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2023-02-12 06:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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如何从勒索软件中免受伤害 上周五,超过150个国家超过了20000台计算机受到了最大的网络攻击影响。这个攻击使用了一个病毒锁定计算机数据,攻击者要求支付一定的费用才解锁计算机。 这个病毒,被命名为WannaCry,在组织中受感染的电脑包含了【受感染的电脑的机构包括】英国的医疗保健系统,美国的联邦快递公司和俄罗斯内政部。 我们的故事,勒索软件影响全球计算机这篇文章,解释了更多的关于病毒内容。 尽管周五网络攻击停止了,这个病毒可能会以另一种不同的方式卷土重来。学习关于这个病毒和你现在应该采取的措施来保护你的数据免受WannaCry未来版本影响,这是很重要的。 病毒如何锁定电脑 WannaCry攻击的是连接到互联网中并且使用了windows操作系统的电脑。微软在三月份发布了安全补丁,还没有更新的操作系统会受影响。 如何阻止WannaCry 一个开发者意外的发现了能够阻止WannaCry传播的方式。他看到计算机代码并且注意到这个病毒正在引导计算机指向一个域名。他查询到这个域名并且发现还没有被注册,因此他花费了不到11美元买下它。这个简单的操作启用杀手开关来阻止WannaCry进一步传播。 不幸的是,这个杀手开关不能解锁已经感染到病毒的计算机。 这个开发者选择保持无名,但是使用的Twitter账号@malwaretechblog。他写了一篇博文详细解释了他发现阻止WannaCry的杀手开关的过程。这篇博文被命名为《如何偶然阻止全球网络攻击》。 但是我们还不安全 这个网络攻击使用了一个安全漏洞,这仍然能存在运行旧版本的Windows计算机上。计算运行windows10,还没有安装更新的也是存在风险的。 这个病毒可能会再次攻击。黑客发起新的网络攻击所要做的仅仅只是给WannaCry更换域名,然后发布更新后的病毒。 如何保护你的数据未来再次受到网络攻击 你可以保护你自己未来再次受到网络攻击。确保给你的计算机下载最新的Windows安全补丁。微软,Windows的制作者,已经为老版本的Windows发布了防护WannaCry的安全补丁。 如果你需要帮助,请访问微软主页“如何保持你的计算机Windows是最新版本”。 如果你不想关心保持你的计算机更新那么请允许Windows自动更新。 还有,确保保存和备份你的数据。在本地硬盘和云上定期备份你的数据。当另外一个网络攻击发生时通过这种方式你可以保护你的数据。 不要点击链接或在邮件中下载附件,除非你确保它们不是来自黑客的网络钓鱼邮件。尽管WannaCry病毒攻击没有通过这种方式发生,在过去有其它的病毒是通过这种方式发生的。


How to Protect Yourself from 'Ransomware'

Last Friday, the largest cyberattack ever affected more than 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries. The attack used a virus that locked the computers' data. The attackers demanded payment to unlock the computers. The virus, called WannaCry, infected computers in organizations including the British healthcare system, the American company FedEx and Russia's Interior Ministry. Our story, 'Ransomware' Affects Computers Worldwide explains more about the virus. Although Friday's cyberattack was stopped, the virus may soon return in a different form. It is important to learn about the virus and the steps you should take now to protect your data from future versions of WannaCry. How the virus locked computers WannaCry attacked computers that were connected to the Internet and used Windows operating systems. The systems affected had not yet been updated with a security patch that Microsoft released in March. How WannaCry was blocked A developer accidentally discovered a way to prevent WannaCry from spreading. He looked at the computer code and noticed that the virus was directing computers to a domain name. He checked on the domain name and discovered that it was available, so he bought it for less than $11. That simple move enabled a "kill switch" that prevented WannaCry from spreading further. Unfortunately, the kill switch does not unlock computers that were already infected by the virus. The developer has chosen to remain nameless but uses the Twitter account @malwaretechblog. He wrote a blog post that explains in detail how he happened to discover the kill switch for WannaCry. The post is called How to Accidentally Stop a Global Cyber Attacks. But we are not safe yet This cyberattack used a security hole that still exists for computers running older versions of Windows. Computers running Windows 10 that have not yet installed the update are also at risk. The virus may attack again. All the hackers have to do to launch a new cyberattack is to change the domain name in WannaCry, then release the updated virus. How to protect your data against future cyberattacks You can protect yourself against future cyberattacks. Make sure to download the latest Windows security patch to your computer. Microsoft, the maker of Windows, has now released security patches for older versions of Windows that give protection against WannaCry. For help, visit Microsoft's page called "How to Keep Your Windows Computer Up-to-date." Permit automatic Windows updates if you do not want to worry about keeping your computer updated. Also, make sure that you save, or back up, your data. Do regular backups of your data, both locally with an external drive and in the Cloud. That way you can protect your data when another cyberattack occurs. Be sure not to click on links or download attachments in emails unless you are sure that they are not "phishing" emails from hackers. Although the WannaCry virus attack did not happen this way, others have happened this way in the past.




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