学案01 名词

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学案01 名词

#学案01 名词| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共29张PPT)名词重难知识点复习种类 定义 例词专有名词 表示具体的人名、地名、机构、月份和节日等专有名称的名词 China(中国), Newton(牛顿), Sunday(星期天)普通名词 可数名词 个体 名词 表示某类人或东西中的个体 cup(杯子), desk(桌子), student(学生)集体 名词 表示若干个体组成的集合体 class(班级), team(队,组), family(家庭)不可数名词 物质 名词 表示无法分为个体的实物 rice(米饭), water(水), cotton(棉花)抽象 名词 表示行为、品质、情感、状态等抽象概念 love(爱), work(工作), life(生活)(一)名词分类(二)名词的功能名词在句中可作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、表语、状语、同位语等。其中名词作定语是中考的重要考点。1. 名词作定语时一般用单数形式。Is that a shoe factory or a toy one 那是一家鞋厂还是玩具厂?2. 当man或woman修饰复数名词作定语时,要用复数形式。two women teachers 两位女教师three men doctors 三位男医生3. 一些名词用其复数形式作定语。a clothes shop 一家服装店a sports meeting 一场运动会a glasses shop一家眼镜店(三)名词的数1.名词的数概述可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。表示单个人或事物用单数形式;表示一个以上的人或事物用复数形式。2.可数名词变复数的规则(1)规则变化①一般情况下,在词尾加-s。desk→ desks 书桌 tree→ trees 树 face→ faces 脸②以 s, x, z, sh, ch 等结尾的名词,通常在词尾加-es。bus→ buses 公共汽车 box→ boxes 盒子 dish→ dishes 盘子③以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,将 y 改为 i再加-es。city→ cities 城市 lady→ ladies 女士 story→ stories 故事④以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,一般变 f或fe为v再加-es。knife→ knives 小刀 thief→ thieves 贼 life→ lives 生命⑤以元音字母+o结尾的名词,一般在词尾加-s;以辅音字母+o结尾的名词,一般在词尾加-es。hero→ heroes 英雄 radio→ radios 收音机potato→ potatoes 土豆 zoo→ zoos 动物园tomato→ tomatoes 西红柿 kangaroo→kangaroos 袋鼠注意:某些外来词虽是以辅音+o结尾的名词,但变复数时加-s。photo→ photos 照片 piano→pianos 钢琴kilo→ kilos 千克 tobacco→tobaccos 烟草(2)不规则变化①改变单数名词中的元音字母或其他形式。man→ men男人 woman→ women女人tooth→ teeth牙齿 foot→ feet脚mouse→ mice鼠 child→ children孩子②巧记单复数同形的可数名词:中日友谊永不变,他们都爱鱼鹿羊。说明:Chinese(中国人) Japanese (日本人)fish(鱼)deer(鹿) sheep (绵羊)③有些名词只有复数形式。people(人们) scissors(剪刀) trousers (裤子)clothes (衣服) pants (长裤) shorts (短裤)glasses (眼镜) socks(袜子) shoes(鞋子)(四)不可数名词1. 不可数名词不能与a/an连用,表示“一个”这类概念时, 常用一些短语。a piece of news 一条新闻 a bottle of ink一瓶墨水a stick of chalk 一根粉笔 a bar of chocolate一块巧克力2. 不能用数词直接修饰不可数名词,数词要和量词一起修饰不可数名词;也可以用much,some, a little, any等词修饰不可数名词。two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶 five bags of rice 五袋大米There is a little water in the glass. 杯子里有一点水。Could you lend me some money 你能借给我一些钱吗?  (五)名词所有格名词所有格的种类英语中有些名词可以加-’s或-s’表示所属关系, 主要用于表示有生命的名词,也可以用of 短语,表示所有关系。Jack’s best friend is Betty.The door of the house was broken.They are reading books in the students’ reading-room.(1)所有格的构成①名词所有格的构成:单数名词 加-’s the child’s bag 这个孩子的书包Mike’s father 迈克的爸爸以s的结尾的复数名词 加’ girls’ school 女子学校the Smiths’ car 史密斯家的汽车不以s结尾的复数名词 加-’s children’s books 儿童图书women’s clothes女士服装② -’s所有格的特殊用法A.如果两个人共有同一物,则只在后一个名词词尾加-’s;如果两个人分别拥有某物,则分别在两个名词词尾加-’s,被修饰名词要用复数形式。This is Tom and Peter’s room. 这是汤姆和彼得的房间。(两个人共有)These are Tom’s and Peter’s rooms. 这些是汤姆和彼得的房间。(分别拥有)B.表示时间、距离、国家、地点和自然现象等无生命名词的所有格也可以用-’s的形式。today’s paper 今天的报纸C.表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,名词所有格后面的这类名词常被省略。I’m going to the doctor’s (office). 我打算去医务室。She is staying at my uncle’s (house). 她住在我叔叔家。(2) “of +名词”所有格表示无生命的名词通常用“of+名词”的结构来表示所有关系。the windows of the room 房间的窗户the cover of the dictionary 词典的封面(3) 双重所有格的概念及用法①表示部分概念,of 短语修饰的名词前通常有表示数量的限定词,如a,an,one,two,some,several,a few,many,any,no等。This is a picture of mine. 这是我的一张照片。②双重所有格与of所有格的不同。例如:a photo of Mary’s 玛丽的一张照片(玛丽许多照片中的一张,不一定是她本人)a photo of Mary 一张玛丽的照片(玛丽本人的照片)③双重所有格的形式:名词+of+名词的-’s所有格名词+of+名词性物主代词名词+of +one’s ownA friend of Tom’s will join us in the game.汤姆的一位朋友将和我们一起做游戏。Some friends of mine often help me with my English.我的一些朋友经常帮我学英语。I want a room of my own. 我想要一个自己的房间。模拟演练1. British people eat _____ a lot, and they are usually cookedin different ways.A. chicken B. beef C. fish D. potatoes【解析】选D。由后半句中的they are可知此处应用复数名词, A、B和C三项均是不可数名词。故选D项。2.—Do you like _____ —No, I prefer rose, the colour of your dress.A. orange B. oranges C. carrot D. carrots【解析】选A。由答语“不,我更喜欢玫瑰色,你衣服的颜色。”可知上文在询问对方所喜欢的颜色,orange意为“橙色”,是不可数名词。3.—I want to go to the movies. Is there a _____ near here —Yes, there is one across from the post office.bookstore B. supermarket C. museum D. theatre【解析】选D。由句中“I want to go to the movies.(我想去看电影。)”可知D项为正确答案。4. Orange represents _____. It can bring you success andcheer you up when you are feeling sad.A. wisdom B. joy C. energy D. sadness【解析】选C。句意:橙色代表活力。它能在你感到悲观的时候,带给你成功,让你振奋。wisdom意为“智慧”;joy意为“高兴”; sadness意为“悲伤”。energy意为“能量,精力,活力”,符合句意。5. All the _____ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th,because it was their own holiday.A. man B. men C. woman D. women【解析】选D。根据信息词March 8th可知是三八妇女节,应该是女老师们玩得非常开心,女老师们的表达应该是women teachers。故选D。6. Lin Shuhao did a good job in the basketball match yesterday. He is my favourite ______.A. worker B. teacher C. dancer D. player【解析】选D。 player意为“运动员”。根据句意选D。7. As there were not enough chairs in the park, they had to sit on the _______.A. ground B. earth C. land D. field【解析】选A。由句意“由于公园里没有足够的椅子,他们不得不坐在地上。”可知A项为正确答案。on the ground意为“在地上”;on the earth意为“在地球上”;on the land意为“在陆地上”;in the field意为“在田地里”。8. Of all the vegetables, I like _____ best.A. potatoes B. eggs C. milk D. apples【解析】选A 。potatoes属于蔬菜,符合句意。9. I need a _____. I want to write something.A. bag B. pen C. ruler D. basket【解析】选B。由句中“I want to write something.”(我想要写一些东西。),可知此处需要的是笔。故选B。10. Can you imagine what life will be like in _____ time A. 20 years’ B. 20 year’s C. 20-years’ D. 20-years【解析】选A。以-s结尾的复数名词变所有格时,在词尾加’,故选A项。11. They got much _____ on the Internet.A. photo B. idea C. message D. information【解析】选D。 much 修饰不可数名词,information意为“信息”,是不可数名词,符合句意,故选D项。12. These are _____ schoolbags.A. Jim and Tom’s B. Jim’s and TomC. Jim and Tom D. Jim’s and Tom’s【解析】选D。因句子的主语和表语都是复数形式,故选D项。13. Last night, there was an accident. Ten _____ were hurt, but no _____ were lost.A. child; lives B. children; livesC. children; life D. child; life【解析】选B。由句中的ten 可判断排除A、D两项;由题干中的were lost可知此处用复数名词作主语,life作生命讲时,其复数是lives,故选B项。14. March 8th is _____ .A. Woman’s Day B. Women DayC. Woman Day’s D. Women’s Day【解析】选D。woman的复数形式是women,其所有格形式是在词尾加-’s,故选D项。15. Last Sunday I met _____ in the supermarket.A. a friend of Jim B. a friend of JimsC. a friend of Jims’ D. a friend of Jim’s【解析】选D。此题考查双重所有格。名词双重所有格的形式: ① 名词+of+名词的’s所有格, ② 名词+of+名词性物主代词, ③名词+of +one’s own,故选D项。中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台学案01 名词备考2023中考英语二轮高频考点剖析学案1.(2022·甘肃天水·校联考模拟预测)_______ number of the volunteers in our school is 300 and two thirds of them are _______.A.A; man teachers B.The; man teachers C.A; men teachers D.The; men teachers【答案】D【详解】句意:我们学校的志愿者有300人,其中三分之二是男教师。考查词义辨析和名词作定语。a number of“许多,大量的”,后接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时谓语动词用复数;the number of“……的数量”,接名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。结合谓语动词“is”可知此句表达“我们学校的志愿者数量”,应用短语the number of。man、woman作定语,表示其性别,修饰名词时,要与其修饰的名词单复数一致,此句“teachers”是复数,man应用复数men。故选D。2.(2022·甘肃定西·统考二模)—Is this hat ________ —No, the red hat is ________.A.Lucy’s; hers B.Lucy; hersC.Lucy’s; her D.Lucy; her【答案】A【详解】句意:——这顶帽子是露西的吗?——不,红色的帽子是她的。考查名词所有格及名词性物主代词。根据“Is this hat ... ”可知问帽子的归属,用名词所有格;答句中is后缺少表语,表示“她的帽子”,用hers。故选A。3.(2022·甘肃金昌·校考一模)—Would you please give me two ________ —Sure, here you are.A.cup of tea B.cups of teas C.cups of tea D.cup of teas【答案】C【详解】句意:——请给我两杯茶好吗?——当然,给你。考查名词复数。根据空格前数词“two”可知空格处名词用复数,cup的复数cups,tea是不可数名词,“两杯茶”是two cups of tea。故选C。4.(2022·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—Have you learned “When will the moon be clear and bright With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.” —Yes. Su Shi wrote the poem for ________.A.the Spring Festival B.the Mid-Autumn FestivalC.the Lantern Festival D.the Dragon Boat Festival【答案】B【详解】句意:——你学过“明月几时有,把酒问青天吗”?——是的,苏轼为中秋节写了这首诗。考查专有名词。the Spring Festival春节;the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;the Lantern Festival元宵节;the Dragon Boat Festival端午节。根据诗句“When will the moon be clear and bright ”可知,这首诗是有关月亮的,可以推测是中秋节。故选B。5.(2022·四川雅安·四川省汉源县第一中学校考一模)At last, the poor boy was ________. But people didn’t know the reason of his ________.A.died; death B.dead; death C.dead; die D.death; dead【答案】B【详解】句意:最后,那个可怜的老人死了。但是人们不知道他死的原因。考查形容词和名词。die死亡,动词;dead死亡的,形容词;death死亡,名词。根据题干第一个空,由系动词was可知系表结构,填形容词dead。第二个空,形容词性物主代词his修饰名词death。故选B。6.(2022·重庆渝北·统考模拟预测)________ Day is a special holiday for us to show our love for our mothers.A.Mother B.Mothers C.Mother’s D.Mothers’【答案】C【详解】句意:母亲节是一个特殊的节日,让我们表达我们对母亲的爱。考查专有名词。根据“a special holiday for us to show our love for our mothers”可知此处指母亲节,即“妈妈的节日”,一个人只有一个妈妈,用名词所有格mother’s,此处用专有名词Mother’s Day表示“母亲节”。故选C。7.(2022·海南海口·海口市第十四中学校联考模拟预测)I’ve learned a lot from Journey to the West, because the four heroes go through the eighty-one ________ with the strong will.A.difficulties B.differences C.discussions【答案】A【详解】句意:我从《西游记》中学到了很多,因为四位主角以坚强的意志度过了八十一个难关。考查名词辨析。difficulties难题,难关;differences区别;discussions讨论。根据“Journey to the West”可知《西游记》里讲述的是师徒四人度过八十一个难关。故选A。8.(2022·湖南岳阳·统考一模)I like this song. It’s by one of my favorite ________.A.singer B.songs C.singers【答案】C【详解】句意:我喜欢这首歌。它是由我最喜欢的一位歌手唱的。考查名词辨析和名词的数。singer歌手;songs歌曲;singers歌手们;根据“one of my favorite...”可知,此处考查固定表达one of +复数名词,表示“……之一”,排除A项;主语It指的是“this song”,所以by后跟动作的实施者——人。故选C。9.(2022·广西柳州·统考模拟预测)Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our ________ in China. We are proud of them.A.woman astronauts B.women astronaut C.women astronauts【答案】C【详解】句意:王亚平和刘洋是我们中国的女宇航员。我们为她们感到骄傲。考查复合名词的复数。woman astronaut女宇航员,根据“Wang Yaping and Liu Yang”可知,此处使用复数形式,由“woman+名词”构成的复合名词,变为复数时,两个词都要变成复数。故选C。10.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·统考二模)Every year, a number of tourists choose to come to China to see ________.A.the Terracotta Army B.World Trade Center C.the International Museum of Toilets【答案】A【详解】句意:每年都有许多游客选择来中国看兵马俑。考查常识。the Terracotta Army兵马俑; World Trade Center世界贸易中心;the International Museum of Toilets国际厕所博物馆。根据“choose to come to China”结合常识可知兵马俑是中国的。故选A。11.(2022·重庆·统考一模)The hospital is _________ from here.A.forty minutes’s walk B.forty minute’s walk C.forty minutes walk D.forty minutes’ walk【答案】D【详解】句意:医院离这里有40分钟的步行路程。考查名词所有格。根据句中“from here”提示,此处指的是医院距离此处有40分钟的步行路程。forty minutes’ walk表示“40分钟的步行路程”,故选D。12.(2022·黑龙江绥化·校考一模)—What’s on the table —A little ________, but few _________.A.milk; cakes B.cakes; milk C.milk; cake【答案】A【详解】句意:——桌子上是什么?——一点牛奶,但是几乎没有蛋糕。考查名词的数。milk牛奶,不可数名词;cake蛋糕,可数名词。a little“一点”,后加不可数名词,排除B;few“几乎没有”,后加可数名词复数。故选A。13.(2022·广西柳州·统考三模)Most of the teachers in our school are ________.A.teachers B.woman teacher C.women teachers【答案】C【详解】句意:我们学校的大多数教师是女教师。考查复合名词的复数。复合名词的复数变化规则:“man/woman+名词”构成的复合名词,两个词都要变成复数。例如:woman teacher变成women teachers“女老师”。故选C。14.(2022·江苏苏州·统考二模)I’m sorry that I made you get into a difficult ________.  .A.mess B.humour C.lecture D.situation【答案】D【详解】句意:我很抱歉让你陷入困境。考查名词辨析。mess混乱;humour幽默;lecture讲座;situation情况。根据“difficult”可知,是陷入困境,因此“situation”符合句意。故选D。15.(2022·安徽·统考一模)—You’re best at English. What’s the ________ to learning it well —I think reading a lot is the most important.A.ability B.secret C.task D.guide【答案】B【详解】句意:——你最擅长英语。学好英语的秘诀是什么?——我认为大量阅读是最重要的。考查名词辨析。ability能力;secret秘密;task任务;guide导游。根据“I think reading a lot is the most important.”可知,此处是询问英语好的“秘诀”。故选B。16.(2022·西藏·统考中考真题)More and more ________ want to learn about Chinese culture.A.Germans B.German C.Germany D.Germans’【答案】A【详解】句意:越来越多的德国人想了解中国文化。考查词义辨析和名词复数。Germans德国人,名词复数;German德国人,名词单数;Germany德国;Germans’表述错误。“More and more”修饰可数名词复数,指人想了解中国文化。故选A。17.(2022·广西桂林·统考中考真题)Bill has got two ________.A.sister B.brothers C.student【答案】B【详解】句意:比尔有两个兄弟。考查名词复数。sister姐妹;brothers兄弟们;student学生。two修饰可数名词复数,故选B。18.(2022·湖南益阳·统考中考真题)Look! There are some ________ eating grass on the hill.A.sheep B.cow C.horse【答案】A【详解】句意:看!有一些绵羊在山上吃草。考查名词辨析。sheep绵羊;cow奶牛;horse马。根据“some”可知其后用可数名词复数,sheep单复数同形,其他选项均为单数。故选A。19.(2022·湖南湘西·统考中考真题)I’m not hungry at all because I just ate much ________.A.apples B.bananas C.bread【答案】C【详解】句意:我一点儿也不饿因为我刚吃了许多面包。考查名词辨析。apples苹果,可数名词复数;bananas香蕉,可数名词复数;bread面包,不可数名词。根据“much”可知此处用不可数名词。故选C。20.(2022·湖南邵阳·统考中考真题)— Would you like some ________ — Yes, madam.A.egg B.juice C.milk teas【答案】B【详解】句意:——你想要些果汁吗?——是的,夫人。考查名词辨析。egg鸡蛋;juice果汁;milk teas错误表达,奶茶是不可数名词,不可以加s。some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,只有B选项符合,故选B。21.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·统考中考真题)The ________ is China’s national treasure. It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.A.panda B.tiger C.elephant【答案】A【详解】句意:熊猫是中国的国宝。它是一种喜欢吃竹子的可爱动物。考查名词辨析。panda熊猫;tiger老虎;elephant大象。根据“China’s national treasure”和“It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.”可知,此处指熊猫。故选A。22.(2022·江苏徐州·统考中考真题)From my ________ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of our city.A.tradition B.condition C.position D.situation【答案】C【详解】句意:从我在电视塔顶部的位置,我可以完美地看到我们的城市。考查名词辨析。tradition传统;condition条件;position位置;situation形式,情况。根据“on the top of the TV tower,”可知,此处是要表示一个位置。故选C。23.(2022·甘肃定西·统考中考真题)The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.A.telephone B.doorbell C.clock D.bike【答案】A【详解】句意:电话铃响了,帕特接了电话。是他儿子从纽约打来的。考查名词辨析。telephone电话;doorbell门铃;clock时钟;bike自行车。结合语境和下一句“It was his son calling from New York.”可知帕特的儿子从纽约打电话来,所以应该是电话铃声响了。故选A。24.(2022·重庆·统考中考真题)This year, the family went camping on ________ Day, June 1st.A.Child B.Child’s C.Children D.Children’s【答案】D【详解】句意:今年,全家在6月1日儿童节去露营。考查名词所有格。由语境可知,此处指“儿童节”,英文表达为“Children’s Day”。故选D。25.(2022·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—How did you put together the model plane so perfectly —It's easy. I just followed the ________.A.instructions B.instrumentsC.interviews D.inventions【答案】A【详解】句意:-你怎样把那航空模型拼得那么完美?-容易,我就是按照说明做的。A. instructions说明;B. instruments乐器;C. interviews采访;D. inventions发明。按照说明拼接。故选A。26.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·统考中考真题)—There will be ________ tomorrow. We can’t eat out.—Well, we have to stay at home.A.rainy B.rain C.raining【答案】B【详解】句意:——明天会下雨。我们不能在外面吃饭。——嗯,我们必须呆在家里。考查there be用法。rainy下雨的;rain下雨,雨水;raining动名词形式。此处是there be句型,空处填的应是名词,rain符合语境,故选B。27.(2022·黑龙江绥化·统考中考真题)________ father is a pilot. He has been to many countries around the world.A.Tony and Peter’s B.Tony’s and Peter C.Tony’s and Peter’s【答案】A【详解】句意:托尼和彼得的爸爸是飞行员。他去过世界上许多国家。考查名词所有格。根据“father”可知,此处指两个人共有的爸爸,在后一个人名后加’s,故选A。28.(2022·黑龙江绥化·统考中考真题)With the introduction of the “double reduction” policy (双减政策), one of the ________ ________ that the students have less homework.A.changes; is B.change; is C.changes; are【答案】A【详解】句意:随着“双减”政策的出台,其中一个变化就是学生的作业变少了。考查名词复数和主谓一致。one of+名词复数,排除B;one of加名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数。故选A。29.(2022·江苏常州·常州市清潭中学校考一模)The factory cannot continue its level of ________ because the cost of the material has risen a lot.A.instruction B.production C.contribution D.celebration【答案】B【详解】句意:由于材料成本上涨了很多,工厂不能继续它的生产水平了。考查名词辨析。instruction指示,说明;production生产,产量;contribution贡献;celebration庆祝。结合语境可知本句说的是工厂的生产水平与原料价格之间的关系,所以空处用名词production。故选B。30.(2022·江苏常州·校考一模)—To tell you the truth. I don’t want to join in the speech competition.—Come on. You need more practice to build up your ________.A.challenge B.confidence C.instruction D.personality【答案】B【详解】句意:——实话告诉你。我不想参加演讲比赛。——来吧。你需要更多的练习来建立自信。考查名词辨析。challenge挑战;confidence自信;instruction指示;personality性格。根据“You need more practice to build up your...”可知,此处“confidence”符合语境,意为“建立自信”。故选B。31.(2022·江苏南通·统考一模)The number of the words in your article isn’t important, but the _________ of it matters.A.ability B.size C.quality D.energy【答案】C【详解】句意:在你的文章中字数不重要,但它的质量很重要。考查名词辨析。ability能力;size尺寸;quality质量;energy能量。根据“The number of the words in your article isn’t important”可知文章的字数不重要,结合常识可知重要是是质量。故选C。32.(2022·云南玉溪·统考一模)The _________ of space industry has improved a lot in China.A.develop B.developed C.developing D.development【答案】D【详解】句意:中国航天事业的发展有了很大的进步。考查名词。根据“The”可知后面要带名词。the development of space industry表示“航天事业的发展”,development是名词。故选D。33.(2022·黑龙江绥化·统考一模)—What are you going to do during the ________ holiday after the final exam —I’d like to go to Europe to enjoy plenty of culture there.A.two-months B.two-month C.two months【答案】B【详解】句意:——期末考试后的两个月假期里你打算做什么?——我想去欧洲享受那里丰富的文化。考查名词词组。“两个月”可译为two-month或two months,结合“the ... holiday”可知此处作定语,只能用two-month。故选B。34.(2022·广西河池·统考三模)—I hear there are three foreign students in your class.—Yes. One is an ________ and the other two are ________.A.Australian, Germans B.Australians, GermenC.Australians, Germans D.Australian, Germen【答案】A【详解】句意:——我听说你们班有三名外国学生。——是的。一个是澳大利亚人,另外两个是德国人。考查名词的单复数。Australian澳大利亚人;German德国人。第一个空前有不定冠词an,后加名词单数,排除BC;空二处应用名词复数,而German的复数形式为Germans。故选A。35.(2022·甘肃武威·统考一模)Uncle Wang is an excellent engineer. He is a friend of ________.A.my father B.my father’s C.my fathers D.my fathers’【答案】B【详解】句意:王叔叔是一位优秀的工程师。 他是我父亲的一个朋友。考查名词所有格。根据“a friend of”可知,此处表示我父亲的朋友,需用名词所有格;因father是单数,加’s,故选B。36.(2022·内蒙古呼伦贝尔·统考一模)The government has made some _________ in environment protection.A.mistake B.decision C.change D.progress【答案】D【详解】句意:政府在环境保护方面取得了一些进展。考查名词的数。mistake错误;decision决定;change变化;progress进展。mistake,decision和change为可数名词,progress为不可数名词,some+可数名词复数或者不可数名词,故选D。37.(2022·江苏南京·统考二模)—Samon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.—That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man.A.habit B.dream C.sleep D.wish【答案】A【详解】句意:——Samon每天睡觉前总要读半个小时的书。——这是个好习惯,读书使人充实。考查名词辨析。habit习惯;dream梦想;sleep睡眠;wish愿望;根据“Samon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.”可知,Samon每天睡觉前总要读半个小时的书。由此说明,这是一个好习惯。故选A。38.(2022·辽宁丹东·统考一模)—In China, we put lucky money in red envelopes because red means good luck.—That’s interesting! I want to know more about Chinese ________.A.notices B.articles C.traditions D.instructions【答案】C【详解】句意:——在中国,我们把压岁钱放在红包里,因为红色意味着好运。——很有趣!我想知道更多关于中国传统的事情。考查名词辨析。notices通知;articles文章;traditions传统;instructions指令;根据“In China, we put lucky money in red envelopes because red means good luck.”可知,在中国,我们把压岁钱放在红包里,因为红色意味着好运。这是中国人过春节的一种习俗,春节是中国的传统节日。由此可推断,此处使用traditions,表示“传统”符合语境。故选C。39.(2022·江苏无锡·统考二模)—I have never made a pizza before, so it is just an ________.—But it tastes really good! I would like to have another piece.A.experiment B.invention C.exhibition D.operation【答案】A【详解】句意:——我以前从来没做过披萨,所以这只是个实验。——但味道真的很好!我想再来一块。考查名词词义辨析。experiment实验;invention发明;exhibition展览;operation手术;根据“I have never made a pizza before...”及结合选项可知,我以前从来没做过披萨,由此可判断这只是个实验,符合语境。故选A。40.(2022·辽宁营口·校考模拟预测)—What would you like to eat, honey —__________.A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of ricesB.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of riceC.Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of riceD.Chickens with vegetable and two bowls of rices【答案】B【详解】句意:——亲爱的,你想吃什么? ——鸡肉加蔬菜,两碗米饭。考查可数名词和不可数名词。chicken意为“鸡肉”时为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故C、D选项可排除。rice是不可数名词,没有复数形式,表达“两碗米饭”时要用two bowls of rice,故选B。21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台学案01 名词备考2023中考英语二轮高频考点剖析学案1.(2022·甘肃天水·校联考模拟预测)_______ number of the volunteers in our school is 300 and two thirds of them are _______.A.A; man teachers B.The; man teachers C.A; men teachers D.The; men teachers2.(2022·甘肃定西·统考二模)—Is this hat ________ —No, the red hat is ________.A.Lucy’s; hers B.Lucy; hersC.Lucy’s; her D.Lucy; her3.(2022·甘肃金昌·校考一模)—Would you please give me two ________ —Sure, here you are.A.cup of tea B.cups of teas C.cups of tea D.cup of teas4.(2022·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—Have you learned “When will the moon be clear and bright With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.” —Yes. Su Shi wrote the poem for ________.A.the Spring Festival B.the Mid-Autumn FestivalC.the Lantern Festival D.the Dragon Boat Festival5.(2022·四川雅安·四川省汉源县第一中学校考一模)At last, the poor boy was ________. But people didn’t know the reason of his ________.A.died; death B.dead; death C.dead; die D.death; dead6.(2022·重庆渝北·统考模拟预测)________ Day is a special holiday for us to show our love for our mothers.A.Mother B.Mothers C.Mother’s D.Mothers’7.(2022·海南海口·海口市第十四中学校联考模拟预测)I’ve learned a lot from Journey to the West, because the four heroes go through the eighty-one ________ with the strong will.A.difficulties B.differences C.discussions8.(2022·湖南岳阳·统考一模)I like this song. It’s by one of my favorite ________.A.singer B.songs C.singers9.(2022·广西柳州·统考模拟预测)Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our ________ in China. We are proud of them.A.woman astronauts B.women astronaut C.women astronauts10.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·统考二模)Every year, a number of tourists choose to come to China to see ________.A.the Terracotta Army B.World Trade Center C.the International Museum of Toilets11.(2022·重庆·统考一模)The hospital is _________ from here.A.forty minutes’s walk B.forty minute’s walk C.forty minutes walk D.forty minutes’ walk12.(2022·黑龙江绥化·校考一模)—What’s on the table —A little ________, but few _________.A.milk; cakes B.cakes; milk C.milk; cake13.(2022·广西柳州·统考三模)Most of the teachers in our school are ________.A.teachers B.woman teacher C.women teachers14.(2022·江苏苏州·统考二模)I’m sorry that I made you get into a difficult ________.  .A.mess B.humour C.lecture D.situation15.(2022·安徽·统考一模)—You’re best at English. What’s the ________ to learning it well —I think reading a lot is the most important.A.ability B.secret C.task D.guide16.(2022·西藏·统考中考真题)More and more ________ want to learn about Chinese culture.A.Germans B.German C.Germany D.Germans’17.(2022·广西桂林·统考中考真题)Bill has got two ________.A.sister B.brothers C.student18.(2022·湖南益阳·统考中考真题)Look! There are some ________ eating grass on the hill.A.sheep B.cow C.horse19.(2022·湖南湘西·统考中考真题)I’m not hungry at all because I just ate much ________.A.apples B.bananas C.bread20.(2022·湖南邵阳·统考中考真题)— Would you like some ________ — Yes, madam.A.egg B.juice C.milk teas21.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·统考中考真题)The ________ is China’s national treasure. It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.A.panda B.tiger C.elephant22.(2022·江苏徐州·统考中考真题)From my ________ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of our city.A.tradition B.condition C.position D.situation23.(2022·甘肃定西·统考中考真题)The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.A.telephone B.doorbell C.clock D.bike24.(2022·重庆·统考中考真题)This year, the family went camping on ________ Day, June 1st.A.Child B.Child’s C.Children D.Children’s25.(2022·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—How did you put together the model plane so perfectly —It's easy. I just followed the ________.A.instructions B.instrumentsC.interviews D.inventions26.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨·统考中考真题)—There will be ________ tomorrow. We can’t eat out.—Well, we have to stay at home.A.rainy B.rain C.raining27.(2022·黑龙江绥化·统考中考真题)________ father is a pilot. He has been to many countries around the world.A.Tony and Peter’s B.Tony’s and Peter C.Tony’s and Peter’s28.(2022·黑龙江绥化·统考中考真题)With the introduction of the “double reduction” policy (双减政策), one of the ________ ________ that the students have less homework.A.changes; is B.change; is C.changes; are29.(2022·江苏常州·常州市清潭中学校考一模)The factory cannot continue its level of ________ because the cost of the material has risen a lot.A.instruction B.production C.contribution D.celebration30.(2022·江苏常州·校考一模)—To tell you the truth. I don’t want to join in the speech competition.—Come on. You need more practice to build up your ________.A.challenge B.confidence C.instruction D.personality31.(2022·江苏南通·统考一模)The number of the words in your article isn’t important, but the _________ of it matters.A.ability B.size C.quality D.energy32.(2022·云南玉溪·统考一模)The _________ of space industry has improved a lot in China.A.develop B.developed C.developing D.development33.(2022·黑龙江绥化·统考一模)—What are you going to do during the ________ holiday after the final exam —I’d like to go to Europe to enjoy plenty of culture there.A.two-months B.two-month C.two months34.(2022·广西河池·统考三模)—I hear there are three foreign students in your class.—Yes. One is an ________ and the other two are ________.A.Australian, Germans B.Australians, GermenC.Australians, Germans D.Australian, Germen35.(2022·甘肃武威·统考一模)Uncle Wang is an excellent engineer. He is a friend of ________.A.my father B.my father’s C.my fathers D.my fathers’36.(2022·内蒙古呼伦贝尔·统考一模)The government has made some _________ in environment protection.A.mistake B.decision C.change D.progress37.(2022·江苏南京·统考二模)—Samon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.—That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man.A.habit B.dream C.sleep D.wish38.(2022·辽宁丹东·统考一模)—In China, we put lucky money in red envelopes because red means good luck.—That’s interesting! I want to know more about Chinese ________.A.notices B.articles C.traditions D.instructions39.(2022·江苏无锡·统考二模)—I have never made a pizza before, so it is just an ________.—But it tastes really good! I would like to have another piece.A.experiment B.invention C.exhibition D.operation40.(2022·辽宁营口·校考模拟预测)—What would you like to eat, honey —__________.A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of ricesB.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of riceC.Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of riceD.Chickens with vegetable and two bowls of rices21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)






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