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#关于介绍长春英文作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”介绍长春“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intducing Changc。以下是关于介绍长春四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intducing Changc

My hometown is Xiushan Changc my hometown Changc City is a good place with green mountains and betiful water in Jilin Pvince. Changc is a hilly city. The scenery here is very betiful.

There is an Oujiang River in the south of the city. The Oujiang River can't gw out of hope. A very pe ver is like a silver belt.

Ripples appear in the sun. The ver flows easard slowly. The fish cast nets and fish on the ver sface An impressive bdge connects the outskirts of the city and leads the bdge.

On the left is a betiful Nanyue. Her delicate and natal bety has attracted many forei guests fm the pvince. Her high-tech pduction line and excellent pducts have opened up the for Changc, and Changc people are pud of it.

My hometown is not only betiful, but also betiful And economic pspety, yo buildings w high sral new directional buildings se, spacious streets speed up the brand-new and betiful taxi streets are full of s, there are all kinds of goods on the , the dazzling slopes, bustling, many places have entertainment places, the activities here are really ch and colorful, it is a good place for people to relax O school has recently made changes in packaging, the campus flowers in full bloom, green trees into bactea, is a garden style school, the dlopment of my hometown is really fast, I love my hometown.




My hometown one day in my summer vacation direction: in this part, you can use minutes to wte a composition about this topic: my hometown, you should at least wte one word. My hometown has a very betiful name Changc, which means that spng flowers bloom all the year und, and the city is healthy. As its name implies, it is the capital of Jilin Pvince, the political, economic and cultal center of the whole pvince and the whole country One of the key metpolises, with an area of than square kilometers and a population of 10000 people, is a betiful city in the hinterland of the Northeast Plain of China.

Changc is known as "Financial City", "Automobile City" and "cultal city". It is the location of a number of famous universities and scientific research institutes such as Jilin University. Jilin university enjoys a high reputation in China.

Changc is not only famous for its histocal reli such as the last impeal palace, but also famous for its histocal and cultal city. Bee of its wide streets, lush green trees and ws of high-se buildings, Changc is also known as the city in the forest. The scenery of the city is full of moving bety, which undouedly leaves an unforgettable expeence for toists.




Before: strate was wtten by Sun Tzu, a Chinese classic of than five or six dred years. In a very stct way, the thor put forward a set of pnciples on how to defeat opposition and win the War + "wtten" and "wter", the art of strate, the art of strate, the art of strate, the art of strate, the art of strate, and the art of strate In the art of strate and the art of strate, Sun Tzu put forward a set of stct compression pnciples to defeat the "Sun Tzu" before his opponent + + +: Lu Hao graduated last summer. Shortly after graduation, he joined the first tomobile factory in Changc.

After graduation, he got an engineeng position in the University. Last summer, after graduating with an engineeng degree, Lu Hao soon joined the first tomobile factory in Changc (+ +) for an engineeng degree. Last summer, Lu Hao joined Hangzhou No.1 Automobile Factory shortly after graduation.

Shortly after graduation, Lu Hao joined Changc No.1 Automobile Factory (+ +) last summer.



标签: 新学期  队员 




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