
您所在的位置:网站首页 介词在英语中的缩写 和一些动词搭配构成的短语中的介词可以省略


2024-03-02 05:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




     “介词 + 名词”形成副词短语,若将介词省略,剩下的名词在形式上则成为动词的宾语,事实上仍具有原来副词短语的性质,此时所剩下的名词称为副词性的宾语。这就是名词当副词用的由来。这些做宾语的名词,通常是表示时间、距离、重量、价值、次数、程度、状态等的名词。

   He has already waited (for) two hours.(他已经等了两小时。)

   I came home (at) about four.(我大约4点钟回家。)

   I walked (for) ten miles.(我走了10英里。)

   (At)What time will he be here ?(他何时会在这里?)

   You must not treat him (in) that way.(你不可以那样对待他。)

   They bound him (by) hand and foot.(他们把他的手脚捆in起来了。)

   2.“of + 形容词 + 名词”做补语时,其中的of常被省略。此种短语多半用来表示大小、年龄、形状、颜色、价格等。

   They are (of) the same age. 他们同龄。

   The chimneys are (of) the same height. 这些烟囱一样高。

   (Of) What size is your hat ? 你的帽子(大小)几号?

   Have you seen any fish (of) that size ? 你是否看过那样大小的鱼?

   The door was (of) dark red . 哪门是深红色的。

   (Of) What price is this article ? 此物价格如何?

   3. near, next, opposite 等之后的to常被省略。

   The school is near (to) the park.学校靠近公园。

   She sat next (to) me. 她坐在我旁边。

   His office is opposite (to) ours.他的办公室在我们的正对面。


   It is next to impossible. 那几乎是不可能的。

   4. 由并列连词 and, or, not only ... but (also)..., either ... or ..., both ... and ...等或 instead of 连接的两个介词短语,若介词相同时,第二个介词通常被省略。

    You may go by land or (by) water. 你可以由陆路或水路去。

    It is a matter of life and (of) death. 那是一件生死攸关的事。

    If you want to be wealthy, think not only of getting but (of) saving. 


    We raise many million sheep, both for wool and (for) mutton. 


    Few countries can produce all that they require either for food or (for)

    clothing. 很少国家能生产衣或食的一切必需品。

    This summer I am going to Tainan instead of (to) Taipei.



    Do you prefer traveling by night or by day ? 


    The phrases "by observation" and "by experiment" distinguish the two

    different methods of testing the truth of something. 


   【注2】and 或 or 连接的两个介词短语的宾语相同时,常将第一个宾语省略,而成为由and 或 or 连接两个介词,其后再接一个宾语。

   Whether he is for or against us, we cannot tell.【for 之后省略掉 us】


   He was pacing up and down the room . 【 up 之后省略掉 the room 】


   She would not speak to or even look at him .【 to 之后省略掉 him 】


   The boy was still so weak that he was carried to and from his bed .

  【 to 之后省略掉 his bed 】



   5. 动名词之前介词的省略

     (1)busy(忙碌), employ(从事), lose(浪费), occupy(忙碌;从事), pass(度过;消磨), spend(花费), waste(浪费)等动词接宾语,再接动名词时,是动名词之前的介词省略了。

      She busied herself (in) tiding up her desk.(她忙于收拾她的书桌。)

      He employs himself (in) writing.(他从事写作。)

      I shall lose no time (in) beginning the work.【lose no time把握时间】


     (2)busy(忙碌的), employed(从事于), engaged(从事于), late(迟的), occupied(忙碌的), weary(厌倦的)等形容词或当形容词的过去分词接动名词,也是省略了动名词前的介词。

     He was busy (in) prepairing for the examination.(他忙于准备考试。)

     She was employed (in) learning something useful at that time.


     She is engaged (in) planning her summer trip.(她正在计划她的夏季旅行。)

     (3)have business 和 have difficulty (trouble, fun, a hard time, a good time) 接动名词时,也是动名词之前省略了介词 in 。

     He has no business (in) saying such things about me. 





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