已经不在了。而且不要忘了2006年以色列在军事上被黎巴嫩南部一个名为真主党的小小游击队所击败。以色列军方和政府公开承认了2006年的这场军事失败。如果以色列连真主党都对付不了,那么想象一下如果它和伊朗发生公开冲突,那么以色列会是什么下场。 Nathan Applegate LOL. Iran stands no chance. If Iran could invade Israel, they’d have done it already. The thing is, even in the 40’s and 50’s when Israel had barely declared nationhood and had no military, they were fighting 6 front wars on the defensive and coming out on top. Now they have a potent military with tons of operational experience against Iranian militant organizations. And Iran is one country with almost none experience. 哈哈,伊朗没有任何击败以色列的可能性。如果伊朗可以入侵以色列的话,那么他们早就这样做了。问题是,即使是在上世纪四五十年代以色列刚刚宣布建国的时候,就打赢了六场前线防御战争,要知道当时的以色列连军队都没有。现在他们拥有了一支强大的军队,并且拥有对抗伊朗激进组织的丰富经验。而伊朗几乎是一个没有任何战争经验的国家。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

HMilad The 40s and 50s are gone now u r not able to fight Hezbollah things. 现在早就已经不是四五十年代了,现在的你们连真主党都打不过。 Hahahahah hatdog I believed its not the quantity but the quality that matters... 我认为重要的不是数量,而是质量 Aruna Nayanakantha Yes. Thats true. 是的,说的没错原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sarfaraz Husain Thats why india scared of Pakistan 这就是为什么印度害怕巴基斯坦的原因 Gordon Freeman I support Israel. Although the Israeli army is small in quantity, it is a very high-level army in quality. 我支持以色列。虽然以色列军队规模很小,但这是一支质量很高的军队。 JO Jumbe If it were not for the 49 year-sanctions......imagine, where Iran would have been today! 如果伊朗没有经历长达49年的制裁,想象一下,现在的伊朗会是什么样子。 Wisdom is better than silver or gold Israel nuclear weapons: 90 Iran nuclear weapons: 0 Israel : Iran is dangerous 以色列核武器数量:90 伊朗核武器数量:0 以色列:伊朗非常危险 Jango Fett @Adammax maxon Israel in the past defeated Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Lebanon all in six days. 以色列之前在六日战争中击败了埃及,叙利亚,约旦,伊拉克,沙特,科威特和黎巴嫩。(第三次中东战争也叫做六日战争) _AliPlays im proud of myslef that im iranian 为身为伊朗人而骄傲。 Immanuel Obi O Israel has a more powerful military 以色列拥有更加强大的军队原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

iranian soldier Iran has 3,709 combat tanks and 8,500 armoured vehicles, 2,485 rocket projectors, 1,525 MRAP, 5,625 total artillery, GDP 1.7 trillion and iran has 583 total aircraft, 23 attack aircraft, 197 fighter aircraft, 99 trainer aircraft, 126 total helicopters, 12 attack helicopters, 85 transport aircraft, 10 awacs aircraft, 7 tanker aircraft, 400 total navy, 29 sumbrains, 7 Frigates, 3 corvettes, 66 patrol vessels. Also iran has 1,050,00 paramilitary, 610,000 active personnel and 350,000 reserve service personnel and iran has a defence budget of $25 billion. 伊朗拥有3709辆作战坦克,8500辆装甲车,2485个火箭发射器,1525辆防地雷反伏击车,5625门火炮,gdp1.7万亿美元(应该是购买力平价),一共有583架战机,其中攻击机23架,歼击机197架,教练机99架,直升机一共126架,其中武装直升机12架,运输机85架,预警机有10架,加油机7架,海军舰艇400艘,29艘潜艇,7艘护卫舰,3艘轻型护卫舰,66艘巡逻艇。此外,伊朗有105万准军事作战人员,现役的有61万,预备役人员有35万,伊朗国防预算有250亿美元。 Lawrence Agnew The quality is what counts.if iran thought they could handle the IDF,they would have already tried. 重要的是质量。如果伊朗认为自己可以对付的了以色列国防军,那么他们早就这样做了。 Tjesni Rijod Iran is Quantity while Israel is of Superior Quality 伊朗虽然有数量优势,但以色列在质量上更胜一筹。 jmj272007 WWII America and Russia has numerical advantages over Germany quality force and they lost, Korean war China has numerical advantages and pushed the Superior force America all the way back to the 38th parallel. 在二战中德军有质量优势,而美军和俄罗斯军队有数量优势,但最后德国输了,在朝鲜战争中,拥有数量优势的中国将更强的美军一路推到了三八线。 AllahMohammadAli Iran voluntarily deprived itself of nuclear weapons, but did not receive any reward and, on the contrary, was sanctioned 伊朗自愿放弃了核武器,但是伊朗不但没有得到任何好处,反而还被人制裁。 Leit22 Fun fact Israel never lost a war… 有趣的是,以色列从来没有输过一场战争。 Dominick Justave They should be friends 他们应该成为朋友 Martin Pugh You cannot trust either of them 你不能相信伊朗和以色列 Ricardo José González Richard The most important nuclear weapons. Israel 90 Irán (?) 最重要的是核武器。以色列有90枚核武器,伊朗有吗? imetyx To be honest, Iran has nuclear weapons, and maybe more than Israel, and this is the reason for the US nuclear negotiations with Iran. 老实说,伊朗拥有核武器,或许数量比以色列还要多,这就是为什么美国要和伊朗进行核谈判的原因。 Parallel Comparison Iran has a 1960s air force 伊朗的空军属于上世纪60年代 MUNTASIR Art Iran don't have any neuclear weapon 伊朗没有核武器 Mirko1950 Israel alone could not handle Iran without US help. 没有美国的帮助,仅凭以色列自己是无法对付伊朗的。 Raphael media Israel is 7 th place military power in world ... 以色列是世界第七军事强国。




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