中英双语话史记 第122期:郑成功收复台湾

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中英双语话史记 第122期:郑成功收复台湾

2024-07-13 06:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Ming Dynasty明朝The Recapture of Taiwan by Zheng Chenggong郑成功收复台湾As an island in East Asia, Taiwan (台湾)is located off the coast of mainland China, south of Japan and north of the Philippines.作为东亚的一个小岛,台湾位于中国大陆沿海地区,日本的南部和菲律宾的北部。It is bounded to the east by the Pacific Ocean, to the south by the South China Sea, to the west by the Taiwan Strait and to the north by the East China Sea.台湾东临太平洋、南临中国南海、西接台湾海峡、北接中国东海。The island is 245 miles long and 89 miles wide and consists of steep mountains covered by tropical and subtropical vegetation.小岛长245英里、宽89英里,岛上布满了覆盖着热带和亚热带植被的崇山峻岭。Evidence of human settlement in Taiwan dates back 30000 years.台湾岛上的居民区可追溯到30000年前。Records from ancient China indicate that Han Chinese might have known of the existence of the main island of Taiwan since the Three Kingdoms period, having assigned offshore islands in the vicinity names like Greater and Minor Liuqiu (琉球),though none of these names have been definitively matched to the main island of Taiwan.中国古代的记录显示中国人早在三国时期就已经知道了台湾本岛的存在,并把其周边沿海的岛屿命名为大琉球和小琉球,尽管这些名字没有一个与台湾本岛完全相配。


It has been claimed but not verified that Zheng He (郑和 Ming Dynasty) visited Taiwan between 1403 and 1424.据称郑和曾在1403到1424年间到访过台湾,不过这个信息并没有得到证实。In 1624, the Dutch established a commercial base on Taiwan and began to import workers from Fujian and Penghu as laborers, many of whom settled.1624年,荷兰人在台湾建立了一个商业基地并开始从福建和澎湖征收劳动力,这些人大部分都在台湾定居了。The Dutch made Taiwan a colony with its colonial capital at Tainan.荷兰将台湾变成了自己的殖民地,首都位于台南。In 1661,Zheng Chenggong (郑成功)led his troops to a landing at Lu’ermen to attack Taiwan.1661年,郑成功带领军队驻扎在鹿耳门攻打台湾。By the end of the year, he had chased out the Dutch, who had controlled Taiwan for 38 years.到这一年的年末,他赶走了控制了台湾38年的荷兰人。Following the fall of the Ming dynasty (明朝),he retreated to Taiwan as a self-styled Ming loyalist, and established the Kingdom of Dongning (东宁王国 1662—1683).明朝灭亡后,郑成功撤回台湾,在当地自封为反清复明之人并建立了东宁王国(1662——1683)。Zheng Chenggong establishing his capital at Tainan and he and his heirs continued to launch raids on the east coast of mainland China well into the Qing dynasty, in an attempt to recover the mainland.郑成功定都台南,他和他的继位者们依旧从中国大陆东岸向清朝发动袭击,企图光复大陆。At the age of 39, Zheng Chenggong died of malaria, although speculations said that he died in a sudden fit of madness upon hearing the death of his father under the Qing.郑成功39岁那年死于疟疾,尽管有传言说他是在听到自己的父亲被清朝迫害后死于突然的发疯。His son, Zheng Jing (郑经),succeeded as the King of Taiwan.他的儿子,郑经,继承了他的位子。In 1683,the Qing dynasty (清朝)defeated the Zheng holdout, and formally annexed Taiwan, placing it under the jurisdiction of Fujian province.1683年,清军战胜了郑家军的顽强抵抗,官方宣称台湾为附属国,归于福建省管辖。Following the defeat of Zheng’s grandson to an armada led by Admiral Shi Lang, Zheng’s followers were expatriated to the farthest reaches of the Qing empire, leaving approximately 7 000 Han on Taiwan.自从郑成功的孙子被施琅大将军的无敌舰队击败后,郑成功的追随者被大清帝国流放到了最偏远的地区,台湾岛上大约有7000汉人留下了。The Qing government wrestled with its Taiwan policy to reduce piracy and vagrancy in the area, which led to a series of edicts to manage immigration and respect aboriginal land rights.清朝为了减少这个地区的海盗和流浪者就实行了台湾本土的政策,这带来了一系列管理移民和尊重当地原住民的法令。Illegal immigrants from Fujian continued to enter Taiwan as renters of the large plots of aboriginal lands under contracts that usually involved marriage, while the border between taxpaying lands and “savage” lands migrated east, with some aborigines while others retreated into the mountains.来自福建的非法移民不断进入台湾,这时纳税人的土地和蛮人的土地之间的界限向东迁移,他们作为原住民大部分土地的合约承租人通常都与当地人结婚,而其他一些原住民已经退回了山中。During this time, there were a number of conflicts involving Han Chinese from different regions of China, and between Han Chinese and aborigines.在这段时期,来自中国不同地区的汉人之间有矛盾,汉人和当地的原住民间也有矛盾。The bulk of Taiwan’s population today,the “native” Taiwanese,claim descent from these migrants.今天我们所说的台湾的“当地”人其实是指这些移民的后裔。




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