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2024-07-11 12:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

离职的英文:be suspended from officeleave office

参考例句:He's the outgoing ambassador.他就是即将离职的大使。But the project stopped again because Zhangqiu Jianqiong was promoted and left the area.但由于章仇兼琼升迁而离职,工程再度停顿。He left the job for reasons of health.他因健康原因离职。Colin left his job in May.柯林五月份离职了。That decided me to leave my job.那件事使我决定离职.strike the flag降旗表示投降|降旗离职 Did you check out of the office?你办了离职手续了吗?surrey was withdrawn in 1522萨里于1522年离职。I have to leave my position due to close-down of our company.由于我们公司倒闭,我不得不离职。We need a replacement for the secretary who left. 我们需要一个人代替已离职的秘书。suspended是什么意思:adj. 暂停的,缓期的;悬浮的v. suspend的过去式和过去分词suspending sirup悬浮糖浆剂 The light was suspended from the ceiling.灯是吊在天花板上的。To cease or suspend an action temporarily.暂停,中止暂时性的停止或终止某一行动 office是什么意思:n. 办公室;政府机关;公署,部;所,局;营业处;官职,职务despatch office发送室 The office micro interface with the mainframe in the head office.办公室的微机与总部的中央处理器相互联结。He was removed from office.他被免职了。leave是什么意思:v. 离开;出发;舍弃;脱离;辞去;遗忘;听任;留下;交托n. 休假;许可;辞别To leave;vacate.离开;撤出 I leave that to you.这都留给你啦。Leaves die, fall, and shrivel. 叶子凋零、飘落枯萎了。






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