在 Excel 中计算两个数字之间的百分比变化

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在 Excel 中计算两个数字之间的百分比变化

2024-05-31 03:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在 Excel 中计算两个数字之间的百分比变化 添加一名作者 最后修改时间:2023-12-29

无论是商业分析、学术研究还是个人财务管理,掌握百分比变化计算对于有效的数据分析至关重要。本文将从 Excel 中计算百分比增加和减少的基本公式开始,然后深入研究更高级的操作,包括处理负数、处理零值以及根据给定的百分比变化反向计算原始值或新值。

基本公式 计算两个数字之间的百分比变化 计算增长百分比 计算减少百分比 进阶作业 使用负数计算百分比变化 计算零变化百分比 根据百分比变化计算旧值 根据百分比变化计算新值 计算百分比变化的基本公式



=(new_value - old_value) / old_value


=new_value / old_value – 1







选择一个空白单元格(本例中为 D2),输入以下公式之一,然后按 输入 得到结果的关键。选择该单元格并将其拖动 填充手柄 下来得到其余的结果。结果显示为一般数字,如下图所示:

=(C2-B2)/B2 =C2/B2-1

步骤 2:将结果格式化为百分比

要将数字格式设置为百分比,请保持结果单元格处于选中状态,然后选择 百分比样式 按钮在 联系电话 下的组 主页 标签。



备注: 在公式, C2 是包含新值的单元格,并且 B2 是包含旧值的单元格。 计算减少百分比



选择一个空白单元格(本例中为 D2),输入以下公式之一,然后按 输入 得到结果的关键。选择该单元格并将其拖动 填充手柄 下来得到其余的结果。结果显示为一般数字,如下图所示:

=(C2-B2)/B2 =C2/B2-1

步骤 2:将结果格式化为百分比

要将数字格式设置为百分比,请保持结果单元格处于选中状态,然后选择 百分比样式 按钮在 联系电话 下的组 主页 标签。



备注: 在公式, C2 是包含新价格的单元格, B2 是包含旧价格的单元格。 进阶作业



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两个数都是负数 其中一个数为负数 旧值为正,新值为负 旧值是负值,新值是正值



即使两个值均为负值,百分比变化的标准公式仍然有效。例如,假设一家公司的亏损从上季度的 10,000 美元(旧值为 -10,000)增加到本季度的 50,000 美元(新值为 -50,000)。如下图所示,使用标准公式(=(C2-B2)/B2)的收益率增加了 400%,表明损失从绝对值 10,000 美元增加到 50,000 美元,翻了两番。





例如,股票的价值从正转为负。上个月它的估价为 10 美元(旧值是 10)。本月,由于市场低迷,其价值跌至-10美元(新值为-10)。为了计算这两个数字之间的百分比变化,我应用了标准公式(=(C2-B2)/B2) 得到-200% 的结果。这代表显着下降,表明从盈利转变为亏损。


例如,一家企业从亏损转为盈利。去年,这家小企业亏损了 10000 美元(旧值是 -10000),今年盈利了 20000 美元(新值是 20000)。如果应用标准百分比公式来计算百分比变化,结果将不正确。

这里的结果 -300 在实际场景中具有误导性。它暗示着负面的变化,暗示事情已经恶化,但实际上,情况已经从亏损转为盈利。

在这种情况下,您需要使用 ABS功能 使分母为正可确保百分比变化结果准确反映从负到正的转变。这是新公式:


这里的结果 300% 表示实际从亏损转为盈利的正向变化。

备注: 请注意,ABS 方法可能会产生误导性结果。如下图所示,所有业务均由亏损转为盈利,其中F公司盈利最多。然而,与其他相比,它显示的百分比变化较小,这是没有意义的。因此,请谨慎使用此方法! 计算零变化百分比

虽然在 Excel 中计算百分比变化非常简单,但当计算涉及零时,您可能会遇到一些困难。


当旧值为零时,标准公式返回 #DIV / 0! 错误值。看截图:

在这种情况下,最可接受的解决方案是将百分比变化视为 100%。在基础数学中,从 0 到任何正数的变化都将被视为 100% 的增长。



=IFERROR((new value - old value) / old value, 1)


=IFERROR((new value / old value - 1, 1)

将结果显示为 100% 而不是 #DIV/0!错误,您可以应用以下公式之一:

=IFERROR((C2 - B2) / B2, 1) =IFERROR((C2 / B2) -1, 1)


当新值为0时,结果为-1,即-100%。结果-100%代表完全减少。在这种情况下,结果是合理的,因为从正值更改为 0 将减少 100%。结果是可以接受的。


有时,您可能会遇到这样的情况:您知道百分比变化和最新值,现在您需要确定原始值。例如,如果今年的销售额为 12,000 美元,比去年增长了 20%,那么您如何找到去年的销售额?在这种情况下,您可以使用以下公式:


=New value / (1 + Percentage Change)

选择一个空白单元格,例如C2,输入以下公式,然后按 输入 获得结果的关键。


备注:在此公式中, B2 是包含新值的单元格,并且该单元格 A2 包含百分比变化。 根据百分比变化计算新值

相反的情况是您知道百分比变化和原始值,并且需要确定新值。例如,如果今年的销售额为 10,000 美元,您的目标是明年的销售额比今年高 20%,您将如何计算明年的销售额?


=Old value * (1 + Percentage Change)

选择一个空白单元格,例如C2,输入以下公式,然后按 输入 获得结果的关键。


备注:在此公式中, B2 是包含旧值的单元格,并且该单元格 A2 包含百分比变化。

总之,掌握Excel中两个数字之间的百分比变化的计算是一项多才多艺的技能,可以显着增强您的数据分析能力。无论是处理简单的增加和减少,还是涉及负数或零值的更复杂的场景,本教程都提供了解决这些任务的各种公式。对于那些渴望深入研究 Excel 功能的人,我们的网站拥有丰富的教程。 在这里了解更多 Excel 提示和技巧.


创建带有百分比变化的柱形图本教程演示如何在 Excel 中创建具有百分比变化的柱形图。

在堆积柱形图中显示百分比本教程演示如何在 Excel 中以堆积柱形图显示百分比。


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Thanks for the formula! Would you mind explaining the formula, please?

Reply 0 0 Capt'n Obvious Capt'n Obvious     Fazz about 2 years ago #34881 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site SMH SMH SMH SMH SMH Reply 0 0 ok ok     Fazz about 2 years ago #34880 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site I hope you're not that dumb, dividing by 0 Reply 0 0 Vikky Vikky about 3 years ago #34225 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site Any help for picking up value only it falls between 85% to 99% else blank. Such as A is 10 and in B if we put any number , and in C it show the value only if it is fals between 85% to 99% of A Reply Report 0 0 Bill Bill about 3 years ago #34078 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site When a cell is blank, and another cell Has a number, how do you Reply 0 0 Stephen Stephen about 4 years ago #33081 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site Hello, Need help on how to write an formula with this situation. So i have a report card design to show the grade of each performance of the work output. I set a standard for a specific task in amount of 350. However, based on available volume, not all the month output can be reach to 350. Therefore, we calculated that for this month, the person can achieve their 100% goal by just reaching 174. However, that person can go beyond that number to reach 350. What i want to do here is that our grade level is showing below. If they achieve 174, they would get a grade level B which is between 95% to 105%. But in order to get to maximum 120% of grade A+, the person will need to reach 350. This is where i stuck with. So i know that if a person reaches 180, he/she would get somewhere 102 or 103%. But i dont know how to calculate this and be able to set a maximum 120% between the number of 174 and 350

So right now if the number double from 174 to 348, the % is 200%.... but i need to set this maximum 120% only. How can i do this?


0.00% -

40.00% E-

45.00% E

50.00% E+

55.00% D-

65.00% D

70.00% D+

75.00% C-

80.00% C

85.00% C+

90.00% B-

95.00% B

105.00% B+

110.00% A-

115.00% A

120.00% A+

Reply 0 0 Jeff Jeff about 4 years ago #32807 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site Percentage 'change' and percentage 'difference' are two different things. This formula represents percentage change, for example if you are are comparing values of the same statistic over time (e.g. product sales this year compared to product sales last year). Percentage difference is different. Difference can be used when comparing two different statistics to each other (e.g. Mary's annual sales compared to Martha's annual sales). Mary didn't have an increase or decrease on Martha's sales over the same time period, they were just different. To calculate percentage difference you take the absolute value of the difference between two numbers. Then divide it by the average of those two numbers and then multiple by 100 to get the percentage. For example, if the two values are 40 and 60. The difference is 20, ignoring whether it's positive or negative. The average is 50. 20/50 = .4 X 100 = 40%. The percentage increase between these two numbers, if it is an increase, would be 50%. The percentage decrease would be 33%. Close, but all very different. Reply 0 0 GeoG GeoG     Jeff about 2 years ago #32808 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site 1.The percentage increase between these two numbers, if it is an increase, would be 50%. The percentage decrease would be 33%. Close, but all very different.....  How did you get the 50 and the 33?2. If you say Marias YOY is 8% and Martha's YOY is -25%, how do you calculate the difference between those two YOYs? Reply 0 0 Miguel Garcia Miguel Garcia about 4 years ago #32624 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site The formula that works in all cases is "=(new_value - old_value) / abs(old_value)" Reply 0 0 J Rev J Rev about 4 years ago #29999 This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site How can I chnage regular percent change into Year over Year PCH? Reply 0 0 There are no comments posted here yet Load More Please leave your comments in English Guest Posting as Guest




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